
Yu Shuxin and Ding Yuxi's new drama "Eternal Night Galaxy", the trailer has exceeded 10 million views

author:Entertainment Jun said the entertainment industry

Yu Shuxin partnered with Wang Hedi in the past to perform "Canglan Jue" and became popular, and her acting skills in "Cloud Feather" with Zhang Linghe were well received, and she and Ding Yuxi performed the latest trailer of the new drama "Eternal Night Galaxy", which broke 10 million traffic in just one day, and many people think that Yu Shuxin is expected to create a new peak of acting with this drama. Although the trailer received a lot of appreciation, in the official announcement poster, Yu Shuxin's face accounted for 80% of the picture, and Ding Yuxi and other supporting characters stood behind her, tragically becoming the brimmed male protagonist, which also made fans on both sides choke each other.

Yu Shuxin and Ding Yuxi's new drama "Eternal Night Galaxy", the trailer has exceeded 10 million views

Yu Shuxin and Ding Yuxi have performed together in "Moonlight Variations" in the past, and this time the duo was originally highly anticipated, but it was rumored that Yu Shuxin affected the filming of the crew because of too much foreign affairs, causing Ding Yuxi to delay entering the next crew. Among them, after Yu Shuxin returned to the crew, she was dissatisfied with the scene where Ding Yuxi was filmed with the stand-in, so she asked for a reshoot, and even broke out that she was so angry that she cried on the set of Ding Yuxi, and the hero and heroine fell out directly, which is quite rare in the industry.

Yu Shuxin and Ding Yuxi's new drama "Eternal Night Galaxy", the trailer has exceeded 10 million views

Ding Yuxi (left) and Yu Shuxin (right) performed "Eternal Night Starry River" together, but it broke out that the hero and heroine tore their faces, which made the outside world dumbfounded. (Taken from Eternal Night Galaxy Weibo)

"Eternal Night Starry" is adapted from Bai Yu's carving bow novel "Black Lotus Strategy Manual", in the latest trailer, Yu Shuxin traveled back to ancient times to become a vicious female partner "Ling Miaomiao", her main task is to make "Mu Sheng" (played by Ding Yuxi) like her from the original -200 disgust value, so "Ling Miaomiao" took the initiative to please "Mu Sheng", and even threatened: "Green tea doesn't matter at all!" She even ran to the "Musheng" bed to be coquettish when she couldn't sleep, which can be said to be doing everything, and finally made the favorability rise to 8.5%, and the hilarious plot made netizens' expectations soar.

Yu Shuxin and Ding Yuxi's new drama "Eternal Night Galaxy", the trailer has exceeded 10 million views

Yu Shuxin (left) tried her best to please Ding Yuxi (right) in the play, and even did not hesitate to lie in bed together to be coquettish, full of pestering skills. (Taken from Weibo)

It is worth mentioning that Wang Yixu, the producer of "Eternal Night Galaxy", has directed "Canglan Jue" starring Yu Shuxin and Wang Hedi in the past, as well as "Seven O'clock Auspicious" performed by Ding Yuxi and Yang Chaoyue. If you don't look closely, you won't know where the hero is." But Yu Shuxin's fans believe that "Eternal Night Starry" was originally a big heroine drama, and it is understandable that the stills were taken like this.

Yu Shuxin and Ding Yuxi's new drama "Eternal Night Galaxy", the trailer has exceeded 10 million views

The latest stills of "Eternal Night Galaxy" (left) are headed by the heroine Yu Shuxin, and the male protagonist Ding Yuxi is above her head, making Ding Yuxi miserable to become a bordered male protagonist. (Taken from Eternal Night Galaxy Weibo)

In addition, Yu Shuxin uses the original lines in the play, many people think that her baby voice and audio are too high, if the whole play is watched, I am afraid that people will not be able to listen to it, but the crew still insists on using it, which shows that she is full of weight in Wang Yixu's heart. On the other hand, Ding Yuxi's original lines have been praised many times in the past, but this time he used dubbing, which made netizens very incomprehensible, calling Wang Yixu too eccentric, and initiating a joint signature, hoping to hear Ding Yuxi's original voice.

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