
It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

author:Cheng Yixian
All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources of information and is detailed at the end of the article

≺ Preamble≻

According to official media reports, there will be a total of 25,623 students with a score of 600 and above in the 2024 Henan College Entrance Examination.

More than 150,000 people in the undergraduate line! The fate of ordinary people may change because of this, but what about the stars?

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

As long as there are Chinese stars, they are not exempt from taking the college entrance examination, but netizens always have a stereotype that celebrities are children who do not study well.

As everyone knows, the college entrance examination results of the star students are staggering!

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

≺ Celebrity college entrance examination results revealed ≻

Every year in the college entrance examination season, not only the results of ordinary candidates attract much attention, but also the college entrance examination past of those stars who are active in front of the screen always arouses heated discussions.

Speaking of Yu Shuxin, many people's first impression may be the lively and lovely "Little Zuojing" in "Youth with You 2", but under this sweet appearance, there is an out-and-out academic bully.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

With an astonishing score of 669, Yu Shuxin was admitted to Lhasa University of the Arts in Singapore, a university that is not well-known in China but has an international reputation, ranking in the top 50 in Asia and the top 200 higher education institutions in art and design in the world.

Yu Shuxin's high score not only proves her outstanding performance in cultural classes, but also shows her extraordinary talent in the field of art.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

As a hot traffic star at the moment, Xiao Zhan's college entrance examination results are also impressive.

In 2010, he was admitted to the School of Modern Design and Art of Chongqing Technology and Business University with an excellent score of 490 points, which was quite impressive at that time.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

What's more worth mentioning is that after graduation, Xiao Zhan relied on his design talent to start a business in partnership with his classmates and won a design project of 200,000 yuan in one fell swoop.

This is not only a testament to his ability to learn, but also a demonstration of his ability to translate what he has learned into practical applications.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

When it comes to academic stars, we have to mention Yang Mi.

It is rumored that Yang Mi was admitted to Beijing Film Academy with an impressive score of 583 points in cultural courses and the first place in professional courses.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

You must know that at that time, Yang Mi was already famous for her role as Guo Xiang in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and she was able to maintain such excellent academic performance at the beginning of her career, which shows her diligence and intelligence.

It's no wonder that she has been able to soar all the way in the entertainment industry and become a leader among the new generation of actors.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

Guan Xiaotong, known as the "national girl", not only has a sweet appearance, but also has the learning strength to match.

In 2016, Guan Xiaotong was successfully admitted to Beijing Film Academy with a score of 552 points in the college entrance examination and the first place in the professional class.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

As the eldest of the TFBOYS members, Yi Yang Qianxi's performance can be described as quite eye-catching.

In 2018, he was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with a score of 473 points in cultural courses, plus the first place in professional courses.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

In the 2020 college entrance examination, Zhao Jinmai was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with an excellent score of 52 points higher than the undergraduate line, with a total score of 524 points.

What's even more amazing is that she has achieved the first place in the country in the professional art examination, and this new generation of actors, known as the "national sister", has proved with her strength that she is not only beautiful, but also talented.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

In the 2013 college entrance examination, Wang Herun was admitted to the Communication University of China with the first place in the liberal arts and arts category, with a total score of 603 in the college entrance examination.

Interestingly, she could have been escorted to China University of Political Science and Law, but she resolutely chose the path of the art examination, and this decision also laid the groundwork for her later role as Sheng Hualan in "Do You Know If You Should Be Green, Fat, Red and Thin".

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

Zhang Linghe, who is mistaken by many people as a "silly white sweet", is actually an out-and-out academic bully.

In 2016, he was admitted to Nanjing Normal University with a score of 378, and the total score of the Nanjing college entrance examination that year was only 480 points.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

What's even more surprising is that in the 200-point math test, Zhang Linghe actually scored a high score of 182 points.

Such an outstanding talent in science is really impressive.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

In the 2016 college entrance examination, Zhou was admitted to Beijing Film Academy with a score of 431 points in cultural courses and 66.37 points in professional courses, and finally ranked 36th in the major.

Although her grades are not as dazzling as those of several other top school stars, considering that she was still an amateur at the time, it was not easy to stand out among many candidates.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

As a fresh graduate in 2016, Zhang Xueying was successfully admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with a score of 415 points in cultural courses and the first place in the art examination.

Although her grades in cultural classes are slightly inferior to those of several other star students, her outstanding performance in professional classes is enough to prove her talent in the field of art.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

After reading the college entrance examination results of these star students, are you also full of confidence in your studies? You must know that these glamorous stars have also experienced the same years of struggle as us in the spotlight.

So in addition to excellent grades, how do these star students balance their studies and careers?

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

≺ Child star background vs rising star ≻

In the entertainment industry, all-round artists who can write and martial arts are always more popular, and these academic stars are undoubtedly the best of both talent and knowledge.

The secret of their success lies not only in their talent, but also in how to balance the study of cultural and professional courses, and how to achieve self-breakthrough in different growth backgrounds.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

For art candidates, how to find a balance between cultural and professional courses is often a huge challenge.

Taking Yi Yang Qianxi as an example, he still maintains a high intensity of study in his busy work schedule.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

In the 2018 college entrance examination, he was not only admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with a score of 473 points in cultural courses, but also won the first place in professional courses.

Behind this is his glamorous performance on stage, and countless late nights of reading at night.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

Similarly, Guan Xiaotong's score of 552 in the 2016 college entrance examination also confirms that she has found the perfect balance between her studies and career.

As a child star who has been filming since she was a child, it is really admirable that she can maintain such an excellent academic performance in addition to her heavy filming work.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

Among these academic stars, some are child stars who grew up in the spotlight since childhood, while some are "rising stars" who only entered the showbiz later.

These two different growth backgrounds have also created their different struggles.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

Take Zhang Zifeng as an example, she started acting at the age of 5 and is a typical child star, although she has been busy filming since she was a child, she has not relaxed her requirements for learning.

In the 2020 college entrance examination, she was admitted to Beijing Film Academy with a score of 391 points, although her cultural class results were not particularly outstanding, but her performance in professional classes was quite eye-catching, and she almost got a full score.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

In contrast, Zhou Ye is a typical "rising star", before she was admitted to Beijing Film Academy, she was just an ordinary high school student.

But with her 431 points in cultural classes and outstanding performance in professional classes, she successfully entered this art palace, which proves that even without the halo of a child star, as long as you work hard, you can still achieve something on the road of art.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

Whether they are child stars or rising stars, these celebrities have proved in their own way that there is no either/or choice between art and study.

Instead, the two can complement each other and work together to promote a person's all-round development.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

≺ Diversified development of star students ≻

In the entertainment industry, relying only on one skill can no longer meet the needs of the audience, and those stars who can show their talents in multiple fields are often more popular.

And these academic stars stand out in the fiercely competitive entertainment industry by virtue of their diversified development.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

The stories of these celebrity scholars undoubtedly have a strong motivating effect on the majority of young people, and they use practical actions to prove that learning and pursuing dreams are not conflicting, but can complement each other.

Taking Guan Xiaotong as an example, she still maintains excellent academic performance in addition to her busy filming work, and this emphasis on learning not only wins her more respect, but also provides more possibilities for her acting career.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

After the college entrance examination, the choices of these star students are also different. Some people insist on the path of acting, while others choose a completely different direction.

Zhao Jinmai is a typical example, after being admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with a high score of 524 points, she did not stop pursuing her acting career.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

She used the professional knowledge she learned in school to continuously improve her acting skills, and in works such as "Youth School" and "The Beginning", Zhao Jinmai's performance has been well received by the audience and industry insiders, proving that her persistence on the road of acting is the right choice.

However, not all celebrities choose to continue their acting careers, and some choose an unusual path.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

In the entertainment industry, there are indeed examples of artists who choose to quit the entertainment industry and focus on academic research.

This choice is also worthy of respect, because it reflects these people's thirst for knowledge and their different positions of self-worth.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

≺ Conclusion ≻

The diversified development paths of these star students show us the diversity of life choices.

Their experiences have taught us that no matter what path they choose in life, solid knowledge and a spirit of continuous learning are indispensable.

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

So in the face of these glamorous star students, how should ordinary college entrance examination candidates view their studies and future?

What enlightenment can the successful experience of these stars bring to the students of the college entrance examination?

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

Information sources:

1. Hebei News Network: On June 23, 2016, "How are the star college entrance examination results?" Guan Xiaotong, Yang Mi, and Sun Honglei's scores are eye-catching"

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points
2. Strait Metropolis Daily electronic version: June 12, 2015, "Star college entrance examination results exposed: Li Bingbing English 27 points Yang Mi is a true scholar"
It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the college entrance examination scores of 10 star students, Yu Shuxin scored 669 points, and Xiao Zhan scored 490 points

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