
won 5 championships in 11 days after it was broadcast, why is Yu Shuxin's new drama "rotten and top"?

author:Persistent Breeze A3

In this fast-paced urban life, love always comes quietly in the most casual way. "Moonlight Variations" is such a heart-warming urban romantic drama, which brings us into a magazine full of dreams and challenges - Yuanyue Club. Here, it is not only a sea of words, but also a hotbed of intertwined emotions.

The heroine of the story, Chu Li, played by Yu Shuxin, is the kind of girl who can immediately catch your eye as soon as she walks into the crowd. Hatsuri has a pair of big talking eyes, always flashing with curiosity and longing for the unknown. Her smile is warm and sincere, as if it can melt the ice of winter. As a new editor, she is passionate and persistent about her work, always finding the beauty in the details that others have overlooked.

The male protagonist Daychuan, played by Ding Yuxi, is a senior writer in the magazine, his words are deep and charming, and he can always touch the softest part of people's hearts. Hikawa is cold on the outside, but extremely delicate on the inside, he is meticulous in his work, and more cautious in his feelings. He always seems to have hidden stories in his eyes, and people can't help but want to find out.

won 5 championships in 11 days after it was broadcast, why is Yu Shuxin's new drama "rotten and top"?

The encounter between the two is like a well-choreographed drama. As the new editor, Hatsuri is curious about everything about the magazine, and she is eager to make her dream come true here. And Daykawa, as her mentor, not only gave her guidance in her work, but also inadvertently made her feel different care and warmth. The relationship between them has slowly developed from the beginning of teachers and students to friends, and even more.

In the big family of Yuanyue Society, everyone is working hard for their dreams. There are editors who can stay up all night for a good article, reporters who can run around for a good story, and there are those unsung support support for the entire magazine. Their stories may be ordinary, but they are no less moving.

The story of Hatsuri and Hikawa is like a small microcosm of this big family. They support each other at work and get through difficult times together in life. Hatsuri's optimism and enthusiasm gradually infected Hikawa, causing him to re-examine his life and emotions. And the maturity and stability of Daychuan also taught Chu Li how to be more calm and unhurried in the workplace.

won 5 championships in 11 days after it was broadcast, why is Yu Shuxin's new drama "rotten and top"?

As the plot progresses, the relationship between the two grows. They begin to try to understand each other's past and explore each other's inner worlds. Along the way, they encounter a variety of challenges, both work-related and emotional. But no matter what difficulties they encounter, they can always face them together and overcome them together.

"Moonlight Variations" is not only a romantic drama, it is also a story about growth, dreams, and perseverance. Here, everyone can find their own shadow and feel the yearning and pursuit of a better life. And the love between Chuli and Hikawa is like the warmest moonlight, illuminating each other's world and warming the hearts of every audience.

Hatsuri, a graduate of the Department of Finance, with the dream of becoming an editor, stepped into the door of the Yuan Moon Society. She knows that there is a huge gap between her professional background and her dreams, but her heart is full of love for words and persistence in her dreams. Faced with the dual challenges of professional mismatch and lack of experience, Chu Li did not flinch, but chose to bravely face the difficulties.

won 5 championships in 11 days after it was broadcast, why is Yu Shuxin's new drama "rotten and top"?

At the Moonlight Society, Hatsuri began her career as an intern. She absorbs new knowledge like a sponge, from proofreading manuscripts to participating in topic selection and planning, she takes every link seriously and strives to do her best. Her efforts were not in vain, and her colleagues began to notice this hard-working newcomer, and her name gradually spread in the magazine.

However, the road to positive action is not smooth. In the fierce competition, Chu Li needs to prove her worth, and winning the right to sign a new book with the new writer Yuchuan has become the key to her becoming a regular. Hisakawa is a talented but withdrawn writer whose work is loved by readers, but at the same time discourages many editors because of his unapproachability.

Chu Li knew that this was a huge challenge, but it was also a rare opportunity. She began to delve into Hirukawa's work, trying to understand his creative philosophy and style. She read all of Hikawa's books and even searched the Internet for bits and pieces about him, hoping to find an entry point to communicate with him.

won 5 championships in 11 days after it was broadcast, why is Yu Shuxin's new drama "rotten and top"?

By chance, Hatsuri learns that Hirukawa is about to attend a literary salon. She didn't hesitate to sign up, hoping to get up close and personal with Hirukawa and get to know his thoughts. At the salon, Hatsuri plucked up the courage to ask Hisakawa questions, and her questions were both professional and sincere, which made Hitsukawa look at her with admiration.

Through this exchange, an initial connection was established between Hatsuri and Hisakawa. She began to try to communicate with Hisaka, hoping to convince him to hand over the signing rights of the new book to Motogetsusha. The process was not easy, and Hisakawa was very picky about the choice of publishing house, and he always maintained a cautious attitude towards the proposal of Hatsuri.

But Hatsuri didn't give up, and she used her professional knowledge and love for literature to communicate with Hisakawa again and again. She not only showed the professional strength of the Yuanyue Society to Hikawa, but also impressed him with her sincerity and enthusiasm. In the exchanges, Hisakawa gradually felt the persistence and talent of Hatsuri, and he began to reconsider his cooperation with Mototsukisha.

won 5 championships in 11 days after it was broadcast, why is Yu Shuxin's new drama "rotten and top"?

Chuli's growth path was full of challenges, but she used her wisdom and hard work to win the recognition of her colleagues step by step, and gradually won the trust of Hisaka. Her story is like an inspirational drama, inspiring everyone with dreams, no matter how difficult it is, as long as they persevere, there will always be a day when their dreams will be realized.

The story of Hatsuri and Hisakawa is like a carefully woven romantic symphony, each note full of emotional ups and downs and sweet melodies. The emotional development between them, from the beginning of online netizens, to the acquaintance in real life, to the deep dependence on each other's hearts, every step is full of surprises and touches.

In the eyes of Daykawa, Chu Li was originally just an ordinary netizen, they talked about literature and shared their lives on the Internet, without any boundaries and barriers between them. Hirukawa admired Hatsuri's talent and enthusiasm, and Hatsuri was attracted by Hirukawa's depth and wisdom. Their communication on the Internet is like two souls flying freely in the night sky, with no restraints, only resonance.

won 5 championships in 11 days after it was broadcast, why is Yu Shuxin's new drama "rotten and top"?

However, when Hisakawa discovers in real life that Hatsuri is his bosom netizen, his feelings become complicated. On the one hand, he was pleasantly surprised, because he had finally found the person who could talk to his heart; On the other hand, he was also confused because he didn't know how to deal with this emotion that went from virtual to real.

But Hatsuri's sincerity and frankness quickly dispelled Hikawa's concerns. She didn't feel inferior because of Hikawa's fame and status, nor did she shrink back because of her ordinariness. In her own way, she made Hisakawa feel her sincerity and bravery. The relationship between the two is like a flower blooming in spring, quickly heating up and exuding a charming fragrance.

Their interaction is natural and sweet. Whether it's in the office of a magazine or in a café outside, they always find a tacit understanding in each other's eyes. They will be excited about a topic they like together, and they will laugh at each other's words. They have a strong sense of CP, and every small movement, every eye contact, makes people feel the special emotions between them.

won 5 championships in 11 days after it was broadcast, why is Yu Shuxin's new drama "rotten and top"?

Hisakawa began to pay more attention to Hatsuri, and he not only supported her in her work, but also cared for her in life. He would bring her a cup of hot coffee when he worked overtime late at night; I will also give her encouragement and advice when she encounters difficulties in the first ceremony. And Chu Li also responded to Daykawa's concern in her own way, she would prepare a delicious dinner for Himkawa when he was tired from writing; will also give him the most sincere comfort when he feels lost.

Their story is like a touching love song, with beautiful melodies and sincere emotions. Every interaction between them adds a lot of highlights to the plot, so that people can not only feel the sweetness of love, but also feel the deep emotion and tacit understanding between the two people in the process of watching. Their stories make people believe that true love can transcend time and space and warm every heart.

In "Moonlight Variations", the characters of Hatsuri and Hirukawa are unique, and their images break the stereotypes common in traditional sweet pet dramas. Chu Li, who looks weak on the outside, is full of wisdom and resilience on the inside. She is not the kind of weak woman who needs to be protected, but a modern woman with independent thinking and problem-solving skills. Her weakness is just a symptom, her intelligence and strength are her real core.

won 5 championships in 11 days after it was broadcast, why is Yu Shuxin's new drama "rotten and top"?

Hisakawa is a complex character, he is arrogant and venomous, but at the same time warm and attentive. His tsundere is not a condescending indifference, but a way to protect himself from harm. Behind his poisonous tongue lies a deep understanding of caring for others and things. And his warmth and attentiveness are the support and comfort that others need most at critical moments.

Yu Shuxin and Ding Yuxi's true colors add more vitality to these two roles. Yu Shuxin's sweet appearance and natural acting skills make it easy for people to feel the gentleness and wisdom of Chu Li. Every smile she makes, every turn of her eyes, makes people see the multifaceted nature of the role of Chu Li. And Ding Yuxi used his unique charm and profound acting skills to perfectly interpret the complexity of the role of Daychuan. Every micro-expression of his and every line of his tone and frustration make people feel the struggle and growth of Hikawa's heart.

The performance of the two actors makes the characters more three-dimensional and enhances the audience's sense of substitution. The audience can see Hatsuri's firmness and bravery in the face of challenges, and they can also feel the fragility and sincerity of Hikawa in the face of emotions. Their performances make people believe that these two characters are real and their stories are worth telling.

won 5 championships in 11 days after it was broadcast, why is Yu Shuxin's new drama "rotten and top"?

In the play, the chemistry between Yu Shuxin and Ding Yuxi is also very strong. Every time they interact, the audience can feel the emotional changes between the characters. Whether it is Chuli's silent support for Daychuan, or Daychuan's affectionate protection of Chuli, it can touch the heartstrings of the audience. Their performance is not only to interpret a story, but also to convey an emotion, a love of life and a dedication to love.

In general, the characterization of Chu Li and Daychuan, as well as the outstanding performances of Yu Shuxin and Ding Yuxi, add infinite charm to "Moonlight Variations". They make this drama not only a sweet pet drama, but also a work with deep connotation and rich emotions. In the process of watching, the audience can not only enjoy the sweet love story, but also feel the growth and change of the characters, and experience the true meaning of life and the power of emotions.

The reason why "Moonlight Variations" was able to captivate the audience was largely because of its authenticity and groundedness. This drama is not obsessed with creating a flawless dream world, but focuses on real life, especially the details of the workplace and life, so that the audience can see their own shadow in the play.

won 5 championships in 11 days after it was broadcast, why is Yu Shuxin's new drama "rotten and top"?

The intern in the play, Chu Li, her real life is full of challenges and uncertainties. As a finance graduate, Chu Li faced the double dilemma of mismatch and lack of experience. Her job search path is not smooth, but it is these challenges that allow the audience to see a real and strong image of a newcomer in the workplace. Her anxiety, her hard work, and her persistence are all true portrayals of many interns in the workplace.

In the workplace, Chu Li not only has to deal with heavy work tasks, but also has to face competition and pressure among colleagues. The presentation of the editing work in the play is very professional, from topic selection and planning, manuscript proofreading to communication with the author, every link is full of challenges. Chu Li continues to learn and grow in these jobs, and her efforts and progress allow the audience to see the struggle and growth of newcomers in the workplace.

As a veteran writer, Hirukawa's characters are equally authentic. His creative process is full of hardships, and every time he writes, he challenges his abilities. His pickiness and retreat are actually strict requirements for his own works and his love for literature. His character image allows the audience to see the struggle and persistence of a writer in the creative process.

won 5 championships in 11 days after it was broadcast, why is Yu Shuxin's new drama "rotten and top"?

The play also involves the expertise of the publishing industry, from copyright negotiation to marketing, every aspect of the work shows how difficult it is to be an editor. The display of these details not only increases the professionalism and credibility of the plot, but also gives the audience a deeper understanding of the publishing industry.

In addition, "Moonlight Variations" is also very well handled in the details of life. Whether it is Chu Li's life in a small rental house or her commute on the bus, the audience feels the difficulty of urban life. The small blessings in her daily life, such as a cup of coffee and a gathering of friends, let the audience see the small beauty of life.

In general, "Moonlight Variations" shows the struggle and growth of the protagonists in the workplace, as well as their joys, sorrows and sorrows in urban life through real workplace and life details. This drama allows the audience to see a more real and down-to-earth world, so that people can not only feel the emotional changes of the characters in the process of watching, but also experience the ups and downs of life.

won 5 championships in 11 days after it was broadcast, why is Yu Shuxin's new drama "rotten and top"?

Since the broadcast of "Moonlight Variations", it has been like a fresh wind blowing into the hot summer, bringing a trace of coolness and sweetness to the audience. This series quickly became popular with its unique charm and became the focus of heated discussions, with many viewers and netizens sharing their feelings on social media, hailing it as "the sweetest idol drama this summer".

The success of the series is first of all due to its careful portrayal of the characters and the excellent performance of the actors. The chemistry between Yu Shuxin and Ding Yuxi is eye-catching, and they play the two roles of Chuli and Daychuan to the fullest, making the audience feel a strong love in their sweet interaction. This sweetness is not only superficial, but also deep into the bone marrow, making people unconsciously smile in the process of watching.

In addition, the novelty of the drama in terms of plot setting is also an important reason for its praise. Although there are also some common routines in idol dramas in "Moonlight Variations", such as misunderstandings, triangular relationships, etc., the screenwriter cleverly integrated these elements into the workplace background that is closer to real life, allowing the audience to see a different story in a familiar scene. This innovative attempt allows the audience to feel the reality and challenges of the workplace while enjoying sweet love.

won 5 championships in 11 days after it was broadcast, why is Yu Shuxin's new drama "rotten and top"?

The production quality of the series has also been recognized by the audience. From the exquisite costumes and props to the delicate scene layout, every detail reveals the production team's intentions. In particular, the professional display of the publishing industry allows the audience to have a deeper understanding of this industry. This pursuit of quality makes "Moonlight Variations" stand out among many sweet pet dramas and become a masterpiece worth watching.

Of course, no work can be perfect, and Moonlight Variations is no exception. Some viewers pointed out that the handling of some of the plots in the play is a little old-fashioned, and the personality changes of some of the characters are also slightly abrupt. But these small flaws did not affect the overall look and feel, but increased the intimacy and credibility of the series to a certain extent.

Overall, "Moonlight Variations" has won wide acclaim from the audience and netizens for its real and touching story, three-dimensional and full characters, high-quality production and sweet love. It is not only a sweet pet drama, but also a work that can touch people's hearts and resonate. In this summer, it is like a refreshing drink, bringing coolness and happiness to people

won 5 championships in 11 days after it was broadcast, why is Yu Shuxin's new drama "rotten and top"?

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