
Xin Xinzi's new skills: How did Yu Shuxin become a master with a baby in a variety show?

author:Linlin said entertainment


Yu Shuxin brought a baby on the variety show

In the latest episode of the variety show, Yu Shuxin unexpectedly showed another side of her - super nanny. During the recording of the program, a customer had to entrust his child to the program team because of temporary affairs.

Xin Xinzi's new skills: How did Yu Shuxin become a master with a baby in a variety show?

Yu Shuxin took the initiative to ask for help and took over this "hot potato". She not only patiently played with the children, but also carefully fed and put them to sleep, and behaved with ease throughout the whole process. Netizens left messages on social media, and some joked: "Is Yu Shuxin going to change careers to become a parenting expert?" Some netizens ridiculed: "It seems that in the future, if you want to find Yu Shuxin to take the baby, you have to make an appointment in advance!" ”

Xin Xinzi's new skills: How did Yu Shuxin become a master with a baby in a variety show?

Yu Shuxin's gentle wife image


Yu Shuxin's gentleness and carefulness in the show made many viewers praise her image as a wife. The way she held the child not only moved the staff at the scene, but also made the audience in front of the screen feel warm

Xin Xinzi's new skills: How did Yu Shuxin become a master with a baby in a variety show?

Some netizens commented: "The way Yu Shuxin hugs her child is simply the ideal image of a mother!" Some netizens joked: "Whoever marries Yu Shuxin in the future will definitely earn it, not only can he bring a baby,

Xin Xinzi's new skills: How did Yu Shuxin become a master with a baby in a variety show?

She can also cook, she is simply an all-round goddess! These comments not only show Yu Shuxin's multi-faceted charm, but also make the audience look forward to her future family life.

Yu Shuxin's parenting experience


Yu Shuxin revealed on the show that she had experience with children before, especially with her best friend's children. She said that she likes children very much and enjoys spending time with them.

Xin Xinzi's new skills: How did Yu Shuxin become a master with a baby in a variety show?

This is fully reflected in the show, she is not only able to quickly establish a close relationship with the child, but also can effectively deal with the child's various needs. Netizens said one after another: "Yu Shuxin not only has good looks, but also parenting skills, which is really enviable!" Some netizens ridiculed: "In the future, Yu Shuxin's children will definitely be spoiled to the rhythm of the sky!" ”

Xin Xinzi's new skills: How did Yu Shuxin become a master with a baby in a variety show?

Yu Shuxin's future mother image

With the broadcast of the show, Yu Shuxin's future mother image has also become a hot topic among netizens. Many people believe that with her performance on the show, she will definitely be a very competent mother in the future.

Xin Xinzi's new skills: How did Yu Shuxin become a master with a baby in a variety show?

Some netizens commented: "Looking at Yu Shuxin's appearance with her children, I know that she will definitely be a good mother in the future!" Some netizens joked: "In the future, Yu Shuxin's children will definitely be loved by thousands of people!" These comments not only show the audience's love for Yu Shuxin, but also reflect the society's expectation and recognition of women's multiple roles.

Xin Xinzi's new skills: How did Yu Shuxin become a master with a baby in a variety show?

Controversial summary

Although Yu Shuxin's performance in the show has won the love and recognition of many audiences, there are also some different voices. Some people think that Yu Shuxin shows off her parenting skills too much in the show, which may give people a feeling of "show". Some netizens commented: "Yu Shuxin looks like she is taking a child in the show,

Xin Xinzi's new skills: How did Yu Shuxin become a master with a baby in a variety show?

Isn't it a little too perfect? Some netizens questioned: "Is this a script specially arranged by the program team?" These controversial comments undoubtedly added more topics of discussion to the show, and also made the audience more curious and discussed Yu Shuxin's true character and ability.

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