
From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

author:Flying Pigeon Literary Society
From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?
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From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

In the variety show circle not long ago, Xie Na's name is still like a bright star, shining in the hearts of the audience. With her unique funny style and energetic performance, she successfully entered the "Happy Family" and quickly won the love of the audience.

However, time flies, and the former "sun goddess" now seems to be shrouded in haze and gradually fades out of the public eye. Recently, the ace program "Happy Camp", which she has hosted for many years, has been greatly adjusted, and only He Jiong has been retained as a host, which is undoubtedly a huge impact on Xie Na's status.

What is the reason that brought this former variety show queen to such a situation today? Let's take a look back at Xie Na's career and explore the key turning points.

Xie Na's rise can be called a legend in the variety show circle. When she joined the "Happy Family" as a newcomer, no one could have predicted that she would become the darling of the audience so quickly.

From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

Her energetic and eclectic hosting style was like a fresh spring breeze, injecting new vitality into the slightly dull variety show at that time.

Xie Na is unique in that she dares to break the mold. While other presenters were still following the rules, she had already begun to experiment with all kinds of hilarious performances. Her exaggerated expressions, exaggerated movements, and whimsical ideas that pop up from time to time often make the audience laugh.

This distinctive style quickly made her stand out in the highly competitive variety show circle.

However, behind the joy of fame, there is a shadow of controversy. Although Xie Na's funny style has won the love of many audiences, it has also attracted a lot of criticism.

From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

Some people questioned her lack of cultural literacy, believing that her performances were too pompous and lacked connotation. Even once, in a variety show, veteran artist Huang Lei bluntly pointed out that Xie Na's life vision was too narrow.

These criticisms seem to indicate that Xie Na's road to success is not all smooth sailing.

In the face of these doubts, Xie Na didn't seem to take it too seriously. She continues to maintain her unique style, cementing her position in the midst of laughter. However, she may not realize that it is this stubborn attitude that lays the groundwork for future difficulties.

It is worth mentioning that in Xie Na's growth, He Jiong played a crucial role. This gentle and steady host is not only Xie Na's partner, but also her guardian.

From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

Whenever Xie Na is in trouble due to inappropriate words and deeds, He Jiong can always take action in time to resolve the crisis. However, this dependence also invisibly limited Xie Na's independent growth.

Xie Na's rise shows the charm of her unique style, but at the same time, it also exposes the hidden dangers. Her success is a double-edged sword, which has brought her huge popularity and laid hidden dangers for her future difficulties.

How to keep improving while maintaining herself has become a major challenge in Xie Na's career.

With the increase in popularity, Xie Na's every move has attracted much attention. However, she does not seem to be aware of her responsibilities, and on many occasions she has caused controversy due to her inappropriate words and deeds, gradually eroding the public's favor with her.

From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

The most shocking thing is Xie Na's gaffe at an important awards ceremony. In the face of Bai Yansong, Yang Lan and other highly respected CCTV hosts, Xie Na blurted out "cow ghosts, snake gods" to describe them.

This inappropriate remark instantly caused an uproar on the Internet. Countless netizens harshly criticized Xie Na's faux pas, accusing her of being rude in her words and deeds, lacking basic professionalism and respect for her seniors.

This incident not only exposed Xie Na's lack of verbal control, but also made people question whether she has the cultivation that a well-known host should have.

What is even more jaw-dropping to industry insiders is a conversation between Xie Na and the famous host Kang Hui in 2014. When Xie Na asked what to do if the teleprompter suddenly went black when hosting a news program, Kang Hui replied solemnly: "First of all, stay calm and adapt.

From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

However, Xie Na responded without thinking: "Then start making it up?" This conversation not only shows Xie Na's contemptuous attitude towards journalism, but also exposes her serious lack of professionalism.

In the world of journalism, accuracy and truthfulness are the basic criteria, and Xie Na's answer undoubtedly violated this bottom line, triggering widespread criticism from industry insiders.

The frequent occurrence of these controversial events has made the public begin to re-examine Xie Na as a person. The once lively and lovely image of the "Sunshine Goddess" gradually collapsed, and was replaced by a "problem host" who did not understand the rules and lacked education.

Many viewers began to question whether Xie Na really has the qualities and abilities that she should have as a well-known host.

From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

However, in the face of these controversies, Xie Na does not seem to realize the seriousness of the problem. She still maintains her usual hosting style, as if these controversies are just a gust of wind and will soon pass.

But in fact, every gaffe quietly changes the audience's perception of her, laying more hidden dangers for her future predicament.

This attitude has also raised concerns among industry insiders. An experienced host privately said that Xie Na needs to seriously reflect on her words and deeds and improve her professionalism.

Otherwise, her career is likely to be severely affected by these controversies.

From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

In general, Xie Na's series of controversial incidents not only damaged her public image, but also made people question her professional ability as a host.

These controversies are like time bombs that could detonate at any time, dealing a fatal blow to Xie Na's career. How to resolve these controversies and regain the trust of the audience has become a major challenge that Xie Na needs to face.

Time flies, and Xie Na's hosting career has spanned more than ten years. However, when we look back at her career journey, we have to face a harsh reality: there has been little substantial improvement in her hosting style.

This state of stagnation is particularly prominent in the ever-changing entertainment industry.

From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

In stark contrast to Xie Na, the other hosts continue to grow. For example, the famous host Wang Han once bluntly pointed out Xie Na's shortcomings. He once said: "I don't think you have the word 'dignified' in your dictionary.

This is not only a sharp criticism of Xie Na's hosting style, but also reflects the industry's frustration with her lack of progress.

Similarly, the well-known host Jin Xing also sharply commented on Xie Na's hosting skills. She pointed out that Xie Na's performance was either too lively and stirred up the atmosphere to a boiling point; Either that would make the whole scene awkward.

This kind of black-and-white performance just reflects Xie Na's shortcomings in controlling the atmosphere of the scene, and also exposes her lack of delicate control in hosting skills.

From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

What's even more worrying is that Xie Na doesn't seem to be aware of her own problems. She is still immersed in past successes and has failed to keep up with the changing tastes of the audience. Today's audiences have put forward higher requirements for the production quality and content innovation of the program, and Xie Na's performance is obviously difficult to meet these expectations.

Her once refreshingly funny style is now a bit stale and repetitive.

This stagnant state not only affected Xie Na's personal development, but also made the show she hosted monotonous and boring. In the highly competitive variety show circle, this is undoubtedly a fatal weakness.

The tastes of the audience are constantly changing, and they are eager to see the growth and breakthrough of the presenter, rather than the same performance.

From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

Some industry insiders pointed out that Xie Na needs to actively seek breakthroughs, try different types of programs, and expand her hosting field. At the same time, she should also learn more from other excellent hosts to improve her professionalism and cultural heritage.

Only in this way can we maintain our position in the fierce competition.

Xie Na's case reminds us that in the entertainment industry, it is not enough to rely on past success. Hosts need to keep learning and growing in order to adapt to the changing needs of their audience.

If Xie Na doesn't realize this sooner rather than soon and make changes accordingly, she may be in danger of being eliminated by the times.

From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

In addition to the stagnation of her professional abilities, Xie Na's performance in handling interpersonal relationships is also worrying. Multiple incidents have shown that she seems to lack basic empathy, often making jokes in inappropriate situations, and even using the shortcomings of others as jokes, which not only hurts others, but also makes the audience's impression of her greatly diminished.

A typical example of this occurred in the interaction with Yue Yunpeng. When Yue Yunpeng affectionately dissected his guilt of not being able to spend time with his family due to his busy work, especially when he was unable to tutor his children's studies, Xie Na's reaction was incomprehensible.

In the face of Yue Yunpeng's emotional outpouring, Xie Na not only did not give sympathy and understanding, but laughed constantly. This behavior not only seems ruthless and unjust, but also makes many viewers feel uncomfortable.

Yue Yunpeng's sincere feelings should have been respected and resonated, but Xie Na's reaction seemed to be laughing at his predicament.

From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

Another impressive incident was Xie Na's inappropriate remarks about her colleague Wu Xin. In a public occasion, Xie Na actually joked that Wu Xin's underwear was like a rag and was often not cleaned.

Although it may be just an unintentional joke, for Wu Xin, it is tantamount to public humiliation and seriously hurts her self-esteem. Such remarks not only crossed the boundaries between colleagues, but also exposed Xie Na's carelessness in handling interpersonal relationships.

These incidents exposed Xie Na's serious shortcomings in emotional intelligence. She doesn't seem to be able to accurately grasp the emotions of others, and she doesn't know how to restrain her words and actions at the right time.

This lack of empathy not only affected her relationship with her peers, but also made the audience's impression of her deteriorate.

From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

In the complex environment of the entertainment industry, high EQ is often more important than high IQ. Xie Na's words and deeds not only damaged her image, but also affected her career development.

If she doesn't realize this problem in time and correct it, I'm afraid she will encounter more obstacles in her future career path.

Today, Xie Na stands at a crossroads in her career. With the significant adjustment of "Happy Camp", leaving only He Jiong as a host, Xie Na's position is already in jeopardy.

, the first sister of variety shows who was once known as the "Sun Goddess", now seems to be facing the most severe challenge in her career.

From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

In the face of such a dilemma, can Xie Na recognize her own problems and make corresponding changes? This question is not only about her personal development, but also affects the hearts of many fans.

Will she be able to adjust her hosting style to suit the changing tastes of her audience? Will she be able to improve her emotional intelligence and learn to get along better with others? These are the challenges that Xie Na must face in her future development.

At this critical juncture, Xie Na needs to deeply reflect on her career path. She may need to experiment with new genres and expand her talents. At the same time, it is also important to improve one's cultural literacy and professional skills.

In addition, improving relationships with peers and learning to better handle interpersonal interactions is also something she needs to work on.

From the original first sister of "Quick Book" to now no one cares, what did Xie Na, who slowly disappeared, do wrong?

For this former "variety show queen", now may be the best time to re-examine herself and seek a breakthrough. Only by facing up to the problem and having the courage to change can we find a way to win the audience's love again.

Xie Na's future will be determined by her own choices. The audience is also looking forward to whether the host, who once brought them joy, can shine again.

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