
Zhang Jie Xie Na got off work hand in hand, reproducing the state of love, netizens: Love is the most beautiful!

author:Chen Rui said things

At night in Chongqing, the starlight is bright, but this starlight seems to be overshadowed by one person's name - Zhang Jie. His concert came to an end here, but the story was far from over. When the lights go out and the audience gradually disperses, a sweet episode quietly plays out in the night.


As we all know, the love story of Zhang Jie and Xie Na has always been a good story in the entertainment industry. No, after the concert, Xie Na, as usual, came to pick up her prince from work. The two walked out of the venue hand in hand, and at that moment, it was as if the whole world was quiet, and only they were left with each other.

Nana heard the screams of fans in her ears, and she subconsciously let go of her hand, wanting to run away first, leaving room for fans to interact with Zhang Jie. However, our brother Zhang obviously doesn't think so. He grabbed Xie Na, who wanted to "escape", and his movements were so fast that people couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Jie Xie Na got off work hand in hand, reproducing the state of love, netizens: Love is the most beautiful!

This scene can't help but remind people of the warm scene when Xie Na recorded the show before, and Zhang Jie would also come to pick her up from work. Because Xie Na will be a little sad every time she records the last episode of the show, and Zhang Jie's appearance is like a ray of sunshine that warms her heart and makes her no longer so sad.

"Jena is always in love", this is not only a slogan for fans, but also a portrayal of the real life of the two. Whether it is Xie Na's warm pick-up after Zhang Jie's concert, or Zhang Jie's timely appearance when Xie Na needs it, it shows the deep affection between them. I have to say that every interaction between Zhang Jie and Xie Na seems to tell the world: true love is to be willing to pay for each other no matter when and where, and to hold her hand tightly and not let go when the other party needs it.

Zhang Jie Xie Na got off work hand in hand, reproducing the state of love, netizens: Love is the most beautiful!

Indeed, the love story of Zhang Jie and Xie Na is always so enviable. They not only support each other in their careers, but also in their lives and face challenges together. This kind of love is not only sweet, but also full of power. Now, the crystallization of the love between the two has also been born, and their family's life is full of laughter. Whether on stage or in life, Zhang Jie and Xie Na interpret what true happiness is in their own way.

Zhang Jie Xie Na got off work hand in hand, reproducing the state of love, netizens: Love is the most beautiful!

Love is like this, simple and beautiful, just one look, one action, can make the other party feel full of love. Just like Zhang Jie and Xie Na, no matter how the world changes, they can hold each other's hands tightly and walk through every spring, summer, autumn and winter together. This is the most beautiful appearance of love, and it is also the life that we all yearn for.

Finally, let us bless Zhang Jie and Xie Na again, may their love always be as sweet as ever, and may everyone who believes in love find the person who is willing to hold your hand all the time and not let go.

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