
New progress in the Jiang Ping incident! Lianshui County is clear: Jiang Ping's 83-point screenshot is true, Jiang Ping really cheated?

author:Educational departure

Recently, there have been a lot of doubts on the Internet about Jiang Ping's cheating in the competition.

One of the physics professors at Fudan University spoke out to question Jiang Ping. The professor said that Jiang Ping's performance in the video was equivalent to a score of zero, which showed that Jiang Ping did not understand advanced mathematics. Through Jiang Ping's speech performance on the video, it can be known that Jiang Ping lacks mathematical literacy, and her speech is like a middle school student reciting a manuscript.

The handwriting on the notebook shown by Jiang Ping is consistent with the handwriting of Teacher Wang Runqiu, and Jiang Ping can't take out any of her math notes.

New progress in the Jiang Ping incident! Lianshui County is clear: Jiang Ping's 83-point screenshot is true, Jiang Ping really cheated?

Anyway, what this physics professor at Fudan University means is that he doesn't believe that Jiang Ping has a high level of mathematical literacy, and Jiang Ping's competition results are obtained by cheating.

At present, in addition to the fact that the physics professor of Fudan University publicly questioned Jiang Ping's falsification of grades, some netizens reported the matter to the Lianshui County-leadership mailbox.

New progress in the Jiang Ping incident! Lianshui County is clear: Jiang Ping's 83-point screenshot is true, Jiang Ping really cheated?

The content of the netizen report is roughly that the matter of questioning Jiang Ping's math competition results has been fermenting on the Internet for a long time, but Lianshui Vocational School has not responded to this matter, and netizens said that this is a manifestation of inaction.

So netizens put forward three demands.

First, whether Jiang Ping's math score of 83 points circulating on the Internet is real.

Second, did Mr. Wang Runqiu give snacks to Jiang Ping?

Third, whether Jiang Ping has a personal computer, if it is not clear who lent Jiang Ping to complete the preliminaries.

Since the matter was reported to the Lianshui County Government, the local government attached great importance to this matter. After investigation, the content reported by netizens was replied to. The Lianshui County Education Bureau responded to four questions about Jiang Ping.

New progress in the Jiang Ping incident! Lianshui County is clear: Jiang Ping's 83-point screenshot is true, Jiang Ping really cheated?

First, it is rumored on the Internet that Jiang Ping's score of 83 points is true.

Second, Jiang Ping's competition needs to be verified with the Damo Academy

Third, the computer used by Jiang Ping in the preliminaries was borrowed.

Fourth, the school is not clear about issues such as snacks that are suspected of personal privacy.

In fact, of the four points responded to by the Lianshui County Education Bureau, only the first one is useful, and the other three points are basically "nonsense". still did not explain whether Jiang Ping's competition results were cheated or not.

But judging from the response of the Lianshui County Education Bureau, we can still find some clues. That is, Jiang Ping's computer in the preliminaries was borrowed, but it was rumored on the Internet that Jiang Ping used Latex in the preliminaries. It is worth noting that Latex needs to be used on a computer, and if someone doesn't even have a computer, how can they be proficient in using Latex? Therefore, some netizens believe that Jiang Ping's competition results were faked.

New progress in the Jiang Ping incident! Lianshui County is clear: Jiang Ping's 83-point screenshot is true, Jiang Ping really cheated?

But in this case, there are still many netizens who support Jiang Ping, everyone thinks that if Jiang Ping's results are plagiarized, then who can she copy to the twelfth place in the world? Even Jiang Ping's teacher Wang Runqiu is still behind Jiang Ping, it is impossible for Jiang Ping to plagiarize Wang Runqiu's answer and copy it to the twelfth place.

And Jiang Ping is a secondary school student, and the classmates around her are also secondary school students, and the secondary school students are also studying high school mathematics, so Jiang Ping has no one to plagiarize, doesn't this prove that Jiang Ping's grades are real.

New progress in the Jiang Ping incident! Lianshui County is clear: Jiang Ping's 83-point screenshot is true, Jiang Ping really cheated?

To be honest, these voices questioning Jiang Ping on the Internet now are that they can't see civilians producing geniuses, and a secondary school student has won a good score of 12 in the global competition, shouldn't he be supported by everyone? But now all kinds of people on the Internet are suppressing Jiang Ping, just ask: "Is it really necessary?" "Why should everyone be so harsh on a 17-year-old secondary school student?

Jiang Ping participated in the finals, whether she cheated or not, won't she know when the final results are announced? I really don't understand why some people are in such a hurry, don't these skeptical people want the country to have a mathematical genius?

New progress in the Jiang Ping incident! Lianshui County is clear: Jiang Ping's 83-point screenshot is true, Jiang Ping really cheated?

We hope that everyone will not overly question and criticize Jiang Ping, Jiang Ping is also a 17-year-old child who has not experienced anything, and now there is no official response to this matter, which means that Jiang Ping's results should be real and effective. Now you only need to wait for Jiang Ping's final results, which will prove whether Jiang Ping's mathematical ability is real.

New progress in the Jiang Ping incident! Lianshui County is clear: Jiang Ping's 83-point screenshot is true, Jiang Ping really cheated?