
Several things happened in the military region, and the political commissar was under a lot of pressure: it was okay to say that my level was not high, but I couldn't say that I didn't care about anything


In 1987, the leading body of the Central Military Commission was adjusted, Chi Haotian, political commissar of the Jinan Military Region, was transferred to the post of chief of general staff, and Song Qingwei, deputy political commissar, took over the post of political commissar. In the work that followed, several events occurred in the military region, which made him and Commander Li Jiulong feel pressure. Song Qingwei even said: It's okay to say that my level is not high, and it is not in line with the facts to say that I am pampered and pampered, and I don't contribute to it.

Several things happened in the military region, and the political commissar was under a lot of pressure: it was okay to say that my level was not high, but I couldn't say that I didn't care about anything

After the downsizing and reorganization of the armed forces in 1985, there was a lot of work that needed to be solved urgently. For example, the Jinan Military Region originally only had jurisdiction over the Shandong Provincial Military Region, but after the Wuhan Military Region was abolished, the Henan Provincial Military Region was placed under the jurisdiction of the Jinan Military Region, and there was also a field army. From this moment on, the organs of the military region and the grass-roots companies were busy streamlining and reorganizing themselves.

In the next few years from this time, several cases occurred in the troops of the military region, which had an impact on Song Qingwei and the troops of the military region.

Before 1987, there were three cases, when he was still the deputy political commissar of the military district. In this year, after he took over as the political commissar, in 1988, individual fighters of a certain infantry division and tank division violated military discipline and had a bad impact. The interval between the two cases was short, and at this time Commander Li Jiulong and Political Commissar Song Qingwei were meeting in Beijing. Before the meeting, I received a report from the organ that 9 soldiers of the infantry division committed crimes; After the meeting, another report was received from the organ that a soldier of the tank division had stolen a gun. In less than 10 days, two cases occurred one after another, which greatly shocked the two military and political chiefs, and they reviewed and assumed responsibility with the Central Military Commission.

Several things happened in the military region, and the political commissar was under a lot of pressure: it was okay to say that my level was not high, but I couldn't say that I didn't care about anything

After the meeting, they returned to the military region to convene a meeting of cadres at and above the army level to listen to reports and make arrangements for dealing with the aftermath.

Political Commissar Song Qingwei recalled that during that time, he was forced to handle the case well, arrange the normal work well, and not make mistakes in the chaos. He is full of guilt and self-reproach for the occurrence of the two incidents, and since he took over the political commissar of the military region for more than a year, he can say that his level is not high, but it is not in line with the facts that he does not care about things and does not contribute to the situation.

He himself deeply reflected on the problems that existed in guiding the building of grassroots units, and in order to pinpoint the crux of the problems, he and the commander went to the two units to conduct in-depth investigations and studies. The 21-day investigation conducted by the working group also found that many problems existed, such as the phenomenon of reporting good news but not bad news and covering up contradictions for a period of time. Some leaders and organs are unable to go deep into the depths and sink to the end, and they are as clear as if they were dealing with problems at the grassroots level. The person who committed the crime went out without asking for leave in the company, and sometimes drank heavily and caused trouble, and some cadres thought that he was a competent squad leader.

When the working group entered, it was found that the company commander was not in office, and later learned that he had taken two soldiers to Shanxi to do business.

As far as ideological and political work is concerned, there is a lack of initiative and principle, the regiment does not seriously deal with the thorny soldiers, the grassroots units have no authority to deal with what they want, and a regiment adheres to the order of preparing for war, 60 or 70 people do not wear hats, and military discipline is lax. The concentrated exposure of many negative factors is the inevitable result of the development of the problems of leadership work and grassroots construction to a certain extent.

Several things happened in the military region, and the political commissar was under a lot of pressure: it was okay to say that my level was not high, but I couldn't say that I didn't care about anything

Speaking of grassroots units, Song Qingwei used to work in the organs of the military region, and after 1963, he served as regimental political commissar, division political commissar, deputy army political commissar, and military political commissar in combat units. In 1985, when he joined the army and became a leader in a large military region, because of his busy work, the number of visits to the grassroots level decreased considerably. Plus a lot of work needs to be handled by him.

As a matter of fact, in the past, Song Qingwei was a cadre who knew the grassroots units best, and after returning from his investigation and investigation at the grassroots level, he made a speech on drawing lessons from the two cases and improving the work of the leadership and organs, summed up the lessons, and enumerated phenomena and examples. Many people listened to his speech and were greatly moved, and the response was very strong. In the future, we will not slacken our efforts in the construction of grassroots units and establish a strong front-line command center.