
Be careful to help people carry things through the customs, and they are deceived and suspected of drug trafficking

author:Lawyer Chen Weiguo
Be careful to help people carry things through the customs, and they are deceived and suspected of drug trafficking

Zhang met a friend on the Internet, and the friend knew that he was not working, so he asked him to go to Cambodia to bring goods to China. The netizen said: "The number of goods brought into the country is limited, and every time you bring me goods, you will be given 15,000 yuan." ”

Zhang suspected that this person was helping to bring drugs, so he hesitated. The netizen said: "I asked you to bring ivory, and it is illegal to bring ivory, but it will be confiscated after being discovered, and the person who brings the goods will not be punished." If it is confiscated, you are not held responsible. ”

Zhang felt that this job could be done, so he began to help this person bring goods. Once, when Zhang brought goods into the country, the police seized some drugs from the box he carried, and Zhang could not prove that he was deceived into bringing goods to others, and was sentenced to death for drug trafficking in the first instance and immediately executed.

When Zhang appealed, he met a good lawyer, and the lawyer applied for fingerprint identification of the box brought by Zhang, and found that the box was consigned into the country by the "netizen" in the name of Zhang, and there were no fingerprints of Zhang inside and outside the box. In the second instance, Zhang was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve.

The main reason why Zhang was still sentenced in the end was that Zhang, as a person with full capacity for conduct, should have known that he might be carrying drugs for others. In order to obtain a high income of 15,000 yuan each time, Zhang still took the risk of carrying goods for others. Zhang should declare that he was carrying items for others when entering the country and take the initiative to accept the inspection. If you do not declare the property you bring after entering the country, you will be at a loss once you are found to be in narcotics. Sentencing, imposing the death penalty are all possible consequences.

Shenzhen is adjacent to Hong Kong, and some people have become "water customers" who specialize in helping people bring goods into the country and earn "labor fees". It is an illegal act for a sailor to bring goods through the customs, and if he accidentally brings drugs into the country, he will be suspected of drug trafficking.

Chen, a Hong Kong national, employs a number of "water customers" and often brings goods from Hong Kong to Shenzhen, and he asks "water customers" to bring goods such as food, cosmetics, medicines, etc. On February 14, 2019, "water passengers" Li, A Xian and A Xiang entered Hong Kong with Chen's goods through the undeclared channel of Shenzhen Bay Port. Customs officers seized boxes of Class I psychotropic drugs, which are strictly controlled by the state, from their luggage, and three people were criminally detained on suspicion of drug smuggling.

In January 2020, the court sentenced Li and three others to seven months in prison and a fine of 3,000 yuan for drug smuggling. This time in the business of bringing goods, Li and the three of them earned 400 yuan each, but they lost their freedom and several times the fine. Fortunately, this time they brought a class of psychotropic drugs strictly controlled by the state, and if they brought methamphetamine, the consequences would either be in prison or the soul would be executed.

There is a Chinese girl, MM, who met a foreign boy while studying abroad, and after the two fell in love, they held an engagement ceremony and prepared to go to Mauritius to get married. MM returns to China to meet his parents before getting married, and kisses goodbye to his lover at the airport. MM was stopped by customs after entering the customs, and a large amount of heroin was found in the things her boyfriend asked her to bring.

The girl cried loudly after being caught, and she didn't know much about her boyfriend's situation and couldn't confirm it. Due to the huge amount of drugs she carried, she was sentenced to death by the court, which was carried out immediately. A 28-year-old girl was sent to the execution ground in the longing for marriage, becoming a wronged soul who was both wronged and not wronged.

Be careful to help people carry things through the customs, and they are deceived and suspected of drug trafficking

A man came back from abroad, and when he was queuing up to go through customs, a woman with a child in her arms said to him: "Sir, it is really not convenient for me to carry a child and luggage. Can you help me bring a bag into customs? ”

The man just wanted to help, and his girlfriend said, "You have a snack, who knows what's in her bag?" ”

The man gave up on helping the woman, and after the man entered the customs, his girlfriend's bag suddenly fell to the ground and the contents of the box fell to the ground. When the man helped his girlfriend pack his things, he found that the woman who he refused had been invited to a room by the customs police with her things, and the woman's face was pale and very nervous.

When my girlfriend saw this scene, she slapped her boyfriend and said, "How is it?" Or maybe I have a vision. ”

The man broke out in a cold sweat, and he said, "Fortunately, your vigilance is high, otherwise, it would have happened to me, and I wouldn't have been able to tell." "This incident tells us that it is not impossible to help people, but it must be divided into places. For example, if you go through customs to help bring things into customs at the request of others, it is extremely risky.

Be careful to help people carry things through the customs, and they are deceived and suspected of drug trafficking

According to media reports, Zhou from Henan received three strange phone calls informing him to go to Qingdao, Shandong Province to pick up the express. Zhou felt very strange about these three couriers, and he asked the rookie post station on the phone what the courier was? The rookie post station informed: "The three courier orders have things like women's shoes, pants and clothes written on them. Zhou felt that something was wrong, so he asked the post station to open the email and check it carefully, and found that there were no clothes or women's shoes in the mail, but a few packets of white powder.

Zhou hurriedly dialed 110 to report the case, and the police found that the mail was a semi-finished product of drugs after inspection! The police praised Zhou and informed: "Now there are many criminals who will let others pick up the courier, and when the deceived person gets the courier, someone will call and say: "The courier you took is actually mine, and the operator wrote the wrong name." You tell me the address, and I'll go to your house and get it back. I will thank you. ”

This phenomenon is a ploy devised by some drug traffickers to let others help them pick up the courier, and if the person who picks up the courier is caught and does not know who sent the courier mail, he is likely to become a criminal suspect.

Article 347 of the Criminal Code stipulates that smuggling, trafficking, transporting or manufacturing drugs, regardless of the quantity, shall be investigated for criminal liability and shall be subject to criminal penalties.

In any of the following circumstances, a sentence of 15 years imprisonment, life imprisonment or death is to be given, and confiscation of property is to be given:

(1) Smuggling, selling, transporting, or manufacturing 1 kilogram or more of opium, 50 grams or more of heroin or methamphetamine, or other drugs in large quantities;

(2) The ringleaders of drug smuggling, trafficking, transporting, or manufacturing drug syndicates;

(3) Smuggling, selling, transporting, or manufacturing narcotics under armed cover;

(4) Violently resisting inspection, detention, or arrest, where the circumstances are serious;

(5) Participating in organized international drug trafficking activities.

Whoever smuggles, sells, transports, or manufactures between 200 grams and 1 kilogram of opium, between 10 grams and 50 grams of heroin or methamphetamine, or other drugs in relatively large quantities, is to be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than seven years and shall also be fined.

Whoever smuggles, sells, transports, or manufactures less than 200 grams of opium, less than 10 grams of heroin or methamphetamine, or other small amounts of narcotics, shall be sentenced to up to three years imprisonment, short-term detention or controlled release, and shall also be fined; where the circumstances are serious, a sentence of between three and seven years imprisonment and a concurrent fine is to be given.

Article 348 stipulates that anyone who illegally possesses more than 1 kilogram of opium, more than 50 grams of heroin or methamphetamine, or other drugs in large quantities shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than seven years or life imprisonment and shall also be fined; Anyone who illegally possesses between 200 grams and 1 kilogram of opium, between 10 grams and 50 grams of heroin or methamphetamine, or other drugs in relatively large quantities is to be sentenced to up to three years imprisonment, short-term detention or controlled release, and a concurrent fine; where the circumstances are serious, a sentence of between three and seven years imprisonment and a concurrent fine is to be given.

Article 350 stipulates that whoever violates state regulations by illegally producing, trading, or transporting acetic anhydride, ether, chloroform or other raw materials or preparations used in the manufacture of narcotics, or carrying the above-mentioned articles into or out of the country, and the circumstances are more serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, short-term detention or controlled release, and shall also be fined; where the circumstances are serious, a sentence of between three and seven years imprisonment and a concurrent fine is to be given; where the circumstances are especially serious, a sentence of 7 or more years imprisonment and a concurrent fine or confiscation of property is to be given.

Anyone who clearly knows that others are manufacturing drugs and produces, buys, sells, or transports the items provided for in the preceding paragraph for them, is to be punished as an accomplice to the crime of manufacturing drugs.

With the rapid development of modern society, criminal methods have emerged one after another. Be wary of someone who needs us to help them bring something or pick up their mail. As the saying goes, you can't have the heart to harm others, and you can't have the heart to prevent people. When we advocate the joy of helping others, we must help others clearly!