
What kind of community has a higher safety factor? After reading the sharing of netizens, I suddenly realized that I have to be an old man

author:Science Spark


Recently, an article titled "What kind of community has a higher safety factor?" Weibo became popular, involving many people's hearts.

It turned out that the protagonist of this Weibo was an uncle, who put forward some opinions and some of his own discoveries in the old community.

Everyone says that in the changes of the city, the newly built community must be getting safer and safer, after all, there are many safety protection facilities.

In the old community, there are no security facilities, although there are also security guards, but they are all white-haired old people.

Because of these problems, the uncle was still deeply touched, so he said a lot of things in his heart.

What kind of community has a higher safety factor? After reading the sharing of netizens, I suddenly realized that I have to be an old man

New neighborhoods vs. old neighborhoods.

Everyone knows that the property ownership cycle of a house is 70 years, so with the development of the city, the value of the best residential property will be greatly reduced.

But not all old neighborhoods will be replaced by new district housing prices.

Some old neighborhoods, because of the advantageous location of the area, coupled with the fact that their building life is less than 50 years, its housing prices have not been reduced.

These conditions are generally only available in some city centers and places with developed transportation.

Many people also want to buy a house here, and naturally, many people also want to buy a house here.

What kind of community has a higher safety factor? After reading the sharing of netizens, I suddenly realized that I have to be an old man

The hotter a place is, the more people there will be, so these old communities are not built in three or two years, but in ten or eight years.

And these old communities are also divided into new and old, and there will be many newly built buildings in the old communities with regional advantages, but the usual residential areas are still many old buildings.

What kind of community has a higher safety factor? After reading the sharing of netizens, I suddenly realized that I have to be an old man

Because of the harmonious location and densely populated community, the safety of the community is also a major concern.

There is a big difference between these old neighborhoods and the new ones.

There are a lot of dedicated security guards in the new area, and there will be a lot of surveillance equipment in the community, and people here sometimes have a quarter of a chance of being monitored just by walking.

And the life of the old community is not like this, whenever you walk into such a community, the first thing that catches your eye is the old man with white hair and white eyebrows, because this kind of person is older, the vision will be greatly reduced, and the security ability is likely to be worse than that of young people, so people will worry about these old people.

What kind of community has a higher safety factor? After reading the sharing of netizens, I suddenly realized that I have to be an old man

In addition, there are not many monitoring equipment in the community, so the security of the community is naturally much worse than that of the new area.

But many residents of the old neighborhood feel that their neighborhood is safe.

Among the many elderly people, there is also a jagged crowd.

What kind of community has a higher safety factor? After reading the sharing of netizens, I suddenly realized that I have to be an old man

Although they are elderly, some of them have no less safety concept and ability than young people.

So why are there such people in these old communities?

Why are the elderly safe?

Older people, some of whom have difficulty even walking, have a high sense of safety despite their age, and often wear warm-colored reflective vests to remind passing vehicles not to hit them.

But on the contrary, some people are old but their IQ has declined, they often forget their security measures, they don't usually go out with their keys, sometimes they don't remember where their home is, and they can't recognize their family and the environment of the community in time, these people have become a group that people are very worried about.

There is also a kind of people, although they are old, but they are very arrogant, so every morning they will bring a kitchen knife, saying that this can kill the thief.

Still others are just for their own vanity.

Usually they don't bring tools at home, but once they go out of the house, they can bring a lot of keys with them, plus they wear a set of exquisite and heavy clothes similar to the elderly, such a series of activities, really make people think that this old man is just to show off his wealth.

There is also a kind of old people, although they usually do not show off their wealth and do not behave very arrogantly, but as long as such people go out of the community, the safety of the community will be greatly reduced.

These people are the old men.

The old man walks very slowly, so people will take this opportunity, take advantage of the old man's slow walk, try every password of the old man, if you really touch the old man's password, this will not make the security protection facilities of the community useless?

When it comes to the passwords of the elderly, there are really many kinds of passwords, but most of them are their birthdays.

The birthday password of the old man is usually easy to guess, especially in such a convenient society where ID cards are issued, as long as there is an old man's ID number, anyone can easily know the old man's birthday.

So it's very easy to guess the old man's password.

What kind of community has a higher safety factor? After reading the sharing of netizens, I suddenly realized that I have to be an old man

Despite this, there are also some elderly people who will set more complex passwords, such passwords are often exclusive, such as their grandson's birthday, their granddaughter's birthday, etc., although many people know these passwords, but it is not easy to remember, and it is not easy to guess.

What kind of community has a higher safety factor? After reading the sharing of netizens, I suddenly realized that I have to be an old man

But if one day the grandchild or granddaughter leaves the community or moves, then the elderly suddenly become more vulnerable.

Everybody knows that.

So once the grandchildren of the old people leave, their passwords are insecure, which makes the community insecure.

What kind of community has a higher safety factor? After reading the sharing of netizens, I suddenly realized that I have to be an old man

A magic weapon to keep the elderly safe.

In fact, whether the community is safe or not has little to do with the elderly, the key is the question of whom.

Even if you are sleeping in front of your house day and night, criminals who want to commit crimes will commit crimes without your knowledge.

In fact, the community is safe, but the level of security is high.

The elderly also have some worries about the safety of the community, so they will also take some safety measures.

For example, many elderly people will put a small log in front of their house to prevent the danger of deadly danger.

There are also some people who will lock all the doors and windows of their homes, which will undoubtedly increase the threshold for some thieves to commit crimes.

What kind of community has a higher safety factor? After reading the sharing of netizens, I suddenly realized that I have to be an old man

Although this is also a good way of security, the security of the community will increase a lot, but this is not good, after all, the community is a place where residents live, which not only increases the criminal threshold of thieves, but also increases the cost of living of residents in the community.

What kind of community has a higher safety factor? After reading the sharing of netizens, I suddenly realized that I have to be an old man

So how to improve the safety of the community in daily life?

First of all, we need to raise the safety awareness of residents.

Whenever you go out, you should remember the golden key, close the doors and windows, don't easily lend the key to your home, and don't open the door to strangers casually.

What kind of community has a higher safety factor? After reading the sharing of netizens, I suddenly realized that I have to be an old man

Then it is necessary to implement closed management.

Every community that can enter and exit must have a complete identification system, and every person entering and leaving the community must record information, so that the security factor of the community will inevitably increase a lot.

What kind of community has a higher safety factor? After reading the sharing of netizens, I suddenly realized that I have to be an old man

In addition, some prevention and control measures, such as installing monitoring equipment in places where there is a lack of light all year round, so that even if we are not at home, we can know whether our home is safe anytime and anywhere.

You can also install an access control system at the door of the elderly, so that the elderly can know if there are strangers in their home without going downstairs.

At the same time, you can also monitor the situation in your home anytime and anywhere, and if there is an abnormal situation, you can stop it immediately, and you can also call the police immediately, so that the cost of crime in the community will increase significantly.


Therefore, whether the safety coefficient of the community is high has little to do with the elderly, as long as everyone focuses on the safety of the community, our awareness and steps will be the same to increase the safety factor of the community.

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