
Biden forced to the palace? Well-known US media: Biden is old, so let's withdraw from the election "for the national interest"!

author:Fun to talk about the world

In ancient China, there was an allusion called "Beacon Opera Princes". In order to win a smile of praise, King Zhou You did not hesitate to light a beacon fire and tease the princes. As a result, when the real enemy came, the princes no longer believed in the beacon, which led to the destruction of the country. This allusion tells us that the interests of the state are above all else, and that the actions of individuals must be subordinated to the interests of the state as a whole.

Now, in the presidential election in the United States, many well-known American media have called on the incumbent President Biden to withdraw from the election "in the national interest". This incident has not only aroused widespread attention, but also made us wonder: how should Biden choose between national interests and personal ambitions?

1. Media appeal: The underlying logic behind Biden's withdrawal from the election

Well-known media outlets such as The New York Times, The Atlanta Constitution, and The Philadelphia Inquirer have published opinion pieces calling on Biden to withdraw from the race. Their reasoning mainly focuses on the following points: first, Biden's age and health problems make him appear incapable of effectively communicating his vision for the future in the debate; Second, the Democratic Party needs more capable leaders to meet Trump's challenge and ensure the stability and security of the country; The third is that Biden's re-election campaign may leave voters with a difficult choice between the respective shortcomings of Trump and Biden, which is a huge risk for the country.

Biden forced to the palace? Well-known US media: Biden is old, so let's withdraw from the election "for the national interest"!

These media calls are not unfounded. Historically, public opinion in the media has often been able to influence or even change the political situation. Their appeal is actually a deep consideration of Biden and national interests. They fear that if Biden continues to campaign, he may be unable to carry out his presidential duties effectively because of his own health problems, which will harm the country's interests. At the same time, they also hope that the Democrats can put forward more capable candidates to meet Trump's challenge and ensure the stability and security of the country.

2. Biden's dilemma: the collision of personal ambitions and national interests

In the face of media appeals and his own predicament, Biden's choice is particularly important. He needs to consider not only his personal political future, but also the future of the country and the stability of the democratic system. This choice is not only a test of his personal wisdom and courage, but also an important test of American democracy.

Biden forced to the palace? Well-known US media: Biden is old, so let's withdraw from the election "for the national interest"!

From a historical perspective, Biden's withdrawal may bring new vitality and opportunities to the Democratic Party. As described in the ancient Chinese allusion "retreat", the Duke of Wen of Jin did not hesitate to retreat for the benefit of the country, and finally won the war. Similarly, Biden's withdrawal from the race may give Democrats a better chance of coming up with a clear and powerful alternative to Trump's challenge.

However, Biden's choice will not be easy. He has to deal with his many years of political career and personal ambitions. At the same time, he needs to take into account the opinions within the Democratic Party and the expectations of voters. This choice is undoubtedly a huge test for him personally.

3. China's perspective: national interests

As a country under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China has always emphasized that national interests are above all else. Between personal aspirations and national interests, the Chinese communists have always put national interests first and have made unremitting efforts to achieve the prosperity of the country and the happiness and well-being of the people.

Biden forced to the palace? Well-known US media: Biden is old, so let's withdraw from the election "for the national interest"!

Regarding Biden's withdrawal from the election, we can think deeply from China's perspective. In China, the interests of the state are paramount, and the actions of individuals must be subordinated to the interests of the state as a whole. If an individual's actions are detrimental to the interests of the state, then such actions are not permitted.

Similarly, in the presidential race in the United States, Biden should put the interests of the country first. If his continued campaign is likely to harm the interests of the country, then he should make a wise choice to withdraw from the election and let a more capable leader take over.

Fourth, the responsibility and responsibility of the media: guide public opinion and serve the country

The media played an important role in the withdrawal turmoil. They have guided the direction of public opinion and spoken out for the interests of the country by publishing opinion pieces and calling on Biden to withdraw from the election.

Biden forced to the palace? Well-known US media: Biden is old, so let's withdraw from the election "for the national interest"!

As the media, they have the responsibility and responsibility to focus on the interests of the country and the well-being of the people. They should, through reporting and commenting, guide the public to correctly recognize and understand the interests of the country and the well-being of the people, and contribute to the prosperity of the country and the happiness and well-being of the people.

5. Lessons and prospects: Reflections on building a community with a shared future for mankind

Biden's withdrawal from the election is not only a political event, but also a deep reflection on the relationship between national interests and personal aspirations. It allows us to see the different understandings and choices of national interests and personal aspirations in different countries and different systems.

However, no matter what country or system, the interests of the state should be paramount. The behavior of individuals must be subordinated to the overall interests of the country, which is an inevitable requirement for building a community with a shared future for mankind.

In the days to come, we look forward to all countries working together to build a community with a shared future for mankind, putting national interests first, and achieving common development and prosperity. At the same time, we also hope that the media of all countries can shoulder their responsibilities and responsibilities, speak out for the interests of the country and the well-being of the people, and guide the public to correctly recognize and understand the interests of the country and the well-being of the people.

Conclusion: Summarize the whole text and extend the reflection

Biden's withdrawal from the election is not only a political event, but also a deep reflection on the relationship between national interests and personal aspirations. It allows us to see the different understandings and choices of national interests and personal aspirations in different countries and different systems. However, no matter what country or system, the interests of the state should be paramount.

The media played an important role in this turmoil. By calling on Biden to withdraw from the election, they have steered the direction of public opinion and spoken out for the interests of the country. This reflects the responsibility and responsibility of the media, and also provides us with useful reference and inspiration.

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