
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor

author:Straightforward and breezy NFD

Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor

Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor
Oh my God, this paragraph is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home? Savor

"Oh my God, this is so funny, how do I answer my aunt when I bring my boyfriend home?" I said helplessly to my girlfriend.

That day, I finally made up my mind to bring my boyfriend home to see my family. As a result, as soon as I entered the door, I was caught by my aunt. She stared at us curiously, and then asked a question that made me laugh and cry.

"Oh, who is this young man? Why haven't you seen it before? My aunt looked at my boyfriend warmly, and asked in a low but eager voice.

My heart tightened, thinking about how to answer. Suddenly, a funny joke flashed through my mind, and I couldn't help but laugh. My girlfriend saw me in a daze, so she asked, "Tell me, what's so funny?" ”

"Listen to me," I said, smiling, "once, a girl brought her boyfriend home, and the family asked her what her boyfriend did, and her boyfriend said in all seriousness, 'I work in a hardware store and specialize in nailing.'" ’”

The girlfriend covered her mouth and smiled: "This answer is really amazing, it is simple and funny." However, you better not answer your aunt with this. ”

"Well, of course I wouldn't say that." I smiled and shook my head, and then began to think about how to deal with my aunt's problem.

"He's my boyfriend, Xiao Wang." I replied with a smile, but my aunt was clearly not satisfied with this simple introduction.

"How did you meet? Is he good to you? The aunt continued to ask, her face full of concern.

I took a deep breath and decided to answer seriously: "We met at a friend's party, he was very nice to me, usually very considerate and responsible. ”

The aunt nodded, but was obviously not satisfied: "Then what does his family do?" Is he usually busy at work? ”

"He works for an IT company and is usually very busy, but we always find time to hang out together." I try to make my responses as easy and natural as possible.

"Oh, the IT industry, that's good, it's promising." The aunt nodded with satisfaction, but then asked, "Then when are you going to get married?" ”

The question caught me off guard, and I sneaked a glance at my boyfriend, who smiled and gave me a reassuring look. I calmed down and said to my aunt with a smile: "Auntie, we are still in the understanding stage, and we haven't considered marriage yet." However, if there is good news, I will be the first to tell you. ”

After hearing this, the aunt finally put her mind at ease and nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, okay, young people are not in a hurry, take your time." ”

When I got back to my room, I breathed a sigh of relief, and my boyfriend smiled and said to me, "You answered very well, much better than that 'nail-nailing' answer." ”

I couldn't help but laugh out loud and feel a lot more relaxed. Through this meeting with my parents, I felt more concerned and loved by my relatives, and at the same time, I also understood that honesty and humor are the best ways to deal with questions from relatives and friends.

When I was chatting with my girlfriend in the evening, I shared this experience with her, and she smiled back and forth. "It's hilarious, but you handled it well," she said. The aunts always care about us, so it's good to understand their feelings. ”

Through this experience of bringing my boyfriend home, I not only learned how to deal with the care of relatives and friends, but also cherished everyone around me more. Although this funny joke cannot be used to answer directly, it gave me a relaxed state of mind, so that I can deal with it calmly when facing my aunt and successfully pass the test of meeting my parents.