
Astronomer: Alien civilizations may have created a giant "beacon" 39 light-years away!

author:Erudite mango msf8J
Astronomer: Alien civilizations may have created a giant "beacon" 39 light-years away!

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Mysterious Signal BLC-1: A Lighthouse from an Alien Civilization or a Coincidence of the Universe?

New Ideas for Finding Extraterrestrial Civilizations: From "Proactive" to "Wait and See"

For a long time, mankind has never given up the exploration of extraterrestrial civilizations, we send probes to send signals to the depths of the universe, eager to get a response from other intelligent life in the universe, this way of actively searching for extraterrestrial civilizations is like sailing in the vast ocean, looking forward to meeting another ship

Astronomer: Alien civilizations may have created a giant "beacon" 39 light-years away!

If extraterrestrial civilizations are more advanced than us, they may have already mastered the technology of hiding their traces, rather than actively exposing them, it is better to choose silent observation, which may be a wiser choice, this "passive search for extraterrestrial civilization" thinking, in recent years, has gradually attracted the attention of some astronomers

Astronomer: Alien civilizations may have created a giant "beacon" 39 light-years away!

"Cosmic Lighthouse" BLC-1: A faint call from 39 light-years away

In 2003, American astronomers Mike Hill and Paul Gramm, while using the "Flying Spur" telescope to observe the universe, accidentally captured a strange signal, the wavelength of this signal is 1.42 GHz, which is very close to the special frequency emitted by the transition of hydrogen atoms, and what is even more surprising is that this signal is not fleeting, but a 16-day cycle, regular cycle

Astronomer: Alien civilizations may have created a giant "beacon" 39 light-years away!

After a long period of tracking and analysis, the two astronomers zeroed in on the source of the signal, 39 light-years away, near a red dwarf star called LPP 944-020, which is close to Mercury in mass and most likely has a planet in its orbit

Astronomer: Alien civilizations may have created a giant "beacon" 39 light-years away!

This mysterious signal is named BLC-1, could it be a "lighthouse" from an alien civilization?

Signal Characteristics of BLC-1: Is It Intentional or Natural?

The signal characteristics of BLC-1 are quite similar to those emitted by radar on Earth, and some scholars speculate that this may be the use of "radar" technology by extraterrestrial civilizations to emit energy in the form of signals

Astronomer: Alien civilizations may have created a giant "beacon" 39 light-years away!

The principle of this "radar" technology is to change the rotation and speed of the electrons in the atoms to release radio frequency wave signals, which are like broadcasts, propagating through space and eventually being captured by telescopes on Earth

Astronomer: Alien civilizations may have created a giant "beacon" 39 light-years away!

NASA's Quest: New Horizons' silence casts a shadow over BLC-1

In recent years, NASA has sent the New Horizons probe, which was originally planned to fly to the Kuiper Belt, to the vicinity of the red dwarf star LPP 944-020 in an attempt to find more clues about the BLC-1 signal

Astronomer: Alien civilizations may have created a giant "beacon" 39 light-years away!

So far, New Horizons has not found any evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations around the red dwarf, and the true face of BLC-1 signals is still hidden in the fog

Astronomer: Alien civilizations may have created a giant "beacon" 39 light-years away!

The mysteries of the universe need to be explored

Is the BLC-1 signal a "cosmic lighthouse" emitted by an extraterrestrial civilization, or is it some unknown natural phenomenon in the universe? There is no definitive answer to this question yet

Astronomer: Alien civilizations may have created a giant "beacon" 39 light-years away!

The charm of science lies in the continuous exploration of the unknown, and in the face of the vast universe, we need to maintain humility and awe, and at the same time, we need to have the courage to question and explore

Astronomer: Alien civilizations may have created a giant "beacon" 39 light-years away!

Do you think the BLC-1 signal would be a greeting from an extraterrestrial civilization? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section and share your views

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