
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting

author:Straightforward and breezy NFD

Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting

Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting
Haha, it's amazing, what is the difference between nothing and nothing? It's worth collecting

"Haha, that's amazing, what is the difference between doing nothing and doing nothing?" Lao Zhang laughed at us in the teahouse.

On that day, a few of our old friends were gathering at the teahouse, and Lao Zhang always liked to bring up some new and interesting topics. This time he suddenly mentioned "nothing can be done" and "nothing can be done", which aroused everyone's interest.

"Lao Zhang, these two words sound similar, but what's the difference?" I asked curiously.

"Okay, I'll tell you about it." Lao Zhang put down the teacup and began to explain.

"Achieving nothing means that a person has tried a lot but in the end has achieved nothing. In other words, he may be busy, but there is no tangible result. "For example, some people are busy every day, but they always fail to complete the project at hand for various reasons. ”

I nodded, remembering some of my friends around me, and it was true that they seemed busy, but the end result was not ideal.

"What about nothing?" Xiao Li asked.

"Doing nothing is different, it refers to a person who does nothing and does nothing. That is, the person is not trying to do anything at all, let alone succeed or fail. Lao Zhang continued, "This kind of person may be messing around every day, with neither goals nor plans. ”

Hearing this, I couldn't help but fall into deep thought. Indeed, those who have achieved nothing have at least strived, while those who have achieved nothing have given up their efforts altogether.

"So specifically, what are the manifestations of these two types of people in life?" I asked.

"For example," Lao Zhang smiled, "for example, a person who has achieved nothing, he may work and study every day, but always because of a lack of planning or execution, resulting in no substantial progress in the end." People who have nothing to do may be playing games and watching TV every day, with no goal or motivation at all. ”

Also, the former may be frustrated by failure, but at least they tried and gained some experience. The latter, on the other hand, may not even feel frustrated because they simply don't act. Lao Zhang added.

"In this way, people who have achieved nothing still have room for improvement, and people who have nothing need to change fundamentally." I sighed.

"That's right, people who have achieved nothing still have a chance to succeed if they can reflect on their problems and improve their methods and strategies. And those who have nothing to do need to find their goals and motivation first, and start to act. Lao Zhang nodded.

I was deeply touched by these words. In life, we often neglect efficiency and effectiveness because we are busy, resulting in nothing to be achieved. And if you completely give up your efforts and become nothing, you are even more irresponsible for your own life.

"Lao Zhang, what you said is so reasonable." I lamented, "We should all reflect on ourselves, avoid achieving nothing, and even more so stay away from nothing." ”

Lao Zhang said with a smile: "Yes, life is short, since you are alive, you must pursue and act." Only in this way can you truly realize your own value. ”

The discussion that day gave me a deeper understanding of "nothing can be done" and "nothing can be done". Although neither was successful, the reasons behind it and the performance were very different. The former has room for improvement, while the latter needs to be fundamentally changed.

Through this exchange, I decided to focus more on efficiency and effectiveness and avoid ineffective busyness. At the same time, it is also necessary to maintain purpose and motivation at all times, and stay away from the state of idleness. Lao Zhang's words are really worth collecting and reminding yourself at all times.

In the days ahead, I will strive to achieve neither nothing nor nothing, so that every day is full and meaningful.

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