
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully

author:Straightforward and breezy NFD

The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully

The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully
The article "Real People and Real Stories" is too connotative, you can taste it carefully

"Have you ever heard the story of that 'real person'? It's so connotative, it's really worth savoring. Lao Li said to me mysteriously.

That day, we took a walk in the park and talked about some interesting stories that we had read recently. Lao Li suddenly mentioned this article, which aroused my interest.

"What's the story? Let's hear it. I asked curiously.

"Okay, I'll tell you about it." Lao Li cleared his throat and began to speak slowly.

"The story takes place in a small village, a young man named Amin, who comes from a poor family, but he has always dreamed of changing his fate. Every day, he gets up early and works greedily at night, trying to save money. Lao Li said.

"It's not uncommon to see stories like this." I interjected.

"Don't worry, listen to me." Lao Li smiled and continued, "One day, a rich merchant came to the village, and he wanted to hire someone to go to the city to help build a big mansion, and the salary was very high. Armin saw this as an opportunity and signed up. ”

"Is this rich merchant a good man?" I asked, a little worried.

At first, Amin was a little skeptical. But when he arrived in the city, he found that the rich merchant was kind to people and often helped the poor. Amin worked for several months on the construction site of a wealthy businessman, not only earning money, but also learning a lot about construction. Lao Li continued.

"And what happened to Amin?" I'm more curious.

"One day, the rich merchant said to Amin, 'Amin, I see that you are serious and smart. Now, I'm going to give you a gift. Amin was surprised and asked what the gift was. "Lao Li sold it.

"What the hell?" I can't wait to ask.

"The rich merchant took Amin to a piece of land and said to him, 'This land is given to you, and as long as you are willing to continue to work hard, I believe that you can make a difference.'" Amin was speechless with excitement. He returned to the village and continued to work hard, and after a few years, he really built a small factory and his life got better and better. After Lao Li finished speaking, he looked at me meaningfully.

"It's an interesting story, but what's the point?" I'm a little confused.

Lao Li explained with a smile: "The connotation of this story is that there are many opportunities in life, but opportunities only favor those who work hard to prepare. If Amin hadn't worked hard and persevered before, even if he met a wealthy businessman, he would not have been able to get that piece of land, let alone succeed later. ”

After listening to Lao Li's explanation, I fell into deep thought. Indeed, many times, we always complain about not having an opportunity, but often ignore whether we are ready for it.

"It's such a story." I sighed, "We should all be like Amin, no matter how difficult the conditions, we should keep working hard and be prepared." ”

Lao Li nodded: "Yes, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, and only by continuing to work hard can we truly seize every opportunity in life." ”

Since that day, I have had a deeper reflection on my attitude towards life and work. Whenever I encounter difficulties and challenges, I will think of Amin's story and tell myself to persevere and keep working hard, because opportunities may come at any time.

The story of "Real People and Real Stories" taught me that success in life is not about being lucky, but about being prepared for opportunities. It's a story that each and every one of us should savor, draw strength from, and move forward.