
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see

author:Straightforward and breezy NFD

Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see

Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see
Commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect it for their children to see

"These commonly used extracurricular knowledge, mothers must collect them for their children to see." Aunt Li said to me while sorting out the bookcase.

That day, we met in the community room, and Aunt Li was my child's homeroom teacher, and she always had a unique perspective on education. This time, she specially recommended some commonly used extracurricular knowledge, which benefited me a lot.

"Aunt Li, what extracurricular knowledge should children know more?" I asked curiously.

"First of all, some basic common sense." Aunt Li smiled and said, "For example, food safety knowledge, teaching children how to identify fresh food, understanding food labels, knowing which additives are safe and which need attention." ”

I nodded, food safety is really important, and kids now snack a lot, and that knowledge can help them make healthier choices.

"Secondly, there is first aid common sense." Aunty Li continued, "Children should learn some basic first aid techniques, such as how to deal with small wounds, simple CPR, and how to deal with emergencies. This knowledge not only protects oneself but also helps others. ”

I made a note of this, thinking that I would like to find an opportunity to enrol my child in some first aid training courses.

"Another thing is that children should know the basics of financial intelligence." "Teaching them how to manage their pocket money, understanding savings and simple investment concepts will be very helpful for their future financial independence." ”

"Financial education is really important." I agree, "Nowadays, many children spend lavishly, and this aspect of education cannot be neglected. ”

"And, of course, scientific knowledge." Aunt Li smiled, "For example, knowledge of astronomy, geography, biology, etc., can not only broaden children's horizons, but also stimulate their curiosity about the world." ”

I remembered that my child had been interested in the stars recently and decided to buy him more astronomy books.

"Finally, children also need to know some knowledge of humanities and social sciences." "History, culture, philosophy, etc., can help children better understand society and develop their critical thinking skills. ”

After listening to Aunt Li's explanation, I felt that I benefited a lot. This extracurricular knowledge not only enriches children's knowledge, but also helps them to be more self-reliant and confident in life.

"Aunt Li, these suggestions are really good, I must collect them." I said from the bottom of my heart.

Aunt Li replied with a smile: "Children's education is not only in the classroom, but also outside the classroom. I hope you find this helpful. ”

As soon as I got home that day, I got into action and prepared some relevant books and materials for my children. Together, we learn about food safety and how to make the right choices of healthy food; Participated in community first aid training and learned basic first aid skills; I made a pocket money management plan and started to learn about saving and simple financial management; I also read a lot of astronomy and history books together, and the children's interest and vision have been greatly improved.

Through the learning of these extracurricular knowledge, I found that children have become more independent, confident, and more curious and exploratory about life and the world. These commonly used extracurricular knowledge are indeed worth collecting for every mother, so that children can thrive in extracurricular learning.

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