
4 goals in 1 game! Blow off 3 + VAR points, and the protagonist of the European Cup changes from a player to a referee

author:Tachibana ✨

Germany 2-0 Denmark: VAR vs. referee

On June 30, Beijing time, the knockout round of the European Championship ushered in a key battle, and the host German team finally defeated the strong rival Denmark 2-0, becoming the first traditional strong team to advance. However, the game did not look dull because of the scoreline, on the contrary, the frequent intervention of the referee and VAR made the game controversial and dramatic.

4 goals in 1 game! Blow off 3 + VAR points, and the protagonist of the European Cup changes from a player to a referee

Referees and VARs: the "behind-the-scenes" of the game

The biggest attraction of this game is not the performance of the players, but the frequent intervention of referees and VAR. Can you imagine? Of the four goals scored in the game, three were blown away and the other was a VAR penalty awarded. This situation raises the question of whether the introduction of technology is for fair play or to ruin the passion of the game.

The first goal of the game came in the fourth minute when Germany's Slotbeck cut in at the back and headed home from Kroos' corner. However, the referee immediately ruled the goal nullified on the grounds that Kimmich had fouled Slotterbeck while covering for a pick-and-roll. The decision disappointed German fans, but it was only the beginning of the controversy.

4 goals in 1 game! Blow off 3 + VAR points, and the protagonist of the European Cup changes from a player to a referee

At the start of the second half, Denmark's Andersson scored a goal in the 49th minute, and before the cheers of the crowd had subsided, the referee whistled for offside. VAR replays showed Anderson's offside distance could have been just the width of a toenail. This kind of "egg-picking" penalty made the players and fans of the Danish team feel extremely wronged.

Double standards for referees?

Next, a more dramatic scene took place in the 52nd minute. It was Anderson, who seemed to have a small movement of his hand when defending Germany's Raum's cross. The referee did not award a penalty at the time, but after frantic protests from the German players, the referee went to watch the VAR replay and awarded a penalty to the German team. Germany scored a penalty and took a 1-0 lead.

4 goals in 1 game! Blow off 3 + VAR points, and the protagonist of the European Cup changes from a player to a referee

Just imagine, the Danish team went from leading 1:0 to falling behind 0:1 in just 5 minutes, how big is the gap in this mood? And this earth-shaking change is entirely caused by VAR and the referee's decision. The allure of competitive sports lies in its unpredictability and fair play, but this charm seems to be disappearing when technology frequently intervenes.

Player's helplessness: Look at the referee first after scoring a goal

In the 90th minute, Germany's Wirtz scored on a counter-attack. The ball went in and the fans cheered, but the referee's whistle sounded again. VAR showed that Wirtz was offside and the goal was disallowed. Throughout the game, Germany and Denmark each had two goals blown away, and the only goal that didn't involve the referee was Musiala's goal in the 68th minute.

4 goals in 1 game! Blow off 3 + VAR points, and the protagonist of the European Cup changes from a player to a referee

This frequent penalty has left the players at a loss. Whenever they scored, they no longer celebrated, but looked at the referee for the first time, for fear that their goal would be blown away. This situation makes one wonder, is this still the football we are familiar with? Has the passion and intensity of competitive sports faded away with the intervention of high technology?

High-tech interventions: a blessing or a curse?

For such a match, the reaction of the fans was also mixed. On the one hand, the introduction of VAR has indeed improved the accuracy of penalty decisions and reduced misjudgments; But on the other hand, frequent VAR interventions also disrupt the consistency and spectacle of the game. Especially in such a strong conversation, the frequent intervention of referees and VAR made the game fragmented and the rhythm of the players was disrupted.

4 goals in 1 game! Blow off 3 + VAR points, and the protagonist of the European Cup changes from a player to a referee

Without those decisions, Germany would likely have won 3-1 against Denmark and the difference in quality between the two teams would have been even more pronounced. In this way, both sides may be convinced, and the match will be much less controversial. However, it was these frequent decisions that made the game full of uncertainty and controversy.

With the continuous advancement of technology, high-tech means such as VAR have become an indispensable part of modern football. But we also have to wonder whether the intervention of technology is helping to make the game fairer, or is it destroying the original charm of the game in some way.

4 goals in 1 game! Blow off 3 + VAR points, and the protagonist of the European Cup changes from a player to a referee

Player Stories: From Musiala to Anderson

Speaking of this match, we have to mention two key figures: Musiala of the German team and Andersson of the Danish team. Both of these young talents were impressive in the competition, but their fates were so different.

Musiala, the 21-year-old German star, has been hailed as "the next Messi" since he was a child. His goal in the 68th minute was the only one in the game that was not interfered with by the referee. At that moment, like a bolt of lightning, he broke through the Danish defence and sent the ball into the net with precision. The cheers from the scene poured in like a tidal wave, as if to cheer for his future. Musiala's speed and technique are reminiscent of his glory days at the youth level: from a one-on-one defence to a one-shot finish, his growth trajectory is like a beautiful football fairytale.

4 goals in 1 game! Blow off 3 + VAR points, and the protagonist of the European Cup changes from a player to a referee

Looking at Denmark's Anderson, his experience is a bit more tragic. As a mainstay of the Danish team, he was frustrated by two goals in the game, especially the negligible offside. Anderson's face was full of helplessness and unwillingness, and his mood was like a flower wet by a storm, losing its original vitality. Looking back on his glorious moments in the Danish league, the situation is particularly distressing.

Voices of the fans: for and against

After the match, the discussion about the match on social media remained hot. Proponents of VAR argue that the penalties, while harsh, do improve the fairness of the game. "After all, rules are rules, and no one is exempt." A German fan tweeted.

4 goals in 1 game! Blow off 3 + VAR points, and the protagonist of the European Cup changes from a player to a referee

Opponents, however, argue that the overuse of VAR has made the game lose its original passion and charm. "Football is a sport of passion and accidents, and not every detail needs to be magnified under a microscope." A Danish fan commented angrily. Indeed, the allure of the game of football lies in its uncertainty and rapid change, and the over-reliance on technology seems to make the game too mechanical and cold.

Comparative analysis: the collision of tradition and modernity

Looking back at the game, it is not difficult to find an interesting contrast: the collision of traditional football and modern technology. Traditional football focuses on the on-the-spot performance of players and the instant judgment of referees, while modern technology tries to eliminate human error and pursue absolute fairness through high-tech means.

4 goals in 1 game! Blow off 3 + VAR points, and the protagonist of the European Cup changes from a player to a referee

But the question is, does the game of football really need to be absolutely fair? Or does absolute fairness really exist? In this game, the frequent intervention of referees and VAR made the game fragmented, the rhythm of the players was disrupted, and the spectator experience was greatly reduced. The charm of traditional football seems to be gradually weakened with the intervention of high technology.

Where will the future of football be held? This is a question worth pondering. Advances in technology will undoubtedly continue to permeate all fields, including sports. But we must also be wary of whether the excessive involvement of technology will make the game lose its original charm and excitement.

4 goals in 1 game! Blow off 3 + VAR points, and the protagonist of the European Cup changes from a player to a referee

No matter how technology develops, the soul of football – the unique charm of uncertainty and fierce competition – will never change. We look forward to a fairer, more just yet passionate future for football. Let's continue to love the sport and see it come alive and breathe new life as it moves between preserving tradition and introducing innovation.

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