
When a person lives, it is a way home


Du Fu, who was in the prime of life, decided to leave his hometown and go to Chang'an for further study.

Unfortunately, due to setbacks in his political career, the Tang Dynasty's official selection path encountered difficulties. Minister Li Linfu once said to Tang Xuanzong: "All the talented people have gathered in the imperial court, and there are no outstanding people in the local area." As a result, many people lost the opportunity to pass the imperial examination and were promoted, and the imperial examination system fell into a state of abandonment for a time. To rephrase it in straightforward language: It's a pity that after Li Linfu said that sentence to Tang Xuanzong, those who want to improve themselves through the exam will not get the opportunity. This caused a blockage in the imperial court's selection of talents, resulting in the imperial examination becoming useless. Because of the minister's words, the exchange of talents between the imperial court and the local government was cut off, and many people lost the opportunity to rise. So, the career is not so smooth.

Where do we go in life? When Du Fu recalled the eight outstanding figures of the Tang Dynasty, he couldn't help but write "The Song of the Eight Immortals in Drinking". These eight celebrities stirred waves in his heart, and he expressed his admiration and nostalgia for them in the form of poems. In the poem, Du Fu depicts their deeds with pen and ink, and at the same time thinks about the direction and meaning of life. So, how should you choose in life? Perhaps we can look to history for answers and learn from the experiences of these celebrities. Through Du Fu's poems, we can have a deeper understanding of these characters and a better understanding of how to take the road of life.

There are various ways to live life, and different paths can lead to the same end. That said, people who are in trouble may be inclined to like drinking, thinking that a glass of wine will dispel all their worries. At the same time, there are people who deal with difficulties and setbacks in different ways. Regardless of the approach, everyone's lifestyle and choices are different, but the goal is to find their own balance and comfort.

Every time I close my eyes, I feel that I have gone through a lifetime, and every time I look back, it is like crossing a long river of history of 5,000 years. Closing your eyes is like going through a lifetime, and in a blink of an eye, it seems like you have crossed 5,000 years.

When you reach a certain age, you will realize that life itself is a journey of inward search and return. This sentence explains in depth the true meaning of life's destiny. Reading Du Fu's poems makes mature people understand that life is like a return to their own essence. Whether we encounter difficulties or face joy, it is part of our journey in life, and ultimately it is all about finding our inner home. In short, a person's life, no matter how many ups and downs he goes through, is ultimately to find his own way back. It is an awakening of growth and a revelation of life.

When a person lives, it is a way home

In terms of theme, there has been a certain shift in the original description. It can be rephrased as: "First, when we explore this topic, we can see that its core content has changed. This change manifests itself in a number of ways, including, but not limited to, the adjustment of perspectives, angles, and details. Although there are differences from the original content, they all revolve around the same theme, but in a different way. ”

He Zhizhang: No matter how good the workplace is, you need to retire in the end. 1. Sentence reorganization: The original sentence "no matter how good the workplace is, you have to retire" has been reorganized and changed to "no matter how good the workplace is, you will eventually need to retire for retirement", which emphasizes He Zhizhang's willingness to retire and retire, which is not affected by the good or bad workplace.

The scene described in the poem is that of a man galloping on horseback, swaying as if he were riding in a boat, with a blurred vision, as if he had fallen into a well, and as if he were lying down to sleep in the rippling water. Through the vivid description of the scene and imagery, the whole poem expresses the poet's experience of riding a horse and the wonderful feeling of the vision.

When He Zhizhang was a child, he actually rode a horse after drinking. His body began to sway under the effects of the alcohol, and before he knew it, he was lost, and his vision was blurry. Unexpectedly, he fell into a deep well. When the people around saw this scene, they reached out to help him. However, when he was carefully lowered into the well, he fell asleep peacefully at the bottom of the well, as if it were the place of his dreams. People could only look at him helplessly, waiting for him to wake up.

His career has been diligent and steadfast, and his development has been relatively smooth. As time passed, he gradually felt a sense of homesickness. So, at the age of eighty-six, he decided to retire and return to his hometown. He sighed: "When I was young, I left home far away, and now I return to my hometown when I am old. This retirement makes him feel comfortable and satisfied.

It is inevitable that even the best position will eventually have to be abandoned. If you can't bear it, then continue to hold on to it until old age. No matter how good the location is, it needs to be abandoned in the end. Cherish the present, but also prepare for the future. If you really can't give up, try to make it to the end.

When the person is gone, his place remains, and the person who comes after him takes his place and moves on.

In interpersonal communication, no matter who you are, you need to abide by this principle: people's coming and staying are like the heat and cold of tea, and natural changes. If you cling too much to a position, you'll only get yourself into endless pain. Therefore, if you let go of your position at the right time and no longer hold your position, you will feel relaxed, as if you have stepped out of the world of the workplace from the depths of your heart.

02 This number can represent a lot of different things, and it can mean different things in different contexts. We can understand and interpret it in many ways. For example, in mathematics, it can represent a certain quantity or order. In everyday life, it can be a simple digital marker. The specific meaning depends on the context in which it is located. What do you think of this explanation?

Li Jin sighed that the helpless moments in life often make people feel pushed forward by the environment and live in the reality of every moment.

I wanted to drink heavily in Ruyang back then, and I had to fight wine for three times before I went to see the emperor. On the way, I met a car loaded with wine, and I was so hungry that my mouth was drooling. How I thought, if I could move the fiefdom to Jiuquan.

Li Jin is a relative of the royal family and has a noble status. Still, he didn't have an easy time with it. Because even as a relative of the emperor, he still needs to follow the emperor's arrangement and think about the future of the entire family.

He was very eager to work in the Jiuquan area, so that he could taste the wine at any time and forget about the world. He especially wanted to work in the Jiuquan area, where he could easily taste fine wine and enjoy it without thinking about the outside world. This is a great opportunity for him.

In order to fulfill his wishes, he would drink a large amount of wine every day before going to the king. However, this is only his unrequited love, and the wish has not been fulfilled.

Have you ever considered whose life can truly be called free? What does such a life look like? Think about it, each of us is actually bound and affected by various factors to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, a free life in the true sense may not be so easy to achieve. What do you think?

We all need to face the constraints of life. When you're older, no one will pay attention to you all the time, but self-discipline is still important. Remember, we need to keep our moral boundaries and stay away from illegal behaviors, and we must also maintain a good image of our family. In our actions and thoughts, we need to have self-discipline so that we can live better.

Okay, don't be so sad. Try to experience the joy of the moment, and feel every moment of time. Life is short, we must learn to cherish and enjoy every minute and every second of happiness.

When a person lives, it is a way home

Original: 03

Li Shizhi believes that in the end, everything is in vain. This is more straightforward and similar to the meaning of the original text, but less repetitive.

Ancient verses describe the lavish life of a high-ranking official in the past. He spends a huge amount of money every day, like a huge whale drinking the water of the river, never leaving his hand, drinking like a drunken fairy, and is known as a sage in the world. He took pleasure in it and seemed to think that it was the enjoyment of life.

Li Gong, known as Zuo Xiang, prefers to drink in large cups during banquets. He held a high position in the DPRK and held a huge amount of power in his hands. But Li Gong was not only satisfied with his achievements, but he also did not give in to each other in terms of status and power with Li Linfu in the court. These two high-ranking people often argue over power.

Li Shizhi and some of his cooperation were exposed as improper relationships, and that person's name was Li Linfu. Li Linfu is extremely tactful, his words are gentle, but his heart is deep. He wrote a memo accusing Li Shizhi and Wei Jian of their private party behavior. Therefore, Li Shizhi was demoted to the Taishou of Yichun and was severely punished.

It used to be crowded with people, but now it's deserted. He was not used to this, so he sighed: "Once upon a time, I lived in isolation and felt leisurely; Now I have given up because of the complexity of the world, and I am obsessed with sharing my life with my drinking friends. I would like to ask those who are here often, how many others are here today? ”

On a stormy night, the dilapidated house was hit by torrential rain, which did not meet expectations. After being degraded, he heard the news of Wei Jian's killing, and his heart was filled with fear and uneasiness. This pressure led him to end his life and die at the age of fifty-four. The deceased was saddened by the sad news and suffered a double blow to his body and mind, and felt unable to bear it, and finally made a painful decision. His life was brought to an early end, and he remained at the age of fifty-four. After suffering a series of blows, he chose to commit suicide due to extreme grief and fear, and did not live past the age of fifty-four. His fate was full of misfortunes and setbacks, which are regrettable.

It is generally accepted that human beings need a lot of resources, so it inevitably leads to fierce competition and contention. This perception is not superficial and superficial, and people do not hesitate to make efforts to fight for demand.

You have everything, including a house, a car, a place to live, and you want to live a future for your children, perfect love, and a long life. But gradually, you feel that endless desires seem to have gradually formed an invisible cage that haunts you.

In old age, I know that only a healthy body can live a stable life, and everything else is like a passing cloud. When the body is also gradually weakened, then you can only sigh. In layman's terms, when we get old, we really understand the importance of health, and nothing else is as real as it. Later, if even the health is gone, then there is really only a sigh left. In short, the body is the capital, and everything is empty without health.

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Cui Zongzhi, Su Jin and Jiao Sui, even in the midst of fame and fortune, they still maintain an ordinary essence.

It depicts a personable teenager with a dashing demeanor and a glass looking up at the blue sky. His image is like a flawless piece of jade, standing quietly in the wind. Another man named Su Jin, who often embroidered Buddha statues during long fasts, often liked to get rid of earthly troubles when he was drunk. There is also Jiao Sui, who only shows extraordinary self-confidence after drinking five buckets of wine, and he speaks eloquently and shockingly.

Cui Zongzhi was a nobleman who inherited the title of Duke of Qi. He is handsome in appearance and personable, standing tall like a jade tree. The drunken experience adds a bit of charm. However, we have no way of knowing his fate in life.

Su Jin has been good at writing articles since he was a child, and he was able to write poems before he was ten years old. After many years of officialdom, he was obsessed with meditation, but he was unable to resist the temptation of fine wine. Eventually, he died while serving in public office.

Mr. Jiao is an interesting ordinary person, and sometimes his words are a little stumbling. Once he took a few sips, it was a different story, he became talkative and outgoing. He does not like to pursue fame and fortune, and prefers to live a simple and simple life.

The best state of life is calm and quiet, and the rest of the days are the most precious. In layman's terms, it means that you have to face everything calmly in your life, and you don't need to be too entangled or deliberately pursue anything. And in the second half of life, living an ordinary life is actually a more secure and secure way of life. This kind of life makes people feel down-to-earth, and there will not be too many twists and turns. To put it simply, it is to live a calm and indifferent life, not to pursue luxury and flashiness, and to cherish ordinary days, such a life is the most beautiful.

In everyday life, people are like ordinary friends, drinking and talking, and it is harmless to exaggerate their words. There is no fetters of fame and fortune, abandoning cumbersome etiquette, and putting aside the rules that bind oneself, so that life can be truly enjoyable. In the gathering of ordinary people, it is natural to raise a glass and talk about it. Without the competition of utilitarianism and interests, without the shackles of red tape, everyone can let go of the restraints, live more realistically, and enjoy happiness to the fullest. In this way is life truly free and enjoyable.

In ordinary life, even if they are at a low point, even if they have a simple configuration, people can still maintain a noble quality. Simplified version: People can remain dignified even when living conditions are poor.

The daily life of rural labor can also cultivate cultural giants like Tao Yuanming, and leave us with such beautiful and unique scenery as the Peach Blossom Spring.

To express it in simple words is to maintain a humble attitude, so that you can appear more noble. Eventually, we will find that those who can maintain a normal mind are the most enviable. Lowering our mindset will bring us closer to the truth of our hearts, and at the same time, it will make us more respectable. In short, there is something extraordinary in the ordinary, and we should learn to appreciate and respect the ordinary.

When a person lives, it is a way home

It's five o'clock. It's five o'clock, and it's time to move on to the next thing. At 5 p.m., the rest of the work will begin. The clock points to five o'clock, let's keep trying. Seven o'clock in the evening is approaching, and the next thing to do is about to begin. It's 4:50 a.m., and a new mission is about to arrive. To sum up, it's about five o'clock in the afternoon, and we're going to move on.

Although Li Bai's travels were tortuous and round, he finally returned to the starting point. This experience seemed to tell him that no matter how far he walked, he would eventually return to square one. In plain and straightforward language, Li Bai went around in circles, and finally returned to his original place.

Li Bai could write a lot of poems after drinking, and he often drank in taverns in Chang'an City, and even fell asleep on the street. Even if the Son of Heaven summoned him, he did not want to go on the boat to meet him, but instead claimed to be the fairy of wine. He loves wine, takes wine as his companion, and is full of poetry.

Li Bai had a deep friendship with He Zhizhang, and Tang Xuanzong also admired him. However, Li Bai has an indulgent and uninhibited personality, likes to drink, and is sometimes too straightforward, so he offends some people, such as Yang Guifei and Gao Lishi. Eventually, he had to leave the palace.

In order to expand his career, Li Bai chose to devote himself to the command of Yongwang Li Lan. However, contrary to his wishes, he was unexpectedly drawn into a rebellion launched by the King of Yong, and unfortunately suffered from prison.

Li Bai was over half a hundred years old, and in order to escape the war, he took his wife Zong to the south to find a place of refuge. After that, he was under the protection of Song Ruosi, but unfortunately he was exiled.

In life, we have traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, pursued countless new things and challenges, and it is still unknown whether we will achieve success in the end. Doesn't that seem like a portrayal of most people? Although we have gone to study in distant places, changed jobs in many cities, and left our footprints in different places, we still find that in the end, everything seems to be back to square one. Maybe that's the normal state of life, and even though we're always looking for new breakthroughs and trying new things, we still stay in the same way to some extent. So, are we really not gained? Perhaps we need to re-examine our own processes and experiences to find value and growth. This may help us better face life's challenges and dilemmas. So, even though it seems like "nothing happens", in fact, we are still moving forward and growing.

In life, most of the busyness and affairs are just to make a living, and we don't have to exaggerate it as such a great thing.

No matter what critical moment you face, what you need most is the support of your family. Family companionship and support are especially important at critical times. To put it succinctly, home is what we need most at all times.

Despite the limited size of the house, it is the starting point of your life and your final destination. It's not a lot of space, but this is where you start and where you'll eventually come back. Although the family is small, it still carries your original intention and sense of belonging. Space is limited, but you always have that as a starting point and an end point.

Today we are going to explore the meaning of the number "six". This number is everywhere in our lives, and it represents multiple meanings. Whether it's timing, sequencing, or coding, it plays an important role. Under this theme, we can delve into the deep meaning behind it. The above content is related to, but not identical, to the meaning of the original title "06", thus reducing the repetition with the original text. At the same time, the transmission of the original meaning and the colloquial expression are maintained.

Zhang Xu's life experience is like a cursive handwriting, tortuous and casual. Explanation:2. Colloquial language, such as "cursive writing", is used to vividly describe the twists and turns and arbitrariness of life. 3. The sentence structure is simplified, but the artistic conception of the original text is still retained.

Regarding Zhang Xu's poems, there is such a description: Three glasses of wine are in the stomach, and the cursive writing technique has been passed down through the ages. He splashed ink, uninhibited, and was not afraid in front of the princes and nobles, taking off his hat and revealing his hat, and swaying to his heart's content. His handwriting fell on the paper, like a cloud of smoke, and the momentum was magnificent. This is his unique understanding and excellence in cursive writing.

Zhang Xu specializes in the art of calligraphy and has a wide reputation. He is a lover of alcohol, and he often likes to create after drinking. Although he is known, his love of wine is less well known.

Throw away the hat and uninhibited demeanor, and drink freely regardless of the image. Wine tasting is like entering the realm, and the pen is opened like wild grass. On a whim, I took my hair and dyed it with ink and used it as a makeshift paintbrush.

Is living like crazy another experience of life?

When people write the word "human", the strokes are simple, but it is not easy to write well, and it will inevitably appear sloppy. Therefore, the same is true of a truly good life, habitually keeping it natural, not deliberately pursuing an overly refined life, let alone pursuing false refinement. This is more colloquial and retains the original meaning while reducing repetition with the original text.

We always have a plan in life, but often the plan can't catch up with the sudden changes; Although we have ideals, sometimes reality makes us overwhelmed; Although we all yearn for true love, sometimes we can go astray and fall into the wrong love; There will be moments of ease in life, but in the long run, the rhythm of exercise will never change. Time flies, when people grow old, it is inevitable that they will find that there are too many unfinished things in life, and this emotion has also witnessed many unsatisfactory experiences in life. Re-interpretation, we always strive for in the long river of life. It's inevitable to make a plan, but we also need to be prepared for the uncertainty ahead. The pursuit of ideals is great, but the limits of reality cannot be ignored. It's okay to expect true love, but cherish it more and stay rational about every relationship. Leisure in life is a rare pleasure, but it is equally important to keep your body active and healthy. Although the years cannot be retrograde, we can also find the preciousness and preciousness of life in regret and sighs. These experiences are all testimonies and revelations of life. All in all, despite the many helplessness and regrets in life, we can still draw strength and wisdom from them and move on. This is the charm and charm of life.

When a person lives, it is a way home

It's seven o'clock.

In daily life, we often hear such a sentence: "The world is changeable like wine in a cup, and we use this life to experience all kinds of joys and sorrows, birth, old age, sickness and death." "In short, life's ups and downs are like a long-term journey, and this journey will accompany us for the rest of our lives.

Pursue less so you don't tie yourself down. Open your heart, let those who come come, and those who go go, don't force it, let it go to make it easy. The simplified colloquial expression is: Don't be too greedy, you will feel tired. Relax your mind, let everything take its course, and let those that don't belong to you go. If you don't force it, you can live comfortably.

There is something that is destined for you, and it will come eventually; Some things are not yours, and even if you ask for them, it won't work. So, why should you keep worrying about yourself? Fate has arranged it this way, so let it be.

When young people are in high spirits, they are full of vitality like the sunrise, shining on the entire sky; As the years go by, when the face fades, it is like the end of the sunset, and the water surface is half reflected and half red. In short, when you are young, it is like the morning glow reflecting the sky, and when you are old, it is like the sunset on the water. Youth is like the morning, old age is like twilight. As the years have passed, the style is still the same. This sentence reduces vocabulary and complex structures, and directly uses colloquial expressions, maintaining the original meaning while reducing the similarity with the original text.

Life is as short as a dream, when you live to drink good wine, after you die, you will sacrifice wine. Life is like that floating cloud, fleeting.

Pictures from the web were used for illustrations of articles.