
Speech by outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

author:Ōkami Monk Bun

Text|Editor: Mist


Every year during the graduation season, there are always enthusiastic farewell ceremonies staged in the university.

This year.

Yang Jinwen of Zhejiang University, as an outstanding representative, touched the hearts of everyone present with a speech full of patriotic enthusiasm.

She said passionately: The future of China, no matter ten or twenty years.

Speech by outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

Even longer, there are always countless challenges to start from scratch and overcome obstacles, waiting for us to move forward bravely, even if the road is difficult, we must be brave.

I hope that we can all keep the flame of idealism alive and shine where the motherland desires most......

Such a statement.

The teachers, students and even the younger students present were deeply encouraged and admired her talent and innocence.

But the subsequent news surprised some people - Yang Jinwen chose to study in the United States after graduation.

Speech by outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

Some people can't help but ask: Why did you turn around and go to the United States when you said you wanted to devote yourself to the construction of the motherland?


There are all kinds of voices on the Internet, and some people joke: You go to the places where the United States helps the most needy, and I only go to enjoy the scenery.

Speech by outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

Actually, look at it from another angle.

Yang Jinwen only went abroad for further study, not an immigrant.

With her patriotism, perhaps as many believe.

Speech by outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

She will return to China after completing her studies and use what she has learned to contribute to the development of the country.

After all, truly patriotic.

It's not about where you are, it's about caring for the motherland and contributing to your ability.

The awkwardness between ideal and choice

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, Yang Jinwen gave an impassioned speech.

said that he was going to go to the place where the motherland needed it most, which touched everyone present.

Speech by outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

But then it came out that she had applied to study in the United States, which surprised many people.

Direct call sashi.

People began to question that such statements were contrary to actual actions.

How can you be a role model for your students in the future?

Speech by outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

In such cases of inconsistency, it was suggested that the credibility of such persons should be lowered.

So that when they return to work in China in the future, the employer can refer to it.

Coincidentally, it's not just Zhejiang University.

A similar controversy arose in the speeches of this year's graduates of Xi'an Jiaotong University.

Speech by outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

This makes one wonder if the speeches at college graduation ceremonies should be more sincere.

Avoid misleading students and society?

Of course, there are also people who defend Yang Jinwen.

said that if she returns to China after studying abroad, then what she says now is that she will go to the place where the motherland needs it most; If she ends up staying in the United States, then the United States will naturally become her new homeland, and it still makes sense.

Speech by outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

So it seems, no matter what her future choices are.

It seems to be self-justifying.

Speech by outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

Netizens are hotly discussing polarization

An outstanding graduate of Zhejiang University named Yang Jinwen caused an uproar when he spoke at the graduation ceremony.

She once said emotionally that she wanted to go to the place where the motherland needed it most, which touched countless people.

But it was soon revealed that she had actually applied to study in the United States.

Many people were dissatisfied with this anti-transfer, accusing her of being inconsistent with what she was saying and what she said.

Speech by outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

Question her sincerity and integrity.

Some people criticized her for staging officialdom in advance, saying one thing and doing another; There are also people who reminisce about the past.

I feel that the people who responded to the call to go to remote areas to dedicate their youth were disappointed by Yang Jinwen's behavior, and worried that such a person becoming a party member would affect the future and development of the country.

Speech by outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

Some people also questioned the school's criteria for selecting speakers, believing that such a choice was a satire on the image of Zhejiang University students.

on the web.

Some comments hit the nail on the head, saying that she is patriotic verbally and has her own set of rules in her heart.

However, some netizens rationally analyzed and believed that it was not a mistake to study in the United States.

Speech by outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

Many outstanding figures in history have studied abroad, and the key is whether they return to China to contribute what they have learned after completing their studies.

Once, Yang Jinwen's speech received a lot of applause and support.

Speech by outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

But as the truth emerged, some people began to turn to skepticism and criticism.

Speech by outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States
Speech by outstanding graduates of Zhejiang University: Go to the place where the motherland needs it most, and turn around and apply to study in the United States

In the face of these negative feedbacks, Yang Jinwen remained silent.

There was no public response.

What do you think about this?

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