
10,000 meters under the sea, what is there? The strange scene subverts human cognition, do you dare to explore?

author:666 children


The mysteries and challenges of deep-sea exploration are discussed in depth, as well as the important breakthroughs made by the great powers of the East in the deep-sea field. The deep sea hides countless unknown creatures and secrets, and each exploration allows humans to learn more about this blue world. The diving technology of the eastern powers continues to advance, and the successful exploration of the Mariana Trench has brought back valuable resources and data, opening up new possibilities for deep-sea exploration.

10,000 meters under the sea, what is there? The strange scene subverts human cognition, do you dare to explore?

Explore the ocean floor

10,000 meters under the sea, what is there? The strange scene subverts human cognition, do you dare to explore?

The underwater world, whether mysterious or dangerous, is an irresistible temptation for human beings.

10,000 meters under the sea, what is there? The strange scene subverts human cognition, do you dare to explore?

This uncharted blue sea is home to countless moving legends, and countless people have dreamed of unveiling it, but have been swallowed by it.

10,000 meters under the sea, what is there? The strange scene subverts human cognition, do you dare to explore?

Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, mankind has also begun to embark on the road of conquering the deep sea.

10,000 meters under the sea, what is there? The strange scene subverts human cognition, do you dare to explore?

The deepest sea we know before is the Mariana Trench, where hot water springs emerge from the ocean floor at 2,500 meters.

This is due to the fact that at this location, the rocks on the seabed can break due to volcanoes or earthquakes, causing the underground lava to come into contact with the seawater, which produces hot water.

Outside of this area, many places are even deeper than that.

The Mariana Trench used to be the most difficult existence for us to reach, but in 2012, the manned submersible "Endeavour" successfully sat on the bottom of the Mariana Trench, where it set a new record for deep-sea exploration by the Oriental powers, reaching a depth of 10,909 meters.

This also indicates that the eastern powers have the ability to carry out deep-sea exploration work around the world, and have officially become a non-negligible member of the world's deep-sea exploration cause.

The trip to the Mariana Trench not only set a new milestone for the eastern powers in the field of deep-sea exploration, but also gave us a better understanding of the deep sea.

In this deep-sea expedition, we not only revealed the diversity and adaptability of deep-sea life, but also gave the world a more intuitive understanding of the extreme conditions of the deep-sea environment.

We often say that "water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat", but under the deep sea, water is so heavy that the pressure it produces is unimaginable.

When we stand on land, we can't see the pressure that the air puts on us with the naked eye, so we often ignore it.

It's a different story underwater, where water puts us with tremendous pressure and increases with depth.

For example, when we dive 40 meters underwater, it is equivalent to 400 adults on our body.

And an abyssal place like the Mariana Trench is even more unimaginable.

But it's this body of water that hides countless secrets that we don't know, such as the habitat of blue whales at 500 meters.

Blue whales are the largest living mammals, and their sheer size is enough to amaze us, not to mention the secrets they hide beneath the depths.

At 100 meters, it is the favorite place for hairtail fish.

Hairtail fish are generally not very good swimmers and prefer to swing their heads upwards when swimming.

When they swim below 100 meters, they can see the water and sunlight by looking up.

That's why they're more comfortable moving at temperatures of up to 100 meters.

After 200 meters, it's a different story.

Because at 200 meters is the deepest part of the ocean where the light can reach, after which you enter the dark world.

But it is precisely this dark world that has given birth to more creatures that we don't know about, such as transparent octopuses.

The transparent octopus is transparent throughout, like a very spiritual and dancing elf, beautiful and mysterious in the dark world.

Further down is another "ultra-abyssal zone".

Below 6,000 meters, it is called the "ultra-abyssal zone", and the water temperature is extremely low and the pressure is enormous, but this does not prevent the variety of life there.

Scientists have even spotted creatures such as whale sharks and giant squid that can survive such extreme environments.

The emergence of the manned submersible "Struggler" of the eastern powers has given us a better understanding of these "ultra-abyssal belts".

The "Struggler" carried two warriors and carried out a long operation of 3 hours and 35 minutes at 10,909 meters, and successfully completed all scientific tasks.

Scientists have successfully collected a variety of biological samples and a series of important data through the "Fighter", and carried out systematic observation and sampling analysis of the seabed.

For example, at 10,000 meters, a creature called the "short-legged double-eyed hooked shrimp" was successfully collected.

These data and samples will undoubtedly provide us with an important basis for more exploration of this unknown world.

For scientists, it is an invaluable research resource and opportunity.

Nowadays, the diving technology of the eastern powers has also developed to the world's leading level, and in the near future, the eastern powers will be able to independently develop their own deep-sea submersible boats, and promote the eastern powers to carry out more extensive, more systematic and deeper deep-sea exploration work on a global scale.

Before 1,000 meters, it is called the "transition zone".

The sea floor is pitch black, and how can creatures survive in the harsh environment and scarce food?

In fact, many marine creatures have their own lighting.

For example, some sharks, octopuses, shrimps, etc., can emit light, and in the dark they use their light to attract prey or confuse predators.

And this self-contained "light" comes from the fact that they have luminescent cells.

Many sharks have light organs on their backs, and can freely control the movement of pigment particles in the luminescent cells to change parameters such as luminescence intensity and color, so as to confuse prey or predators.

It can be said that in the dark world, "glowing" is a weapon for them.

10,000 meters under the sea, what is there? The strange scene subverts human cognition, do you dare to explore?

Human civilization

Human civilization has always been inseparable from the development and progress of science and technology, a long time ago human beings could only operate on land, and there were many dangers on land at that time, such as wild beasts, natural disasters and so on are threats that human beings have to face.

In order to be able to live a better life, human beings continue to improve themselves, and in the process of civilization, land resources have also begun to become strained, and human beings have begun to search for new continents, and even began to set foot in unknown deep sea areas.

Therefore, since ancient times, human beings have been exploring the deep sea and trying to establish themselves to survive and develop there.

Although most of them failed in the end, it is this continuous exploration and continuous progress that has brought us a beautiful and happy living environment.

Therefore, even though it has swallowed countless lives and may even threaten our lives, mankind still has not given up its determination and confidence in the exploration and development of the deep-sea field.

Today, with improvements in technology, quality, and more, we can safely reach many locations that were once considered difficult to reach or even non-existent, and gain access to more valuable information and resources from there.

10,000 meters under the sea, what is there? The strange scene subverts human cognition, do you dare to explore?


For example, for the big countries in the East, the advent of the "Struggler" not only made the big countries stand in the camp of the world's scientific and technological powers, but also brought tangible benefits to the big countries in the East in many ways.

For example, during this trip to the Mariana Trench, the "Struggler" also brought back a lot of precious resources to the eastern powers.

Although there are no resources that can be directly used for construction and manufacturing, it is precisely because of the existence of the "Endeavor" that the "Endeavor" brings back resources to our country that are far more than those that can be directly used for manufacturing and use.

For example, the "Struggler" has successfully collected a variety of deep-sea biological samples and a series of important data.

These data and samples will provide an important basis for the eastern countries to carry out more extensive, more systematic and deeper deep-sea exploration.

The Mariana Trench is a special area with the largest nature, the most frequent activities, the most complex environment and the most abundant resources in the world, and the collection of data and samples in it will make the eastern powers have an important influence in the world.

And due to its extremely harsh environment, obtaining resources and data there will become a strong driving force for the eastern countries to improve their independent innovation capabilities, promote the upgrading of high-end equipment industry, and promote scientific and technological innovation and industrial integration and development.

At the same time, it will also inject strong impetus into the all-round development of the blue economy and the acceleration of the construction of a maritime power in the eastern countries.

It can be said that the advent of the "Struggler" is not only a new record left by the aerospace industry of the great powers of the East after conquering various fields from heaven to earth.

It will bring a series of achievements such as technology, resources, and data to the eastern powers, bringing infinite possibilities and opportunities.

10,000 meters under the sea, what is there? The strange scene subverts human cognition, do you dare to explore?


Although the deep sea gives us infinite reverie, it also gives us a lot of gains and surprises.

However, deep-sea exploration is also extremely difficult and dangerous, with many challenges and risks.

Deep-sea exploration would not be possible without advanced technology and strict safety measures.

In such extreme environments, the equipment must be rugged enough and powerful enough to be up to the task.

For example, in order to ensure the safety of divers, 100,000 sensors are specially installed on the shell of the "Fighter" to monitor the external environment in an all-round way.

These sensors generate 5M~6M data every 1 second, and they need to operate continuously and stably for 24 hours.

10,000 meters under the sea, what is there? The strange scene subverts human cognition, do you dare to explore?

It's scary to think about!

And because underwater equipment is difficult to repair and maintain, failure can put divers in extremely dangerous situations.

Therefore, when the divers are working, the "Struggler" will keep the submarine relatively stable through small operations and minimize the impact force.

Divers are even analyzed for abnormalities based on their small sound changes.

It can be said that every diving mission means great risk, and every diving mission in such a harsh environment requires careful preparation and careful deployment.

And it is with such excellent technical equipment support that divers from the big countries in the East can complete various tasks safely and smoothly.

10,000 meters under the sea, what is there? The strange scene subverts human cognition, do you dare to explore?


Although the deep sea is full of challenges and dangers, it is precisely because it seems so mysterious and alluring.

Today, when everything has been explored, there are still many existences in the deep sea that make us fascinated and yearn for.

For example, the Titanic was originally called the "Eternal Ship", but it was not until 1985 that it was discovered and salvaged by two American explorers, and it became the most sensational news event in the world that year.

In fact, the Titanic sank at 3,750 meters, where the water pressure had reached 370 atmospheres.

Although the Titanic could not withstand the force of the collision, it tore and cracked, causing it to sink and take the lives of 1,502 passengers and crew.

However, even if it sank to 3,750 meters, it was still well preserved under the huge pressure of nearly 400 times the atmospheric pressure, and became one of the precious repositories of modern history deciphered by archaeologists.

It can be said that every time the mystery is successfully unveiled, there are countless precious historical materials and precious memories of mankind hidden behind them.

If the wreckage of the Titanic had not been discovered and salvaged for preservation and research, many of us would not have known anything about the aftermath of the shipwreck.

It can be said that every successful exploration of the deep-sea field will leave valuable wealth and memory for human civilization.

10,000 meters under the sea, what is there? The strange scene subverts human cognition, do you dare to explore?


Deep-sea exploration is not only a brave exploration of the unknown world, but also a symbol of the continuous progress of human civilization. The scientific and technological breakthroughs of the great powers in the East make us look forward to the unveiling of the mystery of the deep sea, and every exploration will leave valuable memories and wealth for human civilization. Let's praise the deep-sea exploration of the great countries in the East!

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