
Outburst! Iran's political scene is shaken, and Vice President Hashemi is shocked to withdraw from the election, who will win the presidency?

author:Cuiguan Entertainment

Iran's presidential election is in the spotlight, but Vice President Hashemi caused a stir by suddenly announcing his withdrawal from the race. There has been a lot of speculation about the reasons behind his decision.

Outburst! Iran's political scene is shaken, and Vice President Hashemi is shocked to withdraw from the election, who will win the presidency?

Hashmi's exit

Iran's presidential election has attracted much attention, and changes in Iran's political situation have always been the focus of attention, and Iran's national policy often directly affects peace and stability in the Middle East. This time, the already confusing electoral situation has added a new variable, with fewer people running for the upcoming election and incumbent Vice President Jajizad Hashemi announcing his withdrawal from the race ahead of the election, causing a sensation.

Outburst! Iran's political scene is shaken, and Vice President Hashemi is shocked to withdraw from the election, who will win the presidency?

Hashemi's withdrawal from the election can be said to be the biggest upset of this election, and with his influence and appeal in Iranian politics, he is the most likely person to be elected in this election. However, just when everyone was full of anticipation, Hashemi announced that he would give up, and this decision can be said to have caught everyone off guard, even the opponents of the election.

After Hashemi's announcement of his withdrawal from the race, it quickly caused a heated discussion in all walks of life, with both supporters and opponents speculating about what he was doing so.

On the face of it, Hashemi's withdrawal from the race did not reveal obvious reasons for repression or personal safety, suggesting that he did not personally face much external pressure, but made the decision out of his own considerations.

As a veteran figure, Hashemi's words and deeds have affected changes in Iran's political situation, and his abandonment of the election must have been carefully considered. From the beginning of the election campaign to the present, Hashemi has been one of the most active figures in the Iranian public opinion arena, and some commentators have even bluntly said that he has become a veritable "street rat", whether it is the nuclear issue or international relations, as long as the Iranian authorities need to respond, the media and public opinion will throw trouble at Hashemi.

Outburst! Iran's political scene is shaken, and Vice President Hashemi is shocked to withdraw from the election, who will win the presidency?

Just when everyone thought he would hold on, Hashemi resolutely chose to quit, a change that is really incomprehensible. Because of the sensitivity of Iran's political situation, the speculation and analysis of foreign media are even more confusing, and they have come up with their own reasons to try to explain the logic behind Hashemi's decision.

Some people believe that Hashemi's withdrawal from the race is a "succession" for the current president, Rouhani, who has always had a very close working relationship, and Rouhani has repeatedly publicly supported Hashemi as the next president. Now that Rouhani is stepping down, Hashemi's exit can be said to be logical.

Others believe that Hashemi's exit is paving the way for political change in Iran, and as a senior vice president, Hashemi is well aware of the current difficulties and problems facing Iran, and he may well see this opportunity and want to use his withdrawal to set a precedent for Iran's change.

What's more, Hashemi's withdrawal from the election is purely a farce, the purpose is to attract more eyeballs and announce his comeback at a critical moment, so that the heat of public opinion will inevitably turn into his advantage in the election.

Outburst! Iran's political scene is shaken, and Vice President Hashemi is shocked to withdraw from the election, who will win the presidency?

Although all kinds of speculation seem reasonable, it seems inappropriate to think about it from Hashemi's own point of view. After all, the vice president of a country is not a position that can be played casually, and if he does it out of personal preference or playfulness, then no matter what his reason, the next step is probably to be completely purged from Iranian politics.

Although all kinds of speculation from the outside world have come out, only Hashemi himself is tight-lipped about it. Neither journalists nor supporters could find any evidence of the logic behind his withdrawal. Even the most die-hard supporters can only reluctantly say, "Maybe only Hashemi himself understands." ”

But as mentioned earlier, the pressure on Hashemi's body was already high enough. Judging from the trend of the overall political development in Iran, this election is crucial for Iran, whether it is internal reform or foreign policy, and the new president needs to take up this responsibility.

Previously, the discussion about Iran's election has focused on the candidates, trying to analyze the future policy direction from their past words and deeds. This time, Hashemi's exit can be said to have completely changed the focus of public opinion, and people have begun to re-examine the decisions and responsibilities of the characters at critical moments, and also made people full of anticipation and curiosity about the upcoming general election.

Outburst! Iran's political scene is shaken, and Vice President Hashemi is shocked to withdraw from the election, who will win the presidency?

Coincidentally, other candidates other than Hashemi are constantly adjusting their campaign strategies in an attempt to seize the opportunity to win more supporters for themselves.

After all, the withdrawal from the election cast a huge suspense on the otherwise stable election campaign. As every candidate is emphasizing, they need to do more than just qualify, but also make their voices heard. And there is no better news hotspot than Hashemi's withdrawal to get them there.

While the news of Hashemi's withdrawal from the race is still brewing, the candidates are already in action. Some analysts believe that the one who is most likely to benefit from this withdrawal from the election is the current Vice President Jahangiri.

Judging from the momentum and support of the candidates so far, Jahangiri is basically firmly in the second place. He had been trying to educate voters about his inheritance with the hashemi idea, a plaguing claim that seemed plausible but plausible.

If Hashemi really made way for Jahangiri, then Jahangiri is about to start preparing a more detailed and refined election plan. Because whatever the reason for Hashemi's withdrawal, in the eyes of most people, there is already some kind of association between them. If Jahangiri is elected, Iran's state policy is likely to continue some of the characteristics of the Hashemi era.

Outburst! Iran's political scene is shaken, and Vice President Hashemi is shocked to withdraw from the election, who will win the presidency?

From a macro perspective, such a volatile political situation in Iran will undoubtedly affect the entire Middle East region. Israel, Saudi Arabia and other countries have always been the focus of Iran's policy adjustment, and they are also very concerned about the changes in the trend of Iran's general election.

Although there have always been insoluble contradictions and contradictions between Iran and these countries, there is no doubt that the Iranian authorities remain one of the indispensable and important players in the Middle East. Especially in the Syrian issue, it is almost impossible to get any effective solution without Iran's involvement and influence.

More importantly, as the influence of the US regime in the Middle East has gradually waned, Iran has become the most serious contender for the new hegemony in the Middle East. While there is still a huge gap in power and influence between them, both Israel and Saudi Arabia can sense Iran's growing momentum. In particular, in terms of international public opinion, the United States has been attacking the Iranian authorities on the grounds of the Iranian nuclear issue for many years, which has caused more and more countries to become suspicious of the United States.

Even countries like Israel, which is so close to the United States that it could not be closer, have always maintained a very cautious attitude in handling relations between the two countries. If there is a real rift in relations between the United States and Israel, the Iranian authorities are likely to become Israel's first choice in adjusting its international relations strategy and finding new allies.

Outburst! Iran's political scene is shaken, and Vice President Hashemi is shocked to withdraw from the election, who will win the presidency?

While this may seem far-fetched, there have been many precedents of veiled exchanges between the Israeli and Iranian authorities. In particular, Israel has recently paid closer attention to the situation in Iran and has tried on various occasions to express its sincerity in dialogue.

The Hashemi withdrawal from the election can be said to have added new variables to the already confusing election situation. Judging from the previously announced list of candidates, the competitive landscape is already very clear.

With the exception of the aforementioned candidates, it is unlikely that there will be any other person in the candidate who can change the overall situation. If we continue according to the originally set plans and programs, everyone knows what they should do, and they also have clear goals and plans in terms of public opinion propaganda and policy formulation.

But no one could have imagined that with only a few days left before the official vote, Hashemi, who had been a solid candidate for the top spot, would suddenly withdraw from the race. This decision is so incomprehensible that even experienced experts who have been analysing the situation for a long time are at a loss.

The months devoted to discussion and analysis around Iran's election seem to have been wasted, because the election figures have changed so much that it is impossible for any one forecasting model to occur.

Outburst! Iran's political scene is shaken, and Vice President Hashemi is shocked to withdraw from the election, who will win the presidency?

Although the campaign has not been long, Hashemi has managed to become the most active and high-profile figure in the public opinion arena of this election. Every time he makes a statement, it can affect the change of the direction of public opinion in the entire Iranian political situation, and it can be said that in addition to the nuclear issue, the hashemi election can be said in the field of public opinion at home and abroad.

Various forecasting models based on the experience of previous elections also show that if anyone can occupy the right to speak in the field of public opinion, who is not far from final victory. And Hashemi has undoubtedly done just that, outperforming other candidates in terms of support and popularity.

Therefore, after he himself announced his withdrawal from the election, all kinds of speculations from the outside world quickly filled the entire public opinion field. Numerous commentaries have tried to analyze the logic and motives behind Hashemi's withdrawal from different angles.

Some analysts believe that Hashemi's withdrawal from the election campaign is actually a "successor" for the current President Rouhani. The two have always had a very close working relationship, and Rouhani has repeatedly publicly supported Hashemi as the next president. Now that Rouhani is stepping down, Hashemi's exit can be said to be logical after no one can count on him.

Outburst! Iran's political scene is shaken, and Vice President Hashemi is shocked to withdraw from the election, who will win the presidency?

And judging from the development trend of the entire Iranian political situation, now is indeed the best time for the Rouhani era to hand over the baton to the next leader. Iran needs to reform its long-standing institutions and attitudes to regain respect and dignity in the diplomatic arena.

If there is one regret of the Rouhani era, it is that he failed to settle the long-standing tensions between Iran and the West during his tenure. Although the two sides have signed a number of agreements and treaties in an attempt to resolve the conflict, these documents are fundamentally not binding on Iran.

If the document does not clearly stipulate what the other party must do, and establish an effective monitoring and punishment mechanism, any paper agreement is nothing more than empty text. Since Rouhani is unable to do so, it is time to break the impasse once and for all when the next president takes office.

At this point, it is only fitting that hashemi should be chosen as the replacement. He has a wealth of resources and experience, and has a unique perspective on dealing with Western countries. And, more importantly, he and Rouhani have always maintained a high degree of coherence in their work.

Outburst! Iran's political scene is shaken, and Vice President Hashemi is shocked to withdraw from the election, who will win the presidency?

If all the gains of the Rouhani era can be sustained, the normalization of relations between Iran and the West will be a big step forward.

Others believe that Hashemi's withdrawal from the race is paving the way for political change in Iran. As a veteran vice president, Hashemi is well aware of the dilemmas and problems that Iran is currently facing.

It can be said that in the entire 80-year history since the founding of the country, Iran has never been in such a critical situation as it is now. Both economic development and improvement of people's livelihood are struggling, especially in international relations.

The long-standing policy of seclusion has put Iran in a very passive position in the international arena

Outburst! Iran's political scene is shaken, and Vice President Hashemi is shocked to withdraw from the election, who will win the presidency?


Iran's political situation is unpredictable, and Hashemi's withdrawal has added new uncertainties to the election situation. Speculation is rife, and the outside world is curious about his motives. What do you think is the reason behind Hashemi's exit this time? Come and leave a message in the comment area to share your views!

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