
The Chinese men's basketball team tasted its first defeat in the warm-up game! Player ratings: 4 passed, 5 failed, 3 collapsed

author:Cap Sports
The Chinese men's basketball team tasted its first defeat in the warm-up game! Player ratings: 4 passed, 5 failed, 3 collapsed

The men's basketball warm-up game suffered a Waterloo, and the Macau Black Bears unexpectedly showed their fangs

Our "pride of the country" Chinese men's basketball team encountered a Waterloo in the warm-up match with the Macau Black Bears!

You heard it right, it was the men's national basketball team that usually calls for wind and rain on the CBA field, and this time it was given a "bear" by the little-known Macau Black Bears!

First, let's take a look back at the highlights of the game.

The Chinese men's basketball team tasted its first defeat in the warm-up game! Player ratings: 4 passed, 5 failed, 3 collapsed

As soon as the game started, both sides showed a very high competitive state.

Although the Macau Black Bears are not well-known, their players are agile and cooperative, which is eye-catching.

And the Chinese men's basketball team is also full of talents and stars. The result of the game was a big surprise, and the Chinese men's basketball team lost by a slight disadvantage.

In this game, there are several players whose performance can be described as decent and passable.

The Chinese men's basketball team tasted its first defeat in the warm-up game! Player ratings: 4 passed, 5 failed, 3 collapsed

As one of the core players of the team, Liao Sanning performed well throughout the game, proficient in scoring, rebounding, and assisting.

He started the game with all his firepower, hitting consecutive three-pointers to open up the game for the team.

However, as the game progressed, his physical strength seemed to be a little unable to keep up, and his efficiency in the second half dropped significantly. But even so, his performance is still commendable.

Cui Xiaolong is another player who has played well.

He dares to fight, dares to break through, and can bring a lot of threat to his opponent every time he plays.

The Chinese men's basketball team tasted its first defeat in the warm-up game! Player ratings: 4 passed, 5 failed, 3 collapsed

Although his scoring ability is not as outstanding as Liao Sanning, his spirit of daring to fight is impressive.

Two young players, Jiao Boqiao and Zhu Junlong, also performed well, showing good potential in their limited playing time.

There are also a few players whose performances are shocking, and they simply fail!

Yu Jiahao, as the team's inner pillar, should have killed all sides on the inside, but he made frequent mistakes in the game, such as empty ball receiving mistakes, defensive mistakes, etc., which made people anxious for him.

The Chinese men's basketball team tasted its first defeat in the warm-up game! Player ratings: 4 passed, 5 failed, 3 collapsed

Zhu Mingzhen is another player who has disappointed. He did well in the league, but once he arrived at the national team, he lost his former presence.

He took a lot of shots, but his shooting percentage was extremely low, and he made a lot of mistakes, which made one wonder if he was still comfortable with the rhythm of the national team.

What is even more speechless is Yang Hansen's performance.

The youngster has been hailed as the 'star of the future' for his impressive performances in the league, but in this game, he has completely lost his former style.

He looked restrained and nervous on the field, and he didn't let go of himself at all.

The Chinese men's basketball team tasted its first defeat in the warm-up game! Player ratings: 4 passed, 5 failed, 3 collapsed

He had an extremely low shooting percentage and even some basic coordination errors. This kind of performance is really surprising.

Gao Shiyan and Zhao Jiayi also failed to play at the level they should have.

They serve as important scoring points for the team, but in this game, they scored very little.

Moreover, they also made frequent mistakes, giving their opponents a lot of opportunities. This kind of performance is really unacceptable.

The Chinese men's basketball team tasted its first defeat in the warm-up game! Player ratings: 4 passed, 5 failed, 3 collapsed

The most speechless are Du Runwang and He Xining.

Du Runwang, as the team's tactical center of gravity, should have taken on the responsibility of the team's scoring. But in this game, his shooting performance was simply terrible.

He hit the iron so often that he couldn't even hit some open shots.

This kind of performance is really disappointing.

And what about He Xining? He was very successful in the league, but as soon as he arrived in the national team, he lost his former prestige.

The Chinese men's basketball team tasted its first defeat in the warm-up game! Player ratings: 4 passed, 5 failed, 3 collapsed

He scored zero points in the game, which was in stark contrast to his performances in the league. Such a contrast is really laughable.

As for Cheng Shuaipeng, the captain, his performance was even more surprising.

As the leader and heart of the team, he was supposed to lead the team to victory.

But in this game, he handed in a zero-point answer. Not only did he fail to contribute in scoring, but he was also prone to leaks on the defensive end.

His three-point shooting performance was even worse, and he missed multiple shots. This kind of performance is really unbelievable.

The Chinese men's basketball team tasted its first defeat in the warm-up game! Player ratings: 4 passed, 5 failed, 3 collapsed

The loss of this game undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the Chinese men's basketball team.

They need to seriously reflect on their shortcomings in the game and find ways to solve them.

After all, it's just a warm-up game, and it doesn't matter if you win or lose. It is important to find problems from the game and correct them in time.

Only then will they be able to perform at the level they deserve in the upcoming games.

We can't completely deny the strength of the Chinese men's basketball team. After all, they have a lot of good players and coaching staff.

The Chinese men's basketball team tasted its first defeat in the warm-up game! Player ratings: 4 passed, 5 failed, 3 collapsed

As long as they can adjust their form in time, improve their tactical play, and improve the quality of their games, I believe they will be able to achieve better results in future competitions.

We also have to see the strength of the Macau Black Bears.

Although they are not well known, their players are agile, well-coordinated and high-spirited.

They showed a high level of competition and team spirit in the competition. Such an adversary deserves our respect and learning.

Let's look forward to the Chinese men's basketball team being able to play its due level in the future games and bring us more exciting games and touching moments!

The Chinese men's basketball team tasted its first defeat in the warm-up game! Player ratings: 4 passed, 5 failed, 3 collapsed

Let's also give a thumbs up and cheers to the Macau Black Bears!

After all, in this basketball world, only by constantly improving and surpassing oneself can we win more honor and respect!

In the world of basketball, there are no permanent winners and no permanent losers.

Every game is a new challenge and opportunity, and the loss of the Chinese men's basketball team may be an opportunity for them to re-examine themselves and find new motivation.

Looking back on that game, although it was lost, there were some eye-catching moments.

The Chinese men's basketball team tasted its first defeat in the warm-up game! Player ratings: 4 passed, 5 failed, 3 collapsed

Those wonderful passes, beautiful breakthroughs, and seemingly impossible saves all let us see the potential and strength of the Chinese men's basketball team.

It's just that, at key moments in the game, they seem to be missing some luck and consistency.

We also can't ignore the strength of the Macau Black Bears.

Although their players are not well-known, their tacit cooperation and high morale are impressive.

The team spirit and competitive level they showed in the game undoubtedly brought a lot of pressure to the Chinese men's basketball team.

The Chinese men's basketball team tasted its first defeat in the warm-up game! Player ratings: 4 passed, 5 failed, 3 collapsed

And this defeat also made the players of the Chinese men's basketball team deeply aware of their own shortcomings.

They began to reflect on their performance in the game, looking for what was wrong and trying to find a solution to the problem.

In the process, they may encounter setbacks and difficulties, but it is these challenges and difficulties that can make them more mature and stronger.

For the fans, the defeat in this game may be a little difficult to accept.

But we have to understand that failure is not terrible, what is terrible is the loss of confidence and courage.

The Chinese men's basketball team tasted its first defeat in the warm-up game! Player ratings: 4 passed, 5 failed, 3 collapsed

As our national team, the Chinese men's basketball team represents the honor and dignity of the entire country.

We should give them more support and encouragement, not blame and abuse.

We must also see the progress and growth of the Chinese men's basketball team.

They have gone through countless challenges and difficulties over the past few years, but they have all survived.

Their strength and level are also constantly improving and improving. This defeat may be a test and challenge on their way to growth.

The Chinese men's basketball team tasted its first defeat in the warm-up game! Player ratings: 4 passed, 5 failed, 3 collapsed

In the coming days, we expect the Chinese men's basketball team to learn the lessons of this game and adjust its state and mentality.

We look forward to them being able to show their strength and level in the next games and bring us more exciting games and touching moments."

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