
Natural "anti-prostate agent", children often eat these 4 foods, rhinitis, adenoid hypertrophy get better quickly

author:Director Meng said children

Eat 4 more foods to speed up rhinitis recovery

"The child has rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy, because he is afraid that eating the wrong food will stimulate rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy. So in daily life, I don't dare to let my child eat, and I don't dare to let my child eat, which is really a headache. ”

"Are there any foods that can be eaten openly, such as rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy? Can you help me list them in detail? Otherwise, every time I go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, I have to struggle for most of the day. ”

Natural "anti-prostate agent", children often eat these 4 foods, rhinitis, adenoid hypertrophy get better quickly

Regarding this problem, I will take the trouble to patiently explain every baby I encounter in the outpatient clinic.

Because no matter how good the effect is, it can't stop the destruction. If parents go home and do not pay attention to their children's diet, and destroy them while conditioning, then the child's rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy will never get better.

Principles of correct eating

The problems of rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy in children are mostly caused by poor spleen and stomach function, accumulation of food, heat and phlegm.

Therefore, the first principle of diet for children with rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy is not to eat foods that increase the burden on the spleen and stomach and stimulate and harm the spleen and stomach. For example, indigestible meat, hot barbecue, stimulating cold drinks, sweet and phlegm-producing pastries.

In addition, you should usually eat some foods that help rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy subside, such as tomatoes, lotus roots, white radish, and yams.


It contains lycopene, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps to reduce turbinate hypertrophy and adenoid hypertrophy; Rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, it can enhance the body's immunity and accelerate the repair and recovery of lymphoid tissue.

lotus root

Lotus root is cold, has the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood, and lotus root contains a lot of dietary fiber, which can promote the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract. These two effects can alleviate the evaporation of the nasal cavity, throat and adenoids by "fire", and reduce the symptoms of dyspnea and snoring in children.

Natural "anti-prostate agent", children often eat these 4 foods, rhinitis, adenoid hypertrophy get better quickly

White radish

First of all, white radish can promote digestion, improve children's internal heat accumulation, and avoid further aggravation of rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy. Secondly, white radish has anti-inflammatory and cough suppressant effects, which can reduce phlegm and dampness that attack the child's mouth, nose and throat.


Yam nourishes the spleen, strengthens the lungs and kidneys, and enhances the function of the child's spleen, lungs and kidneys. Let the child's phlegm, expectoration and expectorant ability be improved, so that the nose and adenoids can get rid of the phlegm dampness and slowly return to normal shape.

If parents are accompanied by the above four foods during the treatment, the child's rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy will get better faster!

My outpatient case

Just like the little patient Tao Tao below, just after his 5th birthday, he was diagnosed with 80% adenoid hypertrophy, because he had difficulty breathing at night, and a local doctor recommended immediate surgery. Taotao's mother couldn't accept it when she thought that her little baby was going to go to the cold operating table, so she took the baby to find me.

Natural "anti-prostate agent", children often eat these 4 foods, rhinitis, adenoid hypertrophy get better quickly

Tao Tao's situation is like this. When the baby was about 3 years old, he began to develop allergic rhinitis. For more than two years, the child has had a runny nose over and over again. Because the doctor told him that the treatment was not good, the parents have been taking anti-inflammatory drugs to control it.

Unexpectedly, after such conditioning, the baby slowly began to open her mouth to breathe, sleep and snore. There was not much of a problem in the early stage, and Taotao's mother didn't pay attention to it. Until the child eats too much cake and drinks too much because of his birthday, he is awakened by himself when he sleeps at night.

Tao Tao's mother realized the seriousness of the baby's problem, and the doctor checked the child's inferior turbinate swelling, third-degree tonsil hypertrophy, and adenoid blockage of 80%, and recommended surgery as soon as possible to remove the hypertrophic turbinates, tonsils, and adenoids together.

Natural "anti-prostate agent", children often eat these 4 foods, rhinitis, adenoid hypertrophy get better quickly

My dialectic

In fact, the root cause of Taotao's series of problems lies in the child's poor spleen and stomach function. Spleen deficiency, unable to transport food and water. Food accumulates and spoils, generates heat and poison, spreads upwards, and burns the throat, mouth, and nose.

The water accumulates into phlegm, which fills the child's lungs and overflows, flooding the child's turbinates, tonsils, and adenoids. Children's turbinates, tonsils, and adenoids are soaked in "water" for many years, and it is strange that they are not inflamed and hypertrophied.

My therapy

So I prescribed a conditioning prescription for the child, astragalus, atractylodes, parsnip, prince ginseng, Xinyi, Angelica dahurica, Banxia, tangerine peel, Poria cocos, skullcap, Zhejiang fritillary, and raw oysters.

By regulating the spleen and stomach, it dissipates heat and dehumidifies to avoid the formation of new phlegm, dampness and heat toxin, and stimulates the turbinates, tonsils and adenoids.

By tonifying the lungs, the phlegm and dampness in the child's lungs are discharged, and the turbinates, tonsils, and adenoids of Taotao are rescued from the clutches of phlegm and dampness.

Through the dispersion of soft and hard knots, the turbinates, tonsils, and adenoids that are "tortured" by heat poison and phlegm dampness are restored to their normal state. Let them recover their defenses and continue to escort the baby's body.

Natural "anti-prostate agent", children often eat these 4 foods, rhinitis, adenoid hypertrophy get better quickly

Because Taotao's symptoms are more serious, it has affected the child's breathing. So while taking medicine, I also ask parents to strictly control their children's diet, and at the same time eat more of the 4 foods I mentioned above.

At the same time, Taotao is paired with acupuncture point stickers, and every night before going to bed, they are applied to the position of the child's double jaw and Tiantu acupoints. It clears away heat and reduces inflammation, helps accelerate the shrinkage of tonsils and adenoids, and relieves the symptoms of dyspnea in children.

In this way, the combined medication and the effect are superimposed, and the child will recover quickly. In just one week, Taotao's difficulty breathing at night and his snoring in sleep have been alleviated. In less than a month, the snoring problem has basically disappeared, and the runny nose has basically stopped.

As long as parents can persevere, it is only a matter of time before the child fully recovers.

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