
1 "Lower Fire Grass" swept the upper, middle and lower three scorching fires, and the cough and adenoid hypertrophy disappeared

author:Director Meng said children

Hello everyone, today I would like to continue to talk to you about the topic of children's internal heat

1 "Lower Fire Grass" swept the upper, middle and lower three scorching fires, and the cough and adenoid hypertrophy disappeared

As soon as the child is hot, he is prone to fire, and has symptoms such as mouth and tongue sores, swollen and sore gums, and dry and sore throat...

Then I also found that many parents like to use dandelions to clear the heat for their children.

As a result, the child not only did not solve the symptoms of the fire, but even had diarrhea and diarrhea.

In fact, this is because parents do not understand the role of dandelions.

1 "Lower Fire Grass" swept the upper, middle and lower three scorching fires, and the cough and adenoid hypertrophy disappeared

Dandelion does have the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire, but it only enters the liver meridian and stomach meridian, and the effect is to clear stomach heat and reduce liver fire;

Moreover, this dandelion is relatively cold, and if you use it a little more, it will easily cause diarrhea and diarrhea in children.

My outpatient case

Some time ago, I received a 7-year-old boy who soaked in dandelion water to reduce the fire, but it was not only ineffective, but also caused abdominal pain.

I clearly remember that when the parents sat down, they sighed, saying that this child was really pitiful, he was a "fire baby" since he was a child, and he was particularly prone to fire, tonsillitis, mouth ulcers, and he never stopped;

Some time ago, rhinitis was also detected, and it was treated for a long time without effect. Recently, the child has become angry again, and the parents said that after drinking dandelion soaked water for a few days, it was useless, but they began to have a stomachache.

This kid is really distressing to watch!

1 "Lower Fire Grass" swept the upper, middle and lower three scorching fires, and the cough and adenoid hypertrophy disappeared

The body is single and thin, the whole person looks listless, and there is no energy at all. I looked closely at the coating of his tongue and found that it was thick and yellow, with a peculiar smell in his mouth and a little inflammation of his tonsils;

I felt my pulse again and found that it was beating very fast. Ask the parents about the child's urine and bowel movement, and learn that the child is constipated, has dry stools, and the urine is very yellow, and the amount is small.

My dialectical analysis

I immediately understood that this child was hot in the upper, middle and lower three cokes, and his whole body was like a big stove.

Dandelion can indeed clear stomach heat and reduce liver fire, but no matter how powerful it is, it can't clear the scorched lung heat and heart fire;

I drank it for several days in a row, and because it was too cold, my already weak stomach was even more unbearable;

And the lower scorching is hot, the stool is not smooth, and the cold breath brought by the dandelion can't be diluted, and it accumulates in the stomach, so it won't hurt the stomach!

1 "Lower Fire Grass" swept the upper, middle and lower three scorching fires, and the cough and adenoid hypertrophy disappeared

Medication after syndrome differentiation

In fact, children like this kind of upper, middle and lower coke have heat, and it is not possible to use dandelion, but there is a traditional Chinese medicine that is very useful, called gardenia.

Gardenia has a bitter and cold taste, and returns to the heart, liver, lungs, stomach, and three coke meridians, and can clear the heat of the upper, middle and lower three cokes.

So when I prescribe a prescription for this child, the focus of heat clearing is to use gardenia, coupled with mint and forsythia to clear heat and detoxify, and the three work together to clean the child's body of heat and poison.

Considering that the fundamental problem of this child is spleen deficiency and weak transportation, which leads to the obstruction of Zhongjiao, I added atractylodes and astragalus to the recipe to strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi.

In addition, I also added Cang'er Zi and Xin Yi to the recipe to promote the nasal passages, clear the wind and clear the heat, and target the child's rhinitis.

(This program is only for patients in the case, TCM pays attention to dialectical treatment, do not blindly use drugs)

1 "Lower Fire Grass" swept the upper, middle and lower three scorching fires, and the cough and adenoid hypertrophy disappeared

Your child's follow-up visits

I prescribed 10 doses of this recipe to the child at that time, and asked the parents to go back and decoction it with water, once in the morning and once in the evening.

After a week of medication, I received feedback from parents that the child's fever had almost disappeared and his bowel and bowel movements had returned to normal.

After 10 doses of medicine were used up, when the child came for a follow-up visit, I saw that the child's mental state had improved, the inflamed tonsils had disappeared, and the frequency of rhinitis in the child had decreased.

1 "Lower Fire Grass" swept the upper, middle and lower three scorching fires, and the cough and adenoid hypertrophy disappeared

Parents are very excited to see that their children's rhinitis is saved. Since the child was diagnosed with rhinitis, the family really worried about it, looking for doctors everywhere, and the treatment for a long time, but there was no effect, and the parents wanted to give up more than once.

Who knows, this time the child was sick, and he saw the hope of treating rhinitis.

Summer is a season that is easy to get angry, especially for those children who already have internal heat;

It is normal to have sores on the mouth and tongue, swollen and sore gums, and throat inflammation, and even rhinitis or adenoid hypertrophy in severe cases.

At this time, parents must not give their children heat-clearing medicine!

Not to mention that it is ineffective, it is easy to hurt the child's body, and parents should find a doctor in time to dialectically use the drug, so as not to bring unnecessary pain to the child.

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