
Real hammer? Lianshui County's official response to the Jiang Ping incident: The 83 points in the monthly exam are true, and the preliminaries computer is borrowed

author:Xiao Wei said entertainment

Recently, Jiang Ping, a junior high school student from Lianshui County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, won the 12th place in the global physics competition, which has become a great pride of the local community. Just when people were happy about her excellent results, some doubts began to appear, and some people suspected that Jiang Ping had achieved such results by cheating. As a topic of much concern, Jiang Ping's award has sparked a lot of heated discussions, and it has also made people start to speculate again about cheating and the fairness of the competition.

Real hammer? Lianshui County's official response to the Jiang Ping incident: The 83 points in the monthly exam are true, and the preliminaries computer is borrowed

First, the excellent results raise questions

As a junior high school student, Jiang Ping is indeed very good at achieving good results in global physics competitions. Just after her results were announced, some people began to question her results, even suspecting that she had cheated to get to such a position. For such doubts, Jiang Ping and her family naturally felt very aggrieved and helpless, they said that Jiang Ping's achievements were achieved through their own efforts and strength, and had nothing to do with cheating.

In such an incident, we should indeed give Jiang Ping enough understanding and support, after all, it is very irresponsible to accuse a person at will without conclusive evidence. We should also see that as a negative emotion, doubts and doubts are understandable to a certain extent, after all, in the current social environment, incidents like cheating are not uncommon, and some outstanding achievements often become the object of questioning by others.

Real hammer? Lianshui County's official response to the Jiang Ping incident: The 83 points in the monthly exam are true, and the preliminaries computer is borrowed

Second, behind the rumors of cheating

When it comes to cheating, we really can't simply attribute it to a lack of morality, but we should go deeper to guess what kind of problems are behind the phenomenon of cheating. The existence of cheating often means that the authenticity and fairness of test scores have been challenged to a certain extent, and this is the focus of the education sector for a long time.

In today's society, we can already see a variety of anti-cheating measures emerge in an endless stream, from the strengthening of invigilators to the use of technological equipment, it can be said that we have gone further and further on the road of anti-cheating. The forms of cheating are constantly changing, some people can cheat through headphones and wireless devices, and some people can access the content of the test questions before the exam, so it can be said that the anti-cheating work can never stop.

Real hammer? Lianshui County's official response to the Jiang Ping incident: The 83 points in the monthly exam are true, and the preliminaries computer is borrowed

3. How to look at cheating

What should we think about cheating? We should be aware that the existence of cheating is not an isolated individual problem, but is affected by the entire social environment. In the current society, our excessive pursuit of academic performance, and the huge pressure on further education and employment, it is easy for some people to feel anxious and uneasy, so they choose to cope with such pressure by cheating.

In addition, the existence of cheating also has a certain relationship with our education system, blindly pursuing grades and grades, while ignoring the actual ability and interest development of students, such an educational environment is easy for students to have a rebellious mentality, feeling that cheating can be a shortcut to their success.

In order to completely solve the problem of cheating, it is not enough to simply punish and remind, we need to start from the perspective of education, to guess how to establish a more scientific and reasonable evaluation mechanism, how to give students more development space and choice, and fundamentally reduce their learning pressure and anxiety.

Real hammer? Lianshui County's official response to the Jiang Ping incident: The 83 points in the monthly exam are true, and the preliminaries computer is borrowed

Fourth, the importance of fair competition

In such an event, Jiang Ping was indeed very lucky, able to achieve good results in the competition, and was recognized and encouraged by many people. Some people say that she succeeded by cramming, but I think that no matter how successful she is, it is inseparable from her own hard work and strength, and this is what fair competition is trying to convey.

In the process of our growth and development, there will indeed be a variety of luck and opportunities, but this does not mean that we can completely rely on these luck and opportunities, but on this basis, through our own efforts and strength to constantly improve ourselves, to seize more opportunities.

Fair competition does not mean that everyone can achieve the same results and rankings, but requires that in the whole competition process, everyone can have equal opportunities and conditions, and can be treated and evaluated fairly.

Real hammer? Lianshui County's official response to the Jiang Ping incident: The 83 points in the monthly exam are true, and the preliminaries computer is borrowed

5. Transparent and open handling methods

The School and Education and Sports Bureau has conducted a preliminary investigation into the suspicion of cheating, but no evidence of cheating has been found so far. In such a situation, the attitude of the school and relevant departments is very positive, they did not choose to avoid and conceal, but chose to adopt a transparent and open way to deal with it, so that more people can understand the true situation of the incident.

Regardless of the final outcome of the investigation, transparency and openness are the only way to gain public understanding and support, and to maintain the fairness and impartiality of the competition to a certain extent.

Cheating is indeed an immoral behavior and a challenge to the fairness of the competition, but we should not lose confidence in the whole society and the education system because of this phenomenon, but should look at it with a more rational and inclusive attitude.

Whether it is success or failure, we need courage and calmness to face it, because success is often not a simple luck and opportunity, but the result of a combination of factors, and we also need to put in enough effort and sweat.

I hope that in the future education, we can pay more attention to the all-round development of students, give them more encouragement and support, so that everyone can find their own place in a level playing field and thrive in such an environment.

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