
Don't buy this kind of computer configuration, I made 30 million after reading it

author:Novice computer technology


Some time ago, a high school friend sent Xiaobai a computer configuration:

Don't buy this kind of computer configuration, I made 30 million after reading it

The CPU of this configuration has 12 cores, and it is really awesome at a glance, but the little friends who know the computer can basically see through it at a glance, and the little ones who can't see through it at a glance don't have to worry.

Don't buy this kind of computer configuration, I made 30 million after reading it

Today, Xiaobai will give you a post to avoid pitfalls, and after reading it, I earned 30 million directly.

Today, let's chat: the potholes of computers on the Internet are like a rough ocean!

Don't buy this kind of computer configuration, I made 30 million after reading it

The body begins

Exceptionally cost-effective computer

At present (2024), there are many e-commerce platforms, but if you search for the keyword "computer" on these platforms, you will see a variety of goods.

If you have 4,000 oceans on hand at this time and want to buy a good computer. Looking at these goods, I don't know where to start, I can only look at the recommendation a little, and at this time the merchant recommends a good-looking computer to you.

Don't buy this kind of computer configuration, I made 30 million after reading it

When you buy a computer, if you hesitate, you will be told that if you place an order now, you can give a keyboard, mouse, mouse pad, and U disk.

Don't buy this kind of computer configuration, I made 30 million after reading it

Oh, this computer can also be equipped with all the other accessories? Isn't that hassle-free? In the end, the merchant also said that he would give a discount of 500 oceans, isn't this properly earned?

Don't buy this kind of computer configuration, I made 30 million after reading it

Then I calmly placed an order. At this time, you who received the computer, you can't wait to run the score and find ......

Don't buy this kind of computer configuration, I made 30 million after reading it

The score is quite high, and it feels good. Actually? 4000 oceans can make about one such computer:

Don't buy this kind of computer configuration, I made 30 million after reading it

The running score alone is 3-4 times higher. So, it's really cost-effective.

Look at the main accessories parameters

After reading the first part, the little friend should be aware of it. If you still can't rest assured, you can check the configuration of the main hardware when you buy a computer.

The main hardware refers to the motherboard + CPU, which basically accounts for half of the price of the entire host in the absence of a discrete graphics card.

Don't buy this kind of computer configuration, I made 30 million after reading it

If you have a discrete graphics card, this is not easy to say, after all, the price is high and low. For a host with a discrete graphics card, the price of CPU+motherboard is about one-third or one-quarter.

Don't buy this kind of computer configuration, I made 30 million after reading it

Like the 4000 ocean computer introduced at the beginning, the CPU is E5-2676 v3, and the motherboard is X99

Don't buy this kind of computer configuration, I made 30 million after reading it

So how much do these two accessories cost? The price of the E5-2676 v3 is 40 oceans, and the price of the motherboard x99 is between 200 and 400

Don't buy this kind of computer configuration, I made 30 million after reading it
Don't buy this kind of computer configuration, I made 30 million after reading it

Let's calculate according to the lowest, 200 + 40 = 240 oceans, and the boss sells the whole machine for 4000......

It's exciting to think about.

The appearance is glamorous***

Finally, when it comes to appearance, it's exciting. Some fans said before that they didn't pay attention to the hardware configuration when they bought a computer, and even if they did, they couldn't understand it. At this time, it can only be recommended by the merchant, and then look at the appearance and like it.

In the end, the order is powdered, and there is a sense of luxury of light pollution. At first glance, I think that computers are very expensive.

Don't buy this kind of computer configuration, I made 30 million after reading it

Properly spent all the oceans on the back of the knife, just like the configuration of this one:

Don't buy this kind of computer configuration, I made 30 million after reading it


By the end, you've earned 30 million. If it's not clear, Xiaobai will summarize:

  • Don't be greedy;
  • Don't just look at the number of cores and threads;
  • Don't just look at appearances;

I wish you happiness and health in the days to come~

Friends who want to buy a computer can also find Xiaobai for recommendation.

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