
Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

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On June 28, 2024, Huang Yiming previously publicly flashed for Wang Sicong's daughter, saying that he did not take Wang Sicong's money and house.

She first denied the interview remarks, and then brought goods to gain popularity.

Recently, he posted a chat record with Wang Sicong in October last year, and asked him for milk powder money and was refused.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Netizens said that Wang Sicong spent money generously on others, and Huang Yiming recognized it.

She denied the rumors that Li Lulu had a child.

Regarding the suggestion of netizens to ask her to take her daughter to Wang Jianlin, she said that it was too troublesome.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Netizens reacted differently to this, some laughed and said that Wang Sicong was not poor because he had no money, and Huang Yiming shouted that Wang Sicong was not kind, but Wang Sicong has not responded so far.

Wang Sicong's attitude towards this matter is quite vague.

He did not give a clear response to his daughter's existence, nor did he respond to Mr. Huang's financial demands.

This attitude has left netizens confused and dissatisfied.

They believe that as a public figure, Wang Sicong should be held accountable for his actions, especially when it comes to family and children.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

They commented on social media, ridiculing and criticizing Mr. Wang's actions.

In this case, we can't help but ponder the question: should the family life and private affairs of public figures be the focus of public attention? In the age of social media, people's privacy is ruthlessly exposed to the public, which not only causes great distress to individuals, but also challenges the moral boundaries of society.

Should we respect everyone's right to privacy and family life?

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Huang Yiming tried to attract the public's attention by posting chat records with Wang Sicong and dancing with green onion hairpins, and at the same time did not forget to ask Wang Sicong for his daughter's milk powder money.

Wang Sicong's attitude towards this matter was quite indifferent, not only did he not give a clear response to his daughter's existence, but also rejected Huang Yiming's financial request.

In this incident, Huang Yiming's actions and remarks have undoubtedly become the focus of public attention.

By rubbing Wang Sicong's popularity, she tried to increase the exposure of her live broadcast.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

The act of dancing with a green onion hairpin on his head has aroused heated discussions and ridicule among netizens.

Huang Yiming, who is pursuing traffic, does not forget to emphasize his motherhood and the existence of his daughter.

She said that her daughter was not an illegitimate child, but an existence recognized by Wang Sicong.

She also said many times that she still has feelings for Wang Sicong and hopes that he can love her daughter and take on the responsibility of being a father.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

With the continuous development of the incident, the parent-child suspicion between Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong has become more and more confusing.

Huang Yiming kept exposing the chat records with Wang Sicong, trying to prove the existence of his daughter and Wang Sicong's recognition.

These chats do not give the public a clear answer.

Instead, it raises more questions about the veracity of the event.

We should also think about the importance of family responsibilities.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

Whether it is a public figure or an ordinary person, it is expected to assume the responsibilities and obligations of being a parent.

It is the responsibility of every parent to provide a healthy and stable environment for their children to grow up.

And in this incident, whether it is Huang Yiming or Wang Sicong, they should be responsible for their own actions and their daughter's future.

We should also pay attention to societal prejudice and discrimination against single-parent families and illegitimate children.

Traditionally, single-parent families and illegitimate children are often seen as immoral and abnormal existences.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

In modern society, we should abandon such prejudice and discrimination and respect everyone's choices and rights.

Single-parent families and illegitimate children equally deserve respect and equal treatment.

Wang Sicong and Huang Yiming's parent-child suspicion incident not only sparked public discussion about family responsibilities, moral boundaries and the privacy of public figures, but also made us think about how to protect personal privacy and family life rights in the age of social media.

We should respect everyone's choices and rights, reject prejudice and discrimination, and work together to create a harmonious and inclusive social environment.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

In the face of this incident, we also need to recognize that what is said and done on social media is often amplified.

In the process of pursuing traffic and attention, some people may adopt extreme or exaggerated behaviors to attract attention, which is not only easy to mislead the public, but may also cause secondary harm to the parties.

As the media and the public, we should maintain a rational and objective attitude, not blindly follow the trend, and do not disseminate unverified information, so as not to exacerbate the negative impact of the incident.

We should also pay attention to the protection of the rights and interests of minors involved in the incident.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

No matter what the entanglement between Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong is, the rights and interests of her daughter, as an innocent third party, should be fully protected.

We should call on the relevant authorities to strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of minors and ensure that they are not harmed in family disputes.

This incident also makes us think about the importance of family responsibilities in modern society.

In a fast-paced, high-stress environment, many people may neglect to care for their families.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

As the basic unit of society, the stability and harmony of the family are of great significance to the development of individuals and society.

We should re-examine the importance of family responsibilities and strive to create a warm and harmonious family environment.

This incident also reminds us that in the age of social media, we should pay more attention to the protection of personal information.

Our words and deeds can be infinitely amplified and disseminated, so we should be more careful with our personal information and privacy.

Huang Yiming's first chat history! Wang Sicong pretended to be poor and refused to pay for milk powder, and Wang Jianlin didn't know that he had a granddaughter

We should also respect the privacy and rights of others and refrain from arbitrarily disseminating unverified information and statements.

Although the parent-child suspicion incident between Wang Sicong and Huang Yiming is only a microcosm of a family dispute, it has triggered us to think deeply about family responsibilities, moral boundaries, the privacy of public figures, and the protection of the rights and interests of minors.

We should take this incident as an opportunity to re-examine our values and code of conduct, and work together to create a harmonious and inclusive social environment.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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