
When the family of a foreign mother-in-law came to China, they were refreshed by the prosperity and development, and they entered the future world

author:Sister Yan

Sister Yan

Editor|Sister Yan


Everyone who comes to an unfamiliar place will have their own ideas and opinions, because each place has a different culture and scenery.

When the family of a foreign mother-in-law came to China, they were refreshed by the prosperity and development, and they entered the future world

When a foreign mother-in-law and her family came to China for a tour, they originally thought that China was a piece of land, but they were deeply shocked after they came, and sighed that they had entered the future world. Let's take a look at what's going on!

The Chinese guy took the whole family of Kazakhstan to travel back to China, and the foreign mother-in-law called it into the future world.

There are all kinds of beautiful scenery in this part of China, whether it is a water town in the south of the Yangtze River or an ice city in the north, each place has a different charm. Recently, a piece of news became popular, a young man from Kazakhstan came to China with his foreign mother-in-law's family, and what they saw and heard along the way made them sigh and call into the future world.

When the family of a foreign mother-in-law came to China, they were refreshed by the prosperity and development, and they entered the future world

In the impression of a foreign mother-in-law, China has always stayed in the cognition of a land, and she even thinks that China should be a country full of poverty and backwardness, until her daughter married a Chinese guy before she had this trip to China.

The foreign mother-in-law still thought it was incredible, thinking that the Chinese guy must be lying to her daughter, however, under the repeated persuasion of her daughter, she reluctantly agreed to come to China to find out.

When the family of a foreign mother-in-law came to China, they were refreshed by the prosperity and development, and they entered the future world

After coming to China, what she saw and heard completely subverted her imagination, it turned out that China has already developed so well, especially in the tourism trip to Yunnan, the foreign mother-in-law was shocked by the beautiful scenery here, and called Yunnan too beautiful.

The Chinese guy saw it in his eyes and felt the joy of the foreign mother-in-law, so in the later itinerary, he specially arranged some Chinese characteristic attractions, wanting to let the foreign mother-in-law's family have a deeper understanding of China.

When the family of a foreign mother-in-law came to China, they were refreshed by the prosperity and development, and they entered the future world

In the eyes of foreign mothers-in-law, China seems to be a country full of magic, whether it is ancient architecture or modern technology, she is very surprised, and even called into the future world.

In her impression, China has always been a country full of mystery and legend, and this trip to China has deepened her imagination and given her a more intuitive understanding of China's development.

When the family of a foreign mother-in-law came to China, they were refreshed by the prosperity and development, and they entered the future world

Through this trip, the foreign mother-in-law also completely changed some of her concepts, and she began to understand that China has developed so well a long time ago, and she has also begun to have a deeper understanding and understanding of China.

The foreign mother-in-law was shocked by China's scientific and technological development, and called China a country full of magic.

Each place has a different culture and scenery, and these beauties are also something that we need to feel and discover for ourselves.

In the impression of foreign mothers-in-law, China has always been a country full of ancient buildings and long history, and she thinks that China should be dominated by traditional culture, and she does not have much imagination about China's scientific and technological development.

When the family of a foreign mother-in-law came to China, they were refreshed by the prosperity and development, and they entered the future world

After coming to China, the foreign mother-in-law found that China had already developed so well, especially in the field of science and technology, there are many amazing black technologies.

The foreign mother-in-law was still very curious, thinking how powerful China's scientific and technological development is, and it was not until she came to China that she truly appreciated the charm of China's science and technology.

When the family of a foreign mother-in-law came to China, they were refreshed by the prosperity and development, and they entered the future world

In China's toilet culture, the foreign mother-in-law was deeply shocked, she felt that the original Chinese toilet can be so clean and tidy, but also with aromatherapy function, what surprised her even more is that there is also the existence of smart toilets, all of which made her have a more intuitive understanding of China's scientific and technological development.

When the family of a foreign mother-in-law came to China, they were refreshed by the prosperity and development, and they entered the future world

In terms of Chinese architecture, the foreign mother-in-law also felt the modern atmosphere of China, and she felt that Chinese architecture was like coming out of a science fiction movie, which made her call China a country full of magic.

When the family of a foreign mother-in-law came to China, they were refreshed by the prosperity and development, and they entered the future world

In China's modern architecture, she has seen many unprecedented designs and ideas, and feels that Chinese architecture has completely surpassed the traditional concept, making her feel as if she is in the future world, and she is more full of yearning and curiosity about China's scientific and technological development.

When the family of a foreign mother-in-law came to China, they were refreshed by the prosperity and development, and they entered the future world

Through this trip to China, the foreign mother-in-law was also deeply attracted by China's scientific and technological development, she felt that China's scientific and technological development has reached the world's cutting-edge level, and began to yearn for China's black technology, hoping to have the opportunity to come to China again to have a deeper understanding of China's scientific and technological culture.

When the family of a foreign mother-in-law came to China, they were refreshed by the prosperity and development, and they entered the future world

Foreign mothers-in-law experienced China's friendly culture and gained a deeper understanding of China.

Through this trip to China, the foreign mother-in-law has a deeper understanding of China, and is also full of confidence in China's future development.

When the family of a foreign mother-in-law came to China, they were refreshed by the prosperity and development, and they entered the future world

Let more foreigners come to China to experience China's friendly culture and modern development, and also bring the beauty of China back to their own countries.

When the family of a foreign mother-in-law came to China, they were refreshed by the prosperity and development, and they entered the future world


Each place has a different landscape and culture, and these beauties need to be experienced and discovered by ourselves.

It is hoped that through this news, more people can have a more comprehensive and intuitive understanding of China, and they can also feel China's friendly culture and modern development, so that the world can have a more comprehensive understanding of China.

When the family of a foreign mother-in-law came to China, they were refreshed by the prosperity and development, and they entered the future world

It is also hoped that through such reports, China's image can be understood and recognized by more foreigners, and it can also bring some positive impact to China's foreign exchanges and cooperation.

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