
It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

author:Lao Bai narrated 5r4t


The storm is rising again, and the clouds of doubt are looming over the top of the math competition! Jiang Ping, the name of an ordinary secondary school girl, set off a storm of counterattack in the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

However, the storm did not subside because of her brilliant achievements, but was intensified by the doubts of Professor Yuan Xinyi, a mathematics master at Peking University. So, what is the truth behind this turmoil? Let's unravel the mystery of this math competition.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

1. The Legend of Counterattack: Jiang Ping's Glory and Doubt

On June 26, when the results of the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition were announced, Jiang Ping's name was as dazzling as a bright star. A secondary school girl stands out among many students from prestigious schools and achieves good results, which is undoubtedly a shocking counterattack legend.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

However, as the honor came, so did the doubts. Are Jiang Ping's results real? Does she possess such a high level of math? These questions hung over the sky like a haze in the sky of the math competition.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

2. Authoritative voice: Professor Yuan Xinyi's doubts and concerns

In this turmoil, Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, became a key figure. As a leading figure in the field of mathematics, he was initially happy and relieved about Jiang Ping's results. However, as there were more and more voices of skepticism on the Internet, Professor Yuan also began to pay attention to and read about these doubts.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

He questioned Jiang's results from an academic point of view, saying that her writing mistakes in the competition and the discrepancy between her proficiency in using LaTeX and her mastery of basic mathematics were unconvincing.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

He even bluntly said: "This 93 points represents a level that can correspond to the middle and upper level of senior undergraduate students in the mathematics departments of famous universities such as Peking University and Tsinghua University." This astonishing assertion undoubtedly made Jiang Ping's counterattack more bumpy.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

3. Heated discussions among netizens: a storm of public opinion intertwined with support and questioning

As soon as Professor Yuan Xinyi's question came out, it immediately sparked a heated discussion among netizens. Supporters believe that it is not easy for Jiang Ping to achieve such excellent results in mathematics competitions as a secondary school student, and should receive more encouragement and support. They criticized Professor Yuan's questioning as too harsh and even a little nitpicky.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

Opponents, however, agree with Prof. Yuen's skepticism, arguing that his analysis is well-founded and rational. They admired Professor Yuan's courage and considered it an important safeguard for the fairness of the mathematics competition.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

4. In-depth analysis: the truth and future prospects of Jiang Ping's strength

In this turmoil, we had to deeply analyze the truth of Jiang Ping's strength. As a secondary school student, she was able to achieve such excellent results in mathematics competitions, which in itself speaks to her mathematical talent and hard work. However, in the face of doubts from authoritative figures such as Professor Yuan Xinyi, Jiang Ping also needs to come up with more evidence to prove her strength.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

If she can demonstrate her excellent math skills again in the following math interviews or other forms of testing, all doubts will be dissipated.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

Of course, if her performance is not ideal, then this turmoil may continue. However, no matter what the final result is, we should respect the facts, respect the science, and respect the efforts and dedication of each participant.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

5. Reflection and enlightenment: the importance and future prospects of the fairness of mathematics competitions

The Jiang Ping incident is not only a turmoil in a mathematics competition, but also a profound reflection on the fairness and academic authenticity of mathematics competitions.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

In this turmoil, we have seen the different attitudes and opinions of different people, and we have also seen the high attention and pursuit of academic authenticity in the mathematical community. For mathematics competitions, impartiality is the cornerstone of its survival and development.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

Only by ensuring the fairness of the competition can we attract more outstanding players to participate in the competition and promote the development of the field of mathematics. At the same time, this turmoil also reminds us to maintain a high degree of attention and pursuit of academic authenticity, and in the process of pursuing academic achievements, we should adhere to the principles of integrity and truthfulness and respect the efforts and contributions of others. Only in this way can we work together to promote the progress and development of the academic community.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community


In the turmoil of this mathematics competition, we have seen the counterattack legend of a secondary school girl, and we have also seen the high attention and pursuit of academic authenticity in the mathematics community. No matter what the final result is, we should respect the facts, respect the science, and respect the efforts and dedication of each participant.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

At the same time, we should also reflect on the deep-seated issues behind this turmoil: how to ensure the fairness of the mathematics competition? How can similar doubts and controversies be avoided from happening again? Let's work together to ensure the fairness and academic authenticity of the mathematics competition!

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

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