
The Turkish Brigade, which is famous for its fighting, easily picked out a "regiment" of the Volunteer Army and was arrogantly called the first in the world

The Turkish Brigade, which is famous for its fighting, easily picked out a "regiment" of the Volunteer Army and was arrogantly called the first in the world

Lao Qin released the article "The Second Battle, the U.S. Army is about to collapse, MacArthur held a "strangest meeting" to "Qin Shiyong Says History", the article said that on November 26, 1950, the second battle to resist US aggression and aid Korea began, and our 38th Army and 42nd Army almost simultaneously captured the two cities of Tokugawa and Ningyuan, and completely annihilated the South Korean Seventh Division and the South Korean Eighth Division cleanly and beautifully.

That is, the right flank of the "United Nations Army" on the Western Front has been removed.

On the 27th, our 39th, 40th, 50th, and 66th armies fought again on the left flank of the "United Nations Army" on the Western Front.

The 40th Army moved quickly, and as soon as it struck, it stunned the US 25th Division, and then turned to the field to attack at Yuanchuan, and cooperated with the 39th Army to annihilate the US 2nd Division.

Walker, commander of the US Eighth Army, was shocked and hurriedly sent a regiment of the 1st Cavalry Division and the Turkish Brigade to fill the gap.

To be honest, when it comes to the mobility of the transfer of troops on the battlefield, the volunteer army is too far behind the "United Nations Army".

The "United Nations Army" is all mechanized troops, and as soon as the engine of the car is started, it can complete the transfer in a galloping speed.

However, our volunteers all rely on two legs to walk, and because of the lack of supplies, it is really too difficult to run in the ice and snow, not to mention hunger and cold, and to withstand the bombing of enemy planes.

In order to divide and outflank the enemy, it is necessary for all units to cooperate tacitly and move in unison.

Lao Qin said in the article "The Second Battle Will Begin, Peng Dehuai is not at ease, and said to Han Xianchu: You have to go out of this battle" released the day before yesterday,

Before the start of the war, in order to strengthen the leadership of the 38th Army and the 42nd Army, Peng Dehuai specially arranged for Han Xianchu, deputy commander of the Volunteer Army, to go to the front line to command.

After Han Xianchu arrived at the front point, he clearly told Liang Xingchu and Wu Ruilin that the capture of Tokugawa, Ningyuan, and the total annihilation of the South Korean Seventh Division and the South Korean Eighth Division was only one of the goals of this operation. After this goal is achieved, it is necessary to launch an attack behind enemy lines to provide greater help for the overall victory.

Therefore, when the 38th Army and the 42nd Army smashed the right flank of the "United Nations Army" on the Western Front, Han Xianchu, who had an overall view of the war, issued a new order: The 38th Army and the 42nd Army continued to drill through the hole that had been smashed open and completely cut off the retreat of the American and British troops on the left flank of the Western Front of the "United Nations Army."

Han Xianchu and Peng Dehuai both had great appetites, and they wanted to make dumplings for the "United Nations Army".

The 38th Army, which fought a "nest battle" in the first battle, held its breath from top to bottom.

The Turkish Brigade, which is famous for its fighting, easily picked out a "regiment" of the Volunteer Army and was arrogantly called the first in the world

This time, they poured all this breath on the attack on the enemy, marched 145 miles in one night, created a miracle in the history of infantry attacks, interspersed into the corner of the army, and cleanly cut off the most convenient escape route for the American troops on the Western Front.

However, Han Xianchu was very "greedy" about the results of the battle, and he pointed to the garrison in front of the Immortal Cave in Miaoxiang Mountain and said to Liang Xingchu and Liu Xiyuan extremely harshly: "The next task of the 38th Army is even more severe, you are responsible for the inner detour, and the 42nd Army is responsible for the outer detour. Your 112th Division will quickly seize the Ridge, while the 113th Division will be inserted into the 3rd Division tonight and tomorrow morning. The key to this is Sansholi, there is news from the Shiji side, now there are three divisions of the US army are fleeing south to Sanshori, the US second division of these three divisions is the main force in Europe in World War II, the first cavalry division is the "founding fathers division" of the United States, they have more than 300 tanks, more than 400 artillery pieces, the 113th Division only has a dozen mortars and a small number of anti-tank grenades, but you must be stuck in the three divisions to cut off the enemy's way back! ”

In this way, the soldiers of the 112th Division and the 113th Division, which had not rested since the attack on Tokugawa, began to operate non-stop. Han Xianchu, Liang Xingchu, and Liu Xiyuan did not stop at Miaoxiangshan, they boarded several jeeps and galloped along the road with the main force of the 38th Army in the direction of Yuanchuan.

Han Xianchu's jeep soon came to the Canri Ridge Pass.

If our troops were mechanized, then we would have been held on the Ridge of the Mountains.

However, the troops of the 112th Division, which walked on only two legs, were still panting and running on the road.

The Ridge is the only place to get to the Gunyu.

Han Xianchu got out of the car and inspected the terrain on the pass.

It didn't take long to see a string of enemy cars speeding towards Yukino.

The enemy is coming too fast!

Cui Xingnong, the director of the intelligence department of the Zhi Division, pushed Han Xianchu into the car and ordered the driver to drive back quickly.

Fortunately, the troops of the 112th Division had already run over.

Cui Xingnong shouted in surprise: "The enemy is coming up, Commander Han ordered, immediately seize the mountain pass!" ”

Coming to the Ridge was the aforementioned Turkish Brigade that Walker had transferred to plug the gap in the left flank.

The troops of our 112th Division rushed up to the mountain pass, and with a violent storm, the vanguard company of the Turkish brigade was completely annihilated at once.

The eight cars of the vanguard company lay down only 38 meters away from the mountain pass.

Through the interrogation of the captives, it was learned that the person who came was the Turkish brigade, and Han Xianchu quickly reported the situation to Peng Dehuai.

Peng Dehuai didn't know much about this Turkish brigade, so he asked the solution: "What is the combat strength of this Turkish brigade?" ”

Xie Fang knew all the units of the "United Nations Army" well, and said: "There are more than 5,000 of them, they advocate white-edged charges, and they are extremely ferocious and cruel in fighting. ”

Peng Dehuai twitched the corners of his mouth and said: "I just like to fight barbaric battles, and I can't live long by fighting barbaric battles, tell the 38th Army to wipe this Turkish brigade off the face of the earth." ”

The explanation is not bad at all, this Turkish brigade does advocate white-knuckle charge.

Along the way, they fought many "victories" and captured many prisoners.

Among them, the biggest result that accompanied them was that they easily picked out the strength of about a regiment of the "Volunteer Army" with bayonets.

Therefore, they look down on Americans in their hearts.

They are all saying in their hearts: Didn't they say that the Americans were the strongest? The most powerful Americans were defeated by the Chinese. And now, they easily defeated the Chinese, so aren't the Turks the first in the world?

They proudly sent the news of the victory and the captured prisoners of war to the US Second Division, so that the US Second Division could stabilize, saying: "You don't need to panic, we Turks are coming!" ”

The officers of the US Second Division were surprised and delighted, surprised that the Turks were so powerful, and happy that they had been saved.

The Turkish Brigade, which is famous for its fighting, easily picked out a "regiment" of the Volunteer Army and was arrogantly called the first in the world

However, through the interrogation of the prisoners who had been sent, they rolled their eyes in anger.

It turned out that the Turks fought all the retreating Korean routs!

Ironically, these Turkish soldiers did not know that they were fighting friendly troops, and they were still roasting on the bonfires that had been lit around the main peak of the Ridge, talking loudly, dreaming of becoming famous and famous in the world.

They had no idea that when the real volunteer army appeared, they would be like lambs meeting tigers, powerless to resist.

This is not?

While they were talking happily, the volunteers seemed to fall from the sky.

The officers and men of the 342nd Regiment of my 112th Division came.

They took off their captured American big-toed shoes, stepped barefoot, stepped on more than a foot of ice and snow, and quietly touched the main peak of the Cannon Ridge, surrounded these Turkish soldiers, and then, under the order of the regiment commander Sun Hongdao, they killed them at the same time.

After a burst of gunfire, grenade explosions, and the screams of the Turkish soldiers crying for their fathers and mothers, in just 20 minutes, the remnants of the Turkish brigade of more than 5,000 people were left with only two remnants that could not be connected, and they fled.

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