
Wang Yizhu is out! The 13 members of the Chinese women's volleyball team have decided to explode the reasons for the defeat of the Turkish women's volleyball team, and the fate is mostly the same

author:Snow tea chasing
Wang Yizhu is out! The 13 members of the Chinese women's volleyball team have decided to explode the reasons for the defeat of the Turkish women's volleyball team, and the fate is mostly the same

The Paris Olympics are approaching, and the 12-member roster of the Chinese women's volleyball team has become the focus of attention of the majority of fans. On the evening of the 27th, Wang Yizhu, a native of Tianjin, posted a brief message on social media: "None". This mysterious IP display makes people speculate that Wang Yizhu may not be selected for the list.

Despite her outstanding physical condition, due to the immaturity of her skills and psychological factors, Wang Yizhu has not been able to reach the level she should have in the national team, which has become a major problem in her career.

Wang Yizhu, as a young and promising athlete, has shown excellent physique and talent from an early stage. However, her career path was not smooth, and technical deficiencies and psychological challenges became one of the main obstacles she faced. In the many selections of the national team, she often faces a dilemma, which is not only a test of her strength, but also a challenge to her psychological quality.

Wang Yizhu is out! The 13 members of the Chinese women's volleyball team have decided to explode the reasons for the defeat of the Turkish women's volleyball team, and the fate is mostly the same

On social media, Wang Yizhu's performance and prospects are often the focus of discussion among fans. Some netizens questioned her technical maturity: "Wang Yizhu's physical condition is very good, but the technical handling at the critical moment is not decisive and accurate enough. This perception reflects concerns about the inconsistency and lack of technical maturity she has shown in the competition.

On the other hand, there are also many fans who are full of confidence in her potential: "Wang Yizhu, as a young player, is still growing and improving. Her physical fitness and talent are unquestionable, and as long as she can overcome the psychological barriers, she will definitely be able to make a difference in the national team in the future. This positive view shows the anticipation and support of the fans for her future development.

In the training and competitions of the national team, Wang Yizhu constantly strives to overcome his technical bottlenecks and psychological obstacles. She has received psychological counselling and professional training to improve her consistency and performance in the game. However, the process has not been easy, and she still faces a lot of difficulties in overcoming self-doubt and the pressure of the game.

For Wang Yizhu, she is not only challenging her ability and potential, but also facing the expectations of the national team and fans. She knows she needs more time and effort to perfect her technique and mental qualities to excel in key matches.

Wang Yizhu is out! The 13 members of the Chinese women's volleyball team have decided to explode the reasons for the defeat of the Turkish women's volleyball team, and the fate is mostly the same

It is understood that there are still 13 players at the Zhangzhou training base, and they are expected to be members of the final Olympic squad. Officials will wait until the last minute before the registration deadline on July 8 before the final list is officially announced.

Recently, the Chinese sports community and fan circles are talking about the upcoming Paris Olympics, especially the young Chinese women's volleyball star Li Yingying has become the focus. Her role was particularly highlighted in the latest report of the People's Daily, revealing her important position in the national team and her personal dreams.

Li Yingying, as a post-00 player, not only carries the hope of the younger generation, but also is eager to show her strength in Paris. Her dream is not just to compete, but to stand on the podium and compete against the world's best opponents to bring glory to her country.

On social media, Li Yingying's fans are also actively discussing her performance and prospects. Some netizens said: "Li Yingying has shown strong attack power in domestic and foreign competitions, her serving and smashing skills are first-class, and I look forward to her more outstanding performance in the Olympic Games!" Another netizen commented: "She is not only technically mature, but also mentally stable, which is the key to her good results in the competition." ”

Wang Yizhu is out! The 13 members of the Chinese women's volleyball team have decided to explode the reasons for the defeat of the Turkish women's volleyball team, and the fate is mostly the same

However, there are also some fans who have raised some challenges and expectations for Lee's performance. "Although Li Yingying's strength is outstanding, she still needs more experience and coping ability when facing top international teams." This perception reflects concerns and concerns about the performance of young players in high-pressure arenas.

From Li Yingying's personal point of view, her expectations and preparations for the Olympics have also attracted much attention. She once said in an interview: "I have always dreamed of standing on the podium of the Olympic Games and playing the national anthem for the country. It's not only my dream, it's also what drives me to train and compete. ”

In the context of the overall strength of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Li Yingying's outstanding performance as a young player not only enhanced the team's attacking power, but also won her more attention and support personally. Her growth and progress is not only the hope of the Chinese women's volleyball team, but also a new star in the hearts of the majority of fans.

The Turkish women's volleyball team has faced serious internal challenges in recent years, which not only affect the overall performance of the team, but also affect the state and mentality of the players to a certain extent. According to reliable sources, part of the reason for the poor performance of the Turkish women's volleyball team this year can be traced back to the uneven interests within the team.

Wang Yizhu is out! The 13 members of the Chinese women's volleyball team have decided to explode the reasons for the defeat of the Turkish women's volleyball team, and the fate is mostly the same

Last year, a business partnership was established between the husband of one of the team members and the son of the president of the volleyball association. This relationship is not directly related to the outcome of the competition, but it has an unfair impact on sponsorship activities and resource allocation. Specifically, some players are limited by sponsorship and resource allocation because of this interest, while others may enjoy more support and resources. This situation has caused discord and contradictions within the team, which has seriously affected the overall atmosphere of unity and cooperation.

In response to the doubts and concerns of the outside world, Ustondag, president of the Turkish Volleyball Association, has responded to the media many times. Although he insists that there is no unfairness, his response shows inner conflict and distress. Ustndag's words reveal a kind of helplessness and heaviness, he tries to maintain the team's image and the fairness of its operation, but it is also difficult to completely calm the outside world's doubts and criticisms of the team's internal problems.

Wang Yizhu is out! The 13 members of the Chinese women's volleyball team have decided to explode the reasons for the defeat of the Turkish women's volleyball team, and the fate is mostly the same

This difficult situation at home and abroad makes the Turkish women's volleyball team have to face more pressure and challenges on the field. The mental state and game status of the players have been affected to varying degrees, especially those who have been directly affected by resource constraints. They need to constantly adjust their mentality during the game, while trying to cope with all kinds of pressure and attention from the outside world.

In this context, the Turkish women's volleyball team is facing unprecedented tests and challenges. Not only do they need to make adjustments and improvements at the technical and tactical level, but they also need to build stronger relationships of cooperation and trust within the team. Only in this way will they be able to regain their lost competitiveness in the international arena and show the world the true strength and spirit of the Turkish women's volleyball team.

With the Olympics just around the corner, teams around the world are striving to be at their best. We look forward to the Chinese women's volleyball team and other participating teams showing outstanding performances on the field, adding more exciting moments to the world sports stage and realizing their Olympic dreams.

Wang Yizhu is out! The 13 members of the Chinese women's volleyball team have decided to explode the reasons for the defeat of the Turkish women's volleyball team, and the fate is mostly the same

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