
The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago

author:Keep a diary with your baby

The college entrance examination is over, the scores are out, and a few families are happy and a few are sad.

Recently, the hottest public opinion is the college entrance examination results and application situation, whether there are candidates at home or not, they are very concerned about this issue, after all, for children, the ten-year cold window is over, and the quality of the college entrance examination determines the fate of the child to some extent.

This situation reminds me of the biggest "dark horse" in the 2021 college entrance examination - Zhao Qichen.

The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago

As soon as the 2021 college entrance examination ended, a "great god" was revealed on the online hot search list, that is, Zhao Qichen from Zhejiang Ninghai Middle School, who was admitted to Tsinghua University with a high score of 705.

The reason why the Internet was ignited is not only his super good grades, but also his counterattack experience from the bottom of the class to the super top student, which is worth learning from all children here.

The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago
The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago

Even if you are at the bottom, you don't give up on yourself

When Zhao Qichen first entered high school, he barely entered the school's innovation class with the score of "crane tail", although his grades may be good compared to others, but after entering this mastery class, there are too many classmates around him who are better than him.

During that time, Zhao Qichen was under a lot of pressure, his daily test scores in various subjects were average, and his English was particularly poor, and he often "dragged his feet", which made him often rank first in the class and couldn't sleep well at night.

Zhao Qichen knew that there was a problem with his current state, and if he continued like this, his state would only get worse and worse, so he wanted to make some changes, so he told his mother that he wanted to change his accommodation to a day school.

I thought my mother would disagree, but I didn't expect my mother to be very supportive, in my mother's words: "It's okay, you can accompany him." ”

The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago

Zhao Qichen was a child who was not good at words, but his mother's attitude gave him a lot of confidence, in the face of study pressure, his mother became his emotional "garbage can", when his grades were not good, he wanted to talk to his mother, and his mother didn't know what he could do, so he could only hug him and give him strength.

Although he was at the bottom, Zhao Qichen did not give up on himself, but worked harder to find his own rhythm and find a more suitable learning method for himself.

In this way, he counted down in the first year of high school, how long did he improve to 30 in the class in the second year of high school, and he was already able to squeeze into the top ten in the class in the third year of high school, and sometimes he could enter the top few. As he gradually mastered the rhythm, he began to slowly become better and better.

The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago
The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago

Use your goals as motivation to work hard

Zhao Qichen has liked science fiction since he was a child, not only to read, but also like to write by himself, when he was a freshman in high school, he once asked his teacher if he took the road of science fiction in the future, what major to study in college, and the teacher's answer was that he should read "automation major", so Yue Qichen went to search on the Internet, which school automation major is the best, and the result of the search was Tsinghua University.

He was stunned for a moment.

Tsinghua University is the dream school for many students, but it is so far away from you, should you think about it?

But when he thought about it, he had just entered his first year of high school, and he still had three years to go, so who knew what it would be like in three years?

So he secretly set a goal in his heart: Tsinghua University.

The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago

He didn't just say it, in order to urge himself, he printed out three copies of the words "Tsinghua University", one in his pencil case, one in the most eye-catching place in his home, and one in the dormitory of his school.

Looking at this distant goal, he slowly approached little by little with practical actions, and it can be said that in the three years of his high school years, not a minute or a second of time was wasted.

Because of love, so hard, Zhao Qichen used his own actions to interpret what is the unity of words and deeds, because he has the passion to chase his dreams, so he does his best to achieve it.

In the end, he handed in a perfect answer sheet for himself and was successfully admitted to Tsinghua University with a good score of 705 points.

The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago
The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago

Doing well in the moment + perseverance = success

When Zhao Qichen shared his successful experience, he said that the most important thing is a kind of persistent belief, coupled with step-by-step, and strive to do a good job in the present.

High school learning is very tight, the old knowledge has not been absorbed, and many students have to learn new knowledge, many students feel tired to cope, and do not know where to put their energy.

And Zhao Qichen's strategy is to put aside the previous knowledge first and do his best to do the current thing well.

If the knowledge points of the day cannot be absorbed and digested in time, then there will be residual problems every day, and a vicious circle will be formed over time.

The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago

According to his actual situation, Zhao Qichen made a detailed plan for his study, he divided the goal of the college entrance examination into several small topics, and then subdivided the stage of learning, and detailed down to what content of the review how long to complete.

For children who have no goals and no plans, the huge knowledge points are like a big mountain piled up in front of them, and they don't know where to start to overcome, but Zhao Qichen subdivides the plan and strengthens the difficulties and error-prone points, and which content is implemented in a targeted manner in a few days, so that the learning has a sense of purpose and the implementation is also based on evidence.

Looking back on Zhao Qichen's entire high school counterattack, it can be roughly summarized in three points: the companionship and support of his family, the support of a strong desire to achieve his goals, and scientific learning methods.

For ordinary children, the first one is the easiest to do, the second one needs the encouragement and supervision of parents at some point, and the third one is to thank these children who are good at sharing.

The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago

I have a friend who is a very experienced high school homeroom teacher, and she often tells her students that they must be good at learning from others' excellent learning methods, and if they can't have a strong ability to sum up experience like Zhao Qichen, then they must stand on the shoulders of giants, so that it is easier to succeed.

She once recommended a set of books to many students, the name of this set of books is "Tsinghua Xueba Notes" and "Peking University Ba Notes", she said that not all children can be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, but the children who can go to Tsinghua University and Peking University are not only because they are smart, but also because of their extraordinary perseverance and super practical learning methods.

The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago

The two books, "Notes of Tsinghua Scholars" and "Notes of Peking University", were compiled by the team of Tsinghua University and Peking University after two years of research on the learning experience of more than 1,000 students in Qingbei, and the book contains 48 successful learning cases of Qingbei students, and each of them shares their own ultra-efficient and practical learning methods.

The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago

The top students shared their learning methods in different subjects such as Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, geography, history, etc., including how to improve concentration, how to improve the efficiency of listening to lectures, how to complete homework efficiently, how to make reasonable use of time and other practical learning experiences.

The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago

In addition to the top students sharing their practical learning methods for various subjects, this set of books also gives practical solutions to the common problems existing in the learning process of many middle and high school students, such as how to improve their grades are too poor and serious deviations? What should I do if my child lacks motivation to learn? What are the efficient and practical ways to learn? Family conflicts are becoming more and more serious, how should they be resolved? Lack of learning talent to empower Shangqingbei?

The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago

In the book, the top students will also share how to regulate themselves, how to adjust their mentality, and how to properly decompress when facing pressure, which is especially suitable for children in upper elementary school, junior high school and high school.

【Waiting for the wind】All 2 volumes of Tsinghua North University Ba Notes Dozens of Xueba personally taught learning cheats ¥49.8 Buy

Write at the end:

Learning is boring, it requires perseverance and unremitting efforts, as well as the support of the family, each child's flowering period is different, so don't be anxious because the child is backward for a while, what we can do is to help the child find the right way to learn, unconditionally by the child's side, support him, encourage him, and silently support him behind his back, so it is enough, what do you think?

The penultimate in the first year of high school, he was admitted to Tsinghua University in the college entrance examination, how did he do it 3 years ago

Author: Wait for the wind to come

A working mother of two children, holding a pen in her left hand and a baby in her right hand, she likes to read, write, and paint, and firmly believes that even if she lives in a chicken feather, she must have her own poetry and distance in her heart.

(The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)

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