
The competition between China and the United States for sixth-generation aircraft is over, and the US Air Force has admitted that it has really given up on the sixth-generation aircraft program

author:Scientific knowledge points

In the research and development of weapons, China has always not said much ruthlessly, and has always relied on its strength and actions to implement and improve, and the competition between China and the United States for sixth-generation aircraft has come to an end.

The competition between China and the United States for sixth-generation aircraft is over, and the US Air Force has admitted that it has really given up on the sixth-generation aircraft program

Did the U.S. Air Force really admit it? Has the United States really abandoned the R&D program for the sixth-generation aircraft?

In particular, developed countries led by the United States are pursuing no upper limit in terms of weapons, which also forces other countries to continuously develop new types of weapons for defense and deployment in order to protect themselves.

In the field of sixth-generation fighter research and development, in fact, there has always been a fact of competition between China and the United States, this is because, on a global scale, only China and the United States have made some progress in the research and development of sixth-generation fighters, but in comparison, China is far ahead, and the United States may have to give up the plan for the rapid deployment of sixth-generation aircraft.

The competition between China and the United States for sixth-generation aircraft is over, and the US Air Force has admitted that it has really given up on the sixth-generation aircraft program

Originally, the United States envisioned that it was expected to be able to deploy sixth-generation fighters by 2030 and become the main combat aircraft, and even laid out a timetable and development plan for this.

For a period of time, the United States advertised that the B21 was one of the representative models of the sixth-generation fighter of the United States, and it also constantly released signals to the outside world, saying that the United States' aero-engine technology is also constantly making breakthroughs, but fortunately, it has achieved more remarkable results in the creation of sixth-generation fighters.

The competition between China and the United States for sixth-generation aircraft is over, and the US Air Force has admitted that it has really given up on the sixth-generation aircraft program

However, what the United States did not expect was that China's research and development of sixth-generation fighters has made progress beyond imagination, not only in the scramjet engine, which has achieved great success, but also in the intelligent control and control system, there has also been amazing progress.

This means that China can use artificial intelligence to control the piloting and flight of the aircraft on the sixth-generation fighter, and even use the computer terminal to control the timing of launching weapons and striking the enemy, cooperate with satellite guidance and fire control radars, as well as detection and early warning radars, etc., to capture and find opportunities to strike the enemy on the rapidly changing battlefield, and can accurately hit the enemy's aircraft in a flash of light.

The competition between China and the United States for sixth-generation aircraft is over, and the US Air Force has admitted that it has really given up on the sixth-generation aircraft program

The scramjet engine developed by the Northwest University of Technology in the mainland can solve the problem of how to accelerate the engine after starting from zero to the six-generation aero engine that wants to be applied to the sixth-generation fighter in the past. In the process of rushing and climbing, oxygen is obtained from the atmosphere, which can save a lot of load weight without carrying oxidants.

You must know that this technology has always been the biggest problem plaguing the United States, and the United States as early as the 80s of the 20th century, has been launched, on the scramjet aircraft engine research and development project, but the technical problems encountered in it, the solution is not ideal, the scramjet engine tested in the United States, reached a speed of Mach 9.6.

The competition between China and the United States for sixth-generation aircraft is over, and the US Air Force has admitted that it has really given up on the sixth-generation aircraft program

Although in terms of speed, it has surpassed the speed of traditional aircraft, and even reached the ability of hypersonic missiles, there are still many failures in terms of control stability, safety assurance, and accurate details. So that the United States, there is still uncertainty about the use of such engines.

The U.S. Air Force has also tried to control AI-controlled fighters, and the U.S. military has made relevant information public. However, judging from a comprehensive perspective, the United States' aero-engine technology and intelligent control fighter technology are not mature enough.

The competition between China and the United States for sixth-generation aircraft is over, and the US Air Force has admitted that it has really given up on the sixth-generation aircraft program

On the contrary, China has succeeded in building sixth-generation fighter technology. Even in terms of key technological breakthroughs, it has already taken the lead in the United States, which means that in the competition for the research and development of sixth-generation fighters, the contest between China and the United States has already appeared in a situation of superior judgment, and even the United States has to give up its attempt to lead China in this field.

I just want to achieve success as soon as possible and not fall too far behind, even if I give an explanation to the world, because if the United States wants to maintain its prestige and control over its allies, it needs to guide and contain it by constantly leading and maintaining the image of being the first in the world, but once a country that exceeds the strength of the United States appears, this is a provocation and denial of the advantages of the United States.

The competition between China and the United States for sixth-generation aircraft is over, and the US Air Force has admitted that it has really given up on the sixth-generation aircraft program

Aviation Industry Corporation of China made it clear three years ago that it was developing a sixth-generation fighter project, and Dafang proposed to overcome the technical bottlenecks of key components such as artificial intelligence and sensors.

Once China's sixth-generation fighter technology can be quickly implemented to create a real weapon to be deployed to China's naval and air combat capabilities, it means that in the future, both China's navy and China's army will be able to defend and counter the enemy with the support of this powerful sixth-generation fighter. The so-called military superiority on which the United States relies will be greatly diminished.

The competition between China and the United States for sixth-generation aircraft is over, and the US Air Force has admitted that it has really given up on the sixth-generation aircraft program

Now hope that the media said that China's sixth-generation fighter is very advanced and stable because of the core engine equipment, and it is highly suspected that China has carried out tests of the same model. Because China has a state-of-the-art wind tunnel that is able to test prototypes of these vehicles.

Therefore, the West believes that the United States has lagged behind China's progress in the field of sixth-generation fighter research and development, and that in the future, it will be difficult for the United States to surpass and lead in this field unless there are special circumstances in terms of overall flight speed and combat strength performance, as well as the speed of finalized mass production and deployment.