
Words of comfort for those who are grieving (68 verses)

author:A complete collection of holiday greetings

Words of Comfort for the Grieving 1

1. When you learn to reject others and learn to retaliate with a tooth for a tooth, they will respect you and even fear you. I finally believed the saying: there is nothing wrong with being ruthless.

2. Happiness is always accompanied by generous people, wealth is always accompanied by honest people, smart people are always accompanied by noble people, charm is always accompanied by humorous people, and health is always accompanied by open-minded people.

3. There are many joys, sorrows, and sorrows in life; When you are frustrated, you are calm, and everything is calm. Let's approach life with a fair heart; Good luck soon!

4. I read an article before that said that all the lives in the world are put there and let you choose again, but in fact, in the end, you will still choose your original life.

5. There are too many regrets in life, we can only accept them carefully, and continue to make up for them in the coming days, and the bright days will always come, as long as we keep moving forward.

6. When you begin to learn to be cold, to be cruel to others, and to be cruel to yourself, those who have hurt you and tried to manipulate you will begin to fear you.

7. A gentle wind blows away your tight brows and makes all your sorrows fly backwards; Please don't look back and chase the sorrows that don't belong to you, you should run forward, because happiness lies ahead!

8. What is a breakup? Gently, you go, don't regret it, because as long as you wave your hand, you will find that there is already someone who can't wait, who is secretly pulling your hand!

9. After a long time of parting, I suddenly heard the news that you were sick, and I was really uneasy; Space conversion, long-term thoughts have never changed, may you be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible, wonderful life forever.

10. Where I can see you, my eyes are with you; Where I can't see you, my heart is with you. Don't go too far, be careful to wear my heart out!

11. I've stood for too long, I'm tired of talking for too long, why don't you understand? I've written too much, I've been writing for too long, I'm tired myself, why can't you read it?

12. Turn countless thoughts into infinite blessings in your heart, silently pray for you, and wish you a speedy recovery! We look forward to seeing you again soon!

13. Actually, falling out of love is not a big deal, it will only make us really grow up, understand more, and make us mature. It can be said that it is difficult for us to reach the other side of success without experiencing failure.

14. Dream what you want to do, go where you want to go, and become the person you want to be, because you only have one life, one chance to do all the things you want to do.

15. A gentle wind blows away your tight brows and makes all your sorrows fly backwards. Please don't look back and chase the sorrows that don't belong to you, you should run forward, because happiness lies ahead!

16. The body's immune system struggled with the cold virus, and the uncomfortably elated occupied the high ground of my senses, as scheduled, yes, the cold came, today.

17. What is a broken love? It is difficult for heroes to turn over the beauty ridge, women are afraid of passing the handsome guy pass, over this ridge, after this pass, the willows are bright and bright, quietly looking back, the beauty and handsome guy are lining up in a big team, waiting for me is just like boiling oil fried!

18. I know your troubles, when work is not going well, recall your past success and glory, don't make yourself too pessimistic; Let's be happy and open-minded!

19. There are many forks in the road of life, the key is how to face it, no matter which one you choose, you must say goodbye to weakness, sing all the way, overcome thorns and thorns, until the other side of victory.

20. Girl, your problem is that you are too weak, sometimes you have to be domineering, so that you will not follow easily, so that you will not be slaughtered by others, in order to live the life you want.

21. Before everything gets better, we always have to go through some unhappy days, this period may be very long, maybe just wake up, so be patient and give good luck a little time.

22. In this life, you don't need too many friends, you are enough; In this life, people don't need too much love, and they are already safe if they have friendship. Blessings remain, may you recover your health soon and happiness will always be by your side.

Words of Comfort for the Grieving 2

1. If you can't get over the hurdles, you must learn to let go, and those who can't let go learn to forget slowly. Don't be greedy for meaningless people or things, how can you free up your hands to pick up gifts.

2. As the saying goes, the body is the capital of the revolution, and health is the guarantee of success. Congratulations on regaining your capital, gaining security again, and your life revolution will be a great success!

3. Easily listen to what others tell you, let taboos hinder your vision, set rules for yourself, and live a conventional life, I call this a second-hand life.

4. Mental stress reduction and happiness; Renewal of the concept, happiness; Thoughts are recharged, and wealth will come; Friends miss it, blessings will come. Good luck, good money, a happy life, and a good smile!

5. Thank you for giving me a platform to show my knowledge, thank you for taking care of you in the past, and I am very uneasy to hear that you are sick. I would like to send my best wishes and wish you a speedy recovery!

6. No matter what kind of difficulties are encountered, no matter how big setbacks are encountered, people must always live in hope, mourn more than die, rise up in difficulties, and be full of hope in disappointment.

7. Some people, forget it, people don't care about you, so why should you be wronged? No matter how painful it is, no matter how sad it is, people can't see it, and they won't feel sorry for you, so who else can you show it sad?

8. Everyone can't understand and accept the pain of losing their loved ones at all, but everyone will face the loss of their loved ones, look away, and tomorrow will still come to your world.

9. If you are the one who is jealous of others, then secretly praise yourself once! If you're the one who has been faked, then let's be self-absorbed again!

10. God is fair to everyone, and when you lose something, you also gain something valuable. Everyone should have a grateful heart.

11. I know that it is painful to give up the person you like, the person who once made you let go of your dignity, put down your body, and put down your son to chase, how can you say give up and give up.

12. When a lot of buds do not open, you should cut off some, let it focus on only one flower, much like a person, you must give up some, so that your only thing can bloom with enthusiasm.

13. Forget yesterday's sadness, let go of the worries you once had, and the hardships you don't want to have; I hope you are happy every day, everything goes well, never without conscience, always have confidence, and dream of picking up gold!

14. For irreparable tragedy, we can't blame anyone, we can only blame ourselves for missing it. This is fate and luck, because fate is in our own hands, and we only blame it for missing it.

15. Some things will be remembered inadvertently; There are some memories that the gray hair can't forget; There are wounds that others will never see, because they are hidden deep in your heart.

16. Life is consumption, and life is like financial management. People with a plan always store health and increase their longevity; The advance is chic and the payment is fashionable; Optimistic borrowing and open-minded repayment; Extract sickness, insurance happiness.

17. Don't let yourself get tired! You should learn to think about it, look down, learn not to force it, and learn to hide deeply. Don't let yourself get tired! Relax yourself at the right time, find catharsis, and relieve stress in a tired mind.

18. Your life is full of sunshine, not shadows! Know that shadows are based on light. Behind the shadows is sunlight. Trust that your world is full of bright sunshine.

19. May my heart be like a summer flower, blooming under your gray sky; May my blessings burn in your gloomy heart like the scorching sun, friends, please firmly believe that tomorrow will be better!

20. No matter what stage you are in, no matter how you regulate your emotions, no matter how good your mentality is, there are times when you are tired, the feeling of being tired, the pain of being tired, and the helplessness of being tired.

21. Sometimes the departure of a lover is actually the right choice, instead of hurting each other, it is better to use cruel harm to let you go and find your own happiness.

22. There will always be someone who will find you through the sea of people and hug you, no matter whether the sea tide rises or falls, whether it is sunrise or sunset, he will run to you firmly, without flinching or hesitating.

Words of comfort for those who are grieving 3

1. If we can't choose the disease, then we can choose the attitude to face the disease. The stronger, more optimistic, and more positive you are, the greater your hope!

2. In life, there are some people and some things, you don't have to deliberately remember, but you will never forget them, just like being engraved in your heart, even if you don't touch them, you will always remember them.

3. Some losses are doomed, some fate will never have results, loving someone does not necessarily have it, and having a person must love her well.

4. Women are like flowers and need the nourishment of love. However, it is not good to have more flower fertilizer, and the loss of love is conducive to adjusting the fertilizer absorption, so that it can be turned into flower mud to protect the flowers when necessary in the future.

5. I have a number that I always remember, but I will never call and send a message again. There was a song that I didn't listen to anymore, but I heard it by chance, but I inadvertently shed tears.

6. When you take the first step, you will be surprised to find that those so-called innate deficiencies are related to yourself; And your own life is something that only you can control.

7. The heart of opportunity, the helpless love, the lifeblood of life, many roads, many famous halls, just one person's fate, each other's care, just the miss, fate and loss of the sea of people.

8. What is failure? Nothing, just one step closer to success; What is success? It is that all the roads leading to failure have been passed, and there is only one road left, and that is the road to success.

9. You are so beautiful, your eyes are as clear as water, a small cherry mouth, your skin is white and red, and the red is black, and your cough is so charming, wow, sick beauty, then I wish you a speedy recovery!

10. Everyone has a very difficult time. But most of the time, those tough years end up being the best days of your entire life, if you get through it.

11, Jiangnan is also you, a few people, smoke and rain clear flowers, the age of the faint season, sang the oil umbrella pavilion bridge. We said in the poem that if you meet, you should not read it, since you have been to the world, there is nowhere to read it again.

12. Colorful clouds float in the air, naturally triumphant, but at most they can only exchange for a few praises; Only by turning into sweet rain and taking root in the fertile soil can we create fragrant flowers for the world.

13. Life cannot be reshuffled, dear friends, don't complain about fate, the only thing we have to do is to act. Destiny is not in me, dreams are in me, action is in me, come on, believe in yourself.

14. The biggest pessimism in life is: seeing your appearance, seeing your education, and seeing your salary, you have a strong desire to reinvent yourself.

15. Delete yesterday's troubles, determine today's happiness, set tomorrow's happiness, store eternal love, cancel the hatred of the world, paste a good mood, and finally, print your smile.

16. I illuminate the valley clearly, I cover the forest with clouds, I cover the mountains with snow, I make the sun shine, I say to the shy flowers: Open! I say to your heart: love.

17. Time has helped us heal the wounds of our hearts, and re-selected the lover of our dreams, and in the end, we will all enjoy the happiness of the world that should belong to us.

18. Work is important, but the body is the most important, don't let yourself be so tired every day, I hope you have a good mood every day, and I sincerely wish you a speedy recovery.

19, finally couldn't bear it, finally spoke, I was tired, my heart was tired, I didn't dare to think about the future, I didn't want to look at the past, everything was expected but couldn't extricate myself from the slow destruction!

20. Anyone who passes by is meaningful, they become memories, hidden in the depths of memory, and transformed into beautiful stories, although there is no result, but this is eternal.

21. When you broke up, you used a word that looks better on your face. Actually, he was dumped, right? If you don't accept the fact that you've been dumped, you won't be able to start your next relationship.

22. Time will soothe your pain, the breeze will take away your troubles, and a smile will dissolve your tiredness, friends, don't be discouraged, stride forward, a better tomorrow is beckoning to you!

23. I don't know the original memories over the years, do you still remember that the beauty that once stayed at hand has passed, and there is no reason to force it anymore, and I don't want to read it anymore!

24. Forget about those unpleasant experiences. Let's all have a chance to be a new version of ourselves, start over, reinstall the system, regain confidence, get back together, and everything will be like a new life.