
Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

author:EDGE review

Since Jiko.

Wednesday was an awkward day.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Because it's not like Monday, and it's still carrying the aftermath of the weekend, and it's not like Friday, which heralds the upcoming holiday.

It's impartial, in the middle of the week.

It is too far from heaven and too close to hell.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

So, in such a difficult day, let's not talk about the machine today, let's have a light-hearted game column.

Just now, just now.

Tencent has been holding back for five years "Let's create! Our Planet" is finally live.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

It's not as good as playing games in the spirit of writing.

It's also very fast.

I put down this game and prepared for an open fishing trip.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Ah, however, when the friends saw this article, it meant that Brother Ji finally chose to come back to write...

So here comes the question -

In the past two hours.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

What did Wu Yanzu experience on Line 6 that made him voluntarily give up his leisurely fishing time and return to his hard work.

Without much pushing, "Create! Our Planet"... Initiate!

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

After opening an animation of the destruction of the world, it came to the face pinching link that we are most familiar with.

As with the vast majority of games.

You can choose either a man or a woman.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

But those who know my XP know it.

In the face of this century's problem of "To man" or "To woman", Brother Ji, who is a man, is often reluctant to choose a female role.

It's just that every time I choose a female role, there are always a few friends next to me who talk coolly.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Yes, I feel my conscience and admit that when I played "Genshin Impact" and "Ming Tide", I was indeed greedy for the body of other female characters.

I'm not wrong, what's wrong with liking good-looking.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

But this time it's different, this pretty boy is really forced to do so...

Let's be honest.

When I first saw this female character, I wanted to curse the street.

"What is this ™?"

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

But when I look back at the male character.

I think the modeling of the female characters is okay.

Yes, in order to save his eyes, he has to choose a woman this time.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

First of all, let's introduce the gameplay.

"Create! Our planet", without saying a sentence, it is very similar to "It's over!" I'm surrounded by beautiful women."

Even the game screen is not difficult not to be reminiscent of the "Phantom Beast Palu" that exploded at the beginning of this year.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Well... How to say it.

Although, this game machine brother has never played it.

But as soon as I got started, I felt like I knew where to go.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

The game setting, you can understand this game as a "no man's sky" version of "Pokémon".

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Now, every time we enter the game, we will first stop in a space station.

Then select the planet you want to land on to officially start the game.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

A pair of hands at the beginning, and the equipment is all about masturbation.

After officially entering the game, the NPC will ask us to open up the wasteland and accumulate materials.

For example, marble, wood, etc.

However, unlike "Minecraft", which is pure hand-masturbation, "Let's Create" will give us something called "Sonic Crusher".

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Blue Fat Man: A familiar storyboard

As long as you aim at the collected object, you can instantly smash the collection.

It's pretty convenient.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

However, the pinch, the big world collection, is only a small part of this gameplay.

To talk about the real gameplay of this game.

It has to catch "tweeting", which is what we generally call "elves".

It's pretty much the same as "Cell" and "Rock Kingdom".

Before "Let's Create" captures the elf, it is also necessary to lower the elf's HP first, and when it enters a comatose state, you can throw the Poké Ball to capture.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

So here's the problem.

How do you lower the health of the elves?

It's impossible to "create" and there is also a "Pocker" called "Pocker", so you can use "live and die together".

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Whew, it's simple.

With a gun.

Yes, yes, guns.

In Brother Ji's view, there is nothing that cannot be solved with one shuttle, if there is, then two shuttles.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

But that's the truth.

The settlement animation after capturing the elf still makes it a little difficult for Brother Ji.

Just, you can believe it.

The elf who was just strafed by me.

Are you running towards me now with a smile on your face?

Ah not brother, you don't hold grudges, it really makes me a little panicked...

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Well, it can only be said that these elves are more or less with a bit of M attribute on their bodies.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Once you have an elf, you can catch other sprites later without bullets.

Come out, Pikachu!

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

But here's the battle scenario...

It's a bit of an IQ that isn't enough.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Currently, there are 158 types of tweets in "Let's Create", as well as 8 properties such as "water", "fire", "poison", "electricity", "earth", "grass", "light", and "darkness".

There is also a relationship between restraint and anti-restraint between attributes.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

For example, fire and grass, grass and soil, and earth and electricity.

As for the damage of the hit, there are also two calculation methods: 0.77x and 1.3x.

So if you want to play this game well, you have to memorize this set of skill diagrams.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Seeing this, some fans may think that the PVE gameplay of this game is too complicated.

Not really.

With the advancement of the main quest, this game is finally ushering in the most core category.

And that's—


Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

In the past, when we played this kind of big world exploration game, most of the heroes fell to the wasteland and save materials... on these things.

You say it's difficult, but it's not that hard.

It's just annoying.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Like Palu the Phantom Beast, we can let the elves of the "Let's Create" work to reduce the unnecessary errands for us.

Each tweet will do something different.

Some of them are in charge of mining.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Some of them are in charge of the construction.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Some of the tweets will be ridden.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Even if you don't specify it, these tweets will automatically go to find a job.

It's so sensible that it's a little distressing...

Maybe it's like what Brother Ji just said.

These elves are more or less with a bit of M attribute on their bodies.

In short, the above is roughly the main content of the early stage of this game, as for the infrastructure madness in the back, remote exploration, farming and fishing, pet evolution...

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Due to time reasons, Brother Ji hasn't had time to experience them one by one.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

In short, it's like playing consoles and looking down on PCs, and desktop games looking down on mobile games.


Since ancient times, it has been at the bottom of the chain of contempt in the gaming industry, and it belongs to the way that passers-by sneered at when they saw it.


The sudden explosion of the Phantom Beast Palu.

To our surprise, it turns out that high-end "stitching" is also an art that can only be understood and cannot be spoken.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

As for Tencent's operation today.

Brother Ji can only say that he has learned quite well, but he has to continue to learn.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Not to mention that the game's graphics are extremely retro.

Character models, motion capture, it's hard to say that this is the level of 2024.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Not to mention the weird display bugs and serious heat.

When Brother Ji recorded the material, he was also tortured by pain.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

Of course, it's a new game.

Almost at the moment of its official launch, it was in the game rankings and became the number one existence in the country.

Tencent's game surpassed King and Genshin Impact today and became the first

As for its future...

It's hard to say.

Anyway, if it's really fun, then I won't be coming back to write.

The picture comes from the Internet

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