
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow


"Buddha Dao Shadow" is a record of the portrait of the ancestors since the founder of Buddhism Shakyamuni Buddha, is an important classic of Buddhist character woodcut prints, in 1589 of the Ming Dynasty, the high monk Zibai can really ask the painter Ding Yunpeng to write several copies of the 88 frames of the original palace of the ancestors of the Taoist picture book, and send them to Wutai, Emei and Nanyue and other famous mountains, and the preface of the book. In 1615, the high monk Hanshan Deqing praised this album, and it was later circulated. In 1638, when the eminent monk Yongjue Yuanxian was abbot of Zhenshan Temple in Hangzhou, he engraved the "Buddha Daoying" as a preface, and the number of portraits of the patriarch was increased to 130, and in 1662, it was rearranged and supplemented for Lin Daopei. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Shi Shou combined the above books and added a total of 240 records, renamed "Buddha Authentic Daoying", the book was compiled into the "Dragon Collection" (Qianlong Tripitaka) in the middle of the Qing Dynasty.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Qing Dynasty "Buddha Lineage Dao Shadow"

"Daoying Praise" cloud: "Eighty-eight ancestors Zhenyi, from the Great Interior, for the ancestral hall. The Venerable Zibai is wide, the master of Hanshan is praised and praised, and the high residence is supplemented by the Gongyu Department. The Zen religion is dense and pure. ”

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repainted the purple cypress of "The Shadow of the Buddha".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repainted the statue of Yongjue Yuanxian in "The Shadow of the Buddha".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu repainted the image of the virtual cloud monk in "The Shadow of the Buddha".

During the period of the Republic of China, when Master Xuyun abbot Gushan Yongquan Temple and Yunju Zhenru Temple, he took the Yongjue Yuanxian version of "Buddha Dao Shadow" collected in the temple as the base book, and personally went to Shanghai to search for different references, and used Yang Renshan monks to print the printed copies of the ancestors, supplemented the biographies of the ancestors, and engraved the portraits of the ancestors, before and after 20 years, divided into two additions and re-compilations, in 1955, the compilation of the "Additional Buddha Dao Shadow", a total of more than 330 patriarch portraits, these statues are important and precious historical materials for the study of the inheritance of various Buddhist sects and the portraits of the patriarchs and their life and enlightenment experience.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu repainted the Venerable Ka Ye, the first ancestor of Zen Buddhism, in "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao".

The Xuyun monk ends in the preface of "Supplementing the Buddha's Dao Shadow": "The former generations were lonely, and Ananda gathered in Lingshan. Compassion waits to come, and Kaye holds the clothes on the chicken's feet. Wisdom and mercy lamp, relying on the continuation. The cloud was born at the end of the creation, the road has not been seen, the fear of the Dafa will fall, and the day of the good root is thin. I hope to save the elephant religion and show the way to come. It is intended to follow the relics of the ancestors of Zi, Han, Yong and Lin, in order to repay the Buddha's grace in case of emergency. ”

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu repaints the Venerable Zen Crane of "The Shadow of the Buddha".

The Supplementary Shadow of the Buddha and the engraved book The Shadow of the Buddha's Lineage in the Guangxu period are both included in the 64th, 65th and 73rd volumes of the Complete Works of Chinese Buddhist Prints published in 2014. From the "Atlas of the Ancestors" to the "Shadow of the Ancestors of the Past Dynasties" to "The Praise of the Eighty-Eight Ancestors of the Dao Shadow" and then to the "Authentic Dao Shadow of the Ancestors" to "The Authentic Dao Shadow of the Sect", "The Authentic Dao Shadow of the Buddha", "The Dao Shadow of the Buddha Lineage" until "The Supplement of the Dao Shadow of the Buddha...... Over the past 500 years, it has been renamed, supplemented and recompiled several times, which shows the value and status of this book in the Buddhist scriptures.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Ming Dynasty Hanshande halal body and version portrait

Bo Chunyu repainted the statue of Hanshan Deqing in "The Shadow of the Buddha".

Due to the limitations of ancient printing technology, the speed of copying portraits is extremely slow, and if you want to circulate and print, you must change from painting to line, and engrave portraits into single-line prints for publication, although the speed and quantity of printing will be accelerated in the process, but it will also greatly reduce the authenticity, artistic sense and credibility of portraits, and these deviations are unavoidable losses caused by the historical conditions at that time. Due to the occlusion of ancient information, many important portraits of the ancestors are hidden and difficult to examine in detail. However, in the past hundred years, the docking of national and even global information, a large number of portraits of the Tang and Song Dynasty patriarchs have reappeared in the world, through searching, combing to verify the facts, examine their wrongs, make mistakes, correct their shadows, and distinguish their truths, under the premise of "the ancients have not been perfect", with reference to the surviving portraits of the ancestors of the past dynasties, the prints are turned into paintings, and the line engravings are restored to portraits, so that readers can re-understand and get close to the great monks of the past dynasties more truly and profoundly, but there is a need to repaint.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Monk Xuyun added the twenty-eight ancestors of the Western Heaven in "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Monk Xuyun added the Zen Nanyue Dharma system of "Buddha Dao Shadow".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repaints "The Shadow of the Buddha"
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu repaints "The Shadow of the Buddha"

Printmaking figures, also known as embroidered images, have the disadvantages of single image techniques, similar appearances, stereotyped lines, no expressiveness and artistry, no detail portrayal and hierarchical rendering, not strong realism, poor sense of involvement, low credibility, unconnected lines on the pulse, poor charm in the demeanor, and insufficient temperament between the eyebrows. In addition, the portraits of the ancestors of the past dynasties portrayed in the book "Dao Ying" have the following shortcomings:

First, there are many differences in the image, second, the engraved lines are distorted, third, the level is not uniform, fourth, the robe is more wrong, fifth, the appearance is often the same, sixth, the expression is unnatural, seventh, the facial features are not strict, and the eighth is unbalanced. As a result, the patriarch Zhenyi has bones and no flesh, form and no god, line without pen, appearance without rhyme, and cannot solemnly restore the appearance of the ancient Buddhas!

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Left: Kazuhisa Hara "Buddha Dojo Shadow"

Right: Bo Chunyu repaints "The Shadow of the Buddha"

The limitations of printmaking are incomparable with the performance of Chinese painting, and the techniques of Chinese painting, such as hooking, dyeing, rubbing, rubbing, etc., have super realism and shaping power, and can use the traditional Chinese portrait painting and ancestral portrait painting method to fully integrate the characteristics of printmaking with the morphology, facial features, eyebrows, clothing lines, and charm of Chinese painting.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Left: Kazuhisa Hara "Buddha Dojo Shadow"

Right: Bo Chunyu repaints "The Shadow of the Buddha"

Circulating Buddha statue scriptures, the most taboo shoddy flood, Buddha statue can not be drawn according to the law, then can not show the solemnity of the Buddha body. "There is no way to convey its meaning, so there is a book, there is no form, so there is a painting." The scriptures and images are the same, the text and painting are the same, the poems and paintings are the same, and the scriptures are the supreme wonderful law to clear the sound and Xuanliu, and guide the people to return to the truth; The portrait is a wordless collection of the holy rites of all virtues, and it is good to attract the public. The two are one virtue and one heart, like the right arm, the holy religion is propagated, and one is indispensable, and the Dharma is inseparable from the world. The human body and mind are also illusory, so "the saints set the teachings, and the great awakening is vertical", so as to "open the inherent hearts of all living beings and smoke the inherent goodness...... The saint is transformed and left behind, so that the world and future generations will have the shadow and the form, that is, the form and the heart, that is, the heart will be restored. ”

Zibai Zhenke: "The husband is born from the heart, and the shadow is born from the form." And those who are good returners get the form from the shadow, get the heart from the form, and get the Tao from the heart. ”

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repaints "The Shadow of the Buddha"
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repaints "The Shadow of the Buddha"
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu repaints "The Shadow of the Buddha"

The portrait of the patriarch is called the Taoist shadow or the top phase in later generations, and the Chinese painters of the past dynasties have painted the tradition of the "top phase" of the monks in the east, which has been popular in the Tang and Song dynasties, and has become a scale in the Yuan and Ming dynasties. Since the Buddha Buddha passed on the Dharma with a smile and a smile on the mantle of Venerable Ka Ye, the Buddha's clothes, bowls, Dharma scrolls, dust, wishes, and top phases have been ...... It has become a token of Buddhism's expression, all sects and sects attach importance to the inheritance of the ancestor, the six ancestors Huineng Huangmei "mantle" transmission is like this, the white horse is the scriptures and the image, Xuanzang is also the image of the scriptures, "the image (like) teaches the eastward, the southern country", the role of the Buddha statue and the top phase in the transmission of the law is particularly important. In order to confirm the inheritance of teachers of various sects and factions, and the orthodoxy of the lineage, the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties had a top album depicting the blood of the ancestors.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repainted the ancestors of Huayan Sect in "The Shadow of the Buddha".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Some of these holy monks are supernatural, some are in the name of zazen, some are shown by taking scriptures, and some are used to promote the Dharma......

There are those who confer the title of national teacher with the assistance of the emperor, there are those who visit the self-proclaimed head with their feet, there are those who establish the Zhongxing Dharma lineage by opening the sect, there are those who appear as the Bodhisattva who helps the world and benefit the life, there are those who are equal to the writings of the Three Tibetans, and there are those who set the rules and precepts of the jungle with reason......

or those who retreat to the forest and springs, and live deep in the apes and cranes; or those who enter and exit the red dust and follow the fate; Or there is a Buddha name, who sees the Buddha directly; or those who have several lines of sutras and are suddenly enlightened; or there are people who open mountains and build temples and gather cultivators; or there is a portrait of the scriptures, which triggers the good roots; Or there are Botong classics, traversing the lectures......

There are those who are revered as the Shakyamuni of the Eastern Land, those who are recommended to be the return of the Buddha, those who are praised for the presence of Guanyin, those who are known as the manifestation of the Buddha, those who are recognized as the manifestation of the Jizo, and those who are believed to be the incarnation of Maitreya......

There are those who are high in the country, those who are noble princes, those who are woodcutters, those who have been pardoned for their sins, those who are businessmen, those who are proficient in medical skills, those who are good at Danqing, those who are good at cultivating immortals, and those who are the top performers in the imperial examination......

The characters in this, three teachings and nine streams, five elements and eight works, all-encompassing, all-encompassing, all-encompassing, are all caused by the good roots of the present life, hearing the name of the Buddha that is into the empty door, perseverance, courage and diligence, and finally become the dragon elephant of the Dharma.

"Lotus Sutra" cloud: "A rain moistened, its Ze Puqia." Readers or believers of different levels, fields, and concepts can draw beneficial spiritual nourishment and spiritual sustenance from these precious images and written materials.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Left: Kazuhisa Hara "Buddha Dojo Shadow"

Right: Bo Chunyu repaints "The Shadow of the Buddha"

Why is the title of the book called the Buddha's Taoist Shadow? The Buddha, the ancestor of the Buddha following the Buddha; The shadow of the Tao, the true image of the monk of the Liberation Gate.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu repainted the statue of Zen Master Muzhou Daoming in "The Shadow of the Buddha".

Ancestors, ancestors, originators, ancestors, mostly refer to the founders, here refers to the patriarchs of Buddhism. Bodhidharma: "Ming Buddha Heart Sect, the corresponding solution, the name of the ancestor", so the ancestors are based, and the descendants become them;

The Taoist, the avenue, the cultivation of the Tao, the enlightenment, here also contains the meaning of attribution, guidance, implicit self-consciousness, aware of him, the realization of the path of Buddhahood, the patriarchs themselves enlightened, and guide others to the Tao, the sergeant heard the Tao and acted diligently, so it was praised;

Shadow, influence, shadow, trace, cover shadow are because of the original, so show its traces, all Buddhas are enlightened, the ancestors are the same, although the shadow is virtual, false, for the illusion, but can be used to cultivate the truth, with the shadow of the heart, that is, the heart of enlightenment, the moon reflects the shadow of a thousand rivers, and finally appears in January.

To sum up the above meanings, the general idea of "Buddha Daoying" is: first, it refers to the cause of enlightenment of the ancestors and the meaning of guiding the people to return; the second is that the patriarch taught how to "understand the Buddha's heart and explain it accordingly"; The third is to use the prosthesis of life as it is, and cultivate the Tao to become true. "Dao Ying Biography Praise Preface" cloud: "When you see the Dao shadow of the ancestors, you can get the heart of the ancestors!" ”

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu repainted the statue of Zen Master Huishan in "The Shadow of the Buddha".

This book attaches equal importance to pictures and texts, praising the double line, the scriptures are in a furnace, the eight sects are gathered, the sages are in the same article, the collection of education and philosophy is in one volume, the collection of teachings and verses is one, the extension of the three Tibets and the ten sects in one canon, the source and art into one, the history of Buddhism and the statue as one. It is not only an enlightenment course that guides future learning, but also expounds the purpose of enlightenment of the ancestors of the past dynasties, and it is also a method that is well known to everyone, personally inherited, and verified by the Buddha's image. If you can deeply understand the lineage of the Pope, explore the origin of the heart, that is, meet the heart, borrow like the reason, a hundred ancient Buddhas, do not move the tongue and preach, as if the spiritual mountain is not dispersed, the feast is reopened, there is no cover before the appearance, hear its name, see its people, understand its words, lead its purpose, practice its deeds, and know its "original face", then its meaning is great, the person who knows the treasure can be described as the Buddha's way, and the person who does not know it is vain! The "Altar Sutra" of the Six Patriarchs: "Becoming all is the heart, and leaving everything is the Buddha." ”

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

The real body of the six ancestors of the Tang Dynasty and the bronze sculpture and portrait of the Song people \ Bo Chunyu repainted the portrait of the six ancestors of Zen Buddhism Huineng in "The Shadow of the Buddha".

The patriarch of Caodong Sect, Dongshan, asked his teacher Yunyan Tan Sheng at a good price: "A hundred years after the monk, someone suddenly asked if he still looks like a teacher?" How? Tan Sheng: "That is, cover it." Liang Yuan had doubts, and then because he crossed the river and saw his reflection in the water, he realized the meaning of Yunyan and made an enlightenment: "Don't look for it from him, and you will be separated from me; I live alone now, and I find it everywhere. The canal is me, and I am not the canal; It should be necessary to rely on the meeting before it can be deed." "True" refers to the true instrument, the true image, and the true appearance. "Channel" refers to shadows. It means that the water is my shadow, the water is my shape, the shadow is me, I am not the shadow, so the shadow is seen, that is, the truth of the wonderful law is revealed from the phantom, this insight is the "truth of the matter", and its legal heir Cao Shan also advocates "the appearance is the truth", believing that it is necessary to see the essence from the form, and the nature of the phenomenon is viewed, and the form and ontology are interrelated, and the shadow in the water is the same, and the shadow in the painting is also the same. Southern Song Dynasty Ma Yuan's "Cave Mountain Crossing Water Map" depicts the Zen public case of Dongshan Liang Price on the way to the clouds, wading through the water when he saw his own shadow in the water and suddenly realized.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Southern Song Dynasty Ma Yuan "Crossing the Water in the Cave Mountain"
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repainted the statue of the Zen master of the cave mountain in "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repainted the statue of Yunyan Tansheng Zen Master in "The Shadow of the Buddha".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Ming Dynasty Huang Bai Zong "Ancestors Map" book/axis
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu painted "Buddha Dao Shadow" of Huang Bai Zong Fei Yin,


Buddhism has three jewels, Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, and these three jewels are the core of Buddhism's teachings and teachings. All Buddhas are called Buddha treasures; The teachings spoken by the Buddha are called Dharma Jewels; The monks who promote the Dharma are called Sangha. Buddha, the righteousness of awareness; The law, the righteousness of the norm; Sangha, the righteousness of harmony. Xuyun monk cloud: "The two treasures of Buddha and Dharma, supported by the treasure of the monks, if there is no treasure of the monks, the two treasures of the Buddha and the two treasures of the Dharma are unclothed, and there is nowhere to cultivate the good roots........." The law is opened by people, the Tao is propagated by people, and the inheritance of the Dharma lineage is like a passing lamp, one after another, and only in this way can the wisdom of the sect be continued.

Hanshan Deqing: "The ancestors are the grandmasters of the Buddha's heart seal. ”

Monk Xuyun: "The Buddhism of all dynasties is supported by the patriarchs of the sect. ”

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Repainting the statue of Huang Bai Xiyun in "The Shadow of the Buddha".

"Finger Moon Record": "Xi Pei Xiu saw the high monk Zhenyi in the wall, and asked Huang Bai that the true ceremony is considerable, where is the high monk? Barberry said, Pei Xiu, Hugh Yingnuo, not stunned, then realized. ”

Zibai is really good: "The husband has his own heart, but there is emptiness; Where there is emptiness, there is heaven and earth; Where there is heaven and earth, there are mountains and rivers; If there are mountains and rivers, there will be Taoist fields; If there is a road, there will be ancestors; If there is an ancestor, there is a shadow of the Tao. It is to know the ancestors from the shadow of the Tao, to run the Taoist field from the ancestors, to know the heaven and the earth from the Taoist field, to measure the void from the heaven and the earth, and to realize the self-consciousness from the void, which can be called the source of the flow of the so-called search for the flow! ”

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Song, Ming and "Portrait of a Quasi-Teacher" in "Dao Ying"
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu painted "Portrait of a Teacher without Quasi"
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Detail of Bo Chunyu's painting "Portrait of a Teacher without Quasi-Normal".

The previous dynasties have written the portrait of the monk in succession, the Southern and Northern Dynasties Zhang Seng painted Bao Zhigong and other ten monks, the Tang Dynasty Yan Liben, Wu Daozi painted the statue of the monk of Fanhua, Lu Lengjia painted the statue of Zhi Song, the five dynasties Guan Xiu painted the statue of the monk of Tianzhu, the ancient monk statue of Gao Chong, the Song Dynasty Sun Zhiwei painted the statue of the monk Zhigong, Li Gonglin painted the patriarch to teach the clothes, Liang Kai painted the story of the monk, Zhang Shengwen painted the source of the Dharma world, the Yuan Dynasty Zhao Mengfu painted the statue of Zhongfeng, Zhao Yong painted the original wonderful image, the Ming Dynasty Dai Jin painted the six generations of the patriarch of Damour, Zhao Yongxian painted the Buddha and other ancestors of the past dynasties, Qian Fu painted the image of Zibai, Ding Yunpeng painted the shadow of the ancestors, Zhang Qi and Yang Daozhen painted the statues of Yuanxin, Yinyuan and other high monks, Shen Shao of the Qing Dynasty painted the statue of the Token and Zhenlang Zen Master, and Gu Zuntao painted the statue of the monk of Yushi...... Chengtian Temple Tibetan Song people painted the statue of the six generations of Zen patriarchs, Dongfu Temple Tibetan Song people painted the statue of the non-quasi-teacher, the Capital Museum collection of Yongming Yanshou and other high monk portraits, the Palace Museum collection of Yao Guangxiao statue and so on......

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Chengtian Temple Tibetan Song people painted the statue of the six generations of Zen patriarchs
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Yuan Dynasty Zhao Mengfu and other paintings "Zhongfeng Ming Portrait"
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Yuan, Ming and "Zhongfeng Ming's Image" in "Dao Ying"
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu painted the image of Feng Ming in "The Shadow of the Buddha".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu painted "Buddha Dao Shadow" in the Feng Ming portrait part

Pan Tianshou: "Since Buddhism was introduced to China, for 2,000 years, Buddhism and Chinese painting have lived and developed together in close proximity...... Paintings before the Tang Dynasty, tools for the Buddha's mission; The paintings after the Tang Dynasty were different from the materials of the Buddha's enlightenment. ”

Master Taixu: "The most valuable people in Oriental culture push art, and in art, statues are the most, and statues are the first to promote Buddhism." ”

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repainted the portrait of Mo Teng in "The Shadow of the Buddha".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu repainted the statue of Zhu Flange in "The Shadow of the Buddha".

Statue art with Buddhism introduced into China, and Chinese painting art through ups and downs, the rise and fall of the same together, Emperor Wu of Liang Zhang monk was ordered to paint the statue of the monk, there is the allusion of Baozhi Gongxian eleven-faced Guanyin, this is the earliest existing record of the statue of the monk in history, after the Sui and Tang dynasties Buddhism flourished, the famous monks came out in large numbers, the top phase for the monks was more popular, and combined with the custom of sacrificing ancestors in China, it has the important function of Buddhism to commemorate the ancestors, and many famous mountain treasure temples have built ancestral halls. Before the Tang Dynasty, Buddhist painting was the same as the printing of scriptures, more of a missionary teaching, and after the rise of Zen Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty, painting became a Zen monk to express their inner feelings and lead the people to return to the truth and spread the teachings.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu Tibetan Bodhidharma, Deshan Xuanjian, Linji Yixuan statue triple screen

Zen Buddhism first paid attention to the drawing of the top phase of the patriarch, from the bust to the full-body portrait, to the source flow map, and then to the book of ancestors...... Nowadays, the portrait of the Tang Dynasty in China has long been gone, only Japan still has authentic works, "into the Tang Dynasty Eight Ancestors" of the propagation master Kukai brought to the Qinglong Temple Huiguo Master passed on the Tantric patriarch statue, is the Tang Dynasty Li Zhen painted, Jianzhen in the Vinaya, the most clear in the Taizong, Xuanfang in the Faxiang...... Yuan Er came to the Song Dynasty and returned to the country to bring the ancestral statue of Zen Buddhism and the statue of the teacher teacher into Japan, and the Cao Dong Sect Rujing passed on the mantle and bowl of the Taoist Kai to the Japanese monk Yongping Daoyuan, and Huang Bai Yinyuan went to Japan and passed on the ancestral statue and ritual before the Ming Dynasty, so many portraits of the great monks in the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties are still considerable in Japan. Since the Tang and Song dynasties, temples have held "ancestor meetings" every year, that is, the portraits of the ancestors of the past dynasties are hung out for believers to pay homage and respect, and these rituals and traditions that are missing in today's Chinese temples are still preserved in Japan today.

The nine chapters of the "Baizhang Qing Rules" stipulate the rituals of consecration, national taboos, prayers, Buddha's birthday, Nirvana Festival, Bodhidharma, Baizhang taboo, and the taboos of the ancestors of each temple.

"Huang Barberry Qing Rules" "Respect the Ancestor Chapter Third": "Bodhidharma Taboo", "Baizhang Taboo", "Linji Taboo" and "Jingshan Old Monk Taboo" all contain "hanging statues on the Dharma Hall", the Dharma activities.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Mercy and grace, empty and sea taboo, Baizhang taboo, Dharma taboo
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Japanese ancestral hall and Bodhidharma bogey, Tiantai master bogey, etc

That is, the non-Zen master's "Answer Yiran Zen Virtue": "The ancestral shadow is coming, the Fanrong is vivid, and the Zen virtue is wonderful, how can Wu Sheng." When the exhibition is hung in the Dharma Hall, it is worth the ceremony of the county and the Susu, which is very impressive. But Que several respects, heavy annoyance to make up forty-three pieces, the whole hall Yongzhen, Guangshou permanent residence, not only Zen virtue, the name and this mountain are immortal, and the life span and the ancestors of the wisdom of the life with infinite ears, and this is not both. ”

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Tang Dynasty Jianzhen statue

Bo Chunyu repaints "The Statue of the True Monk of the Buddha's Dao Shadow"

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Song Zhang Sixun's painting "Portrait of the Wise Master of Tiantai"

Bo Chunyu repaints "Portrait of the Wise Master of the Buddha's Daoying"

For thousands of years, China's religion, culture, and art have experienced ups and downs in the fate of many disasters and difficulties, and their lives have hung in the balance, such as the Huichang Law Disaster, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the invasion of China by foreign powers, and the Great GM of Culture, which have caused many classics, scriptures, paintings, sculptures, and buildings to be destroyed by the military catastrophe, resulting in the collapse of etiquette and the endangerment of the lineage. From the Anshi Rebellion to the Five Dynasties Dispute, the architectural classics of Tiantai Sect were destroyed, and it was difficult to see the whole picture, Luoxi Jingguang promoted the Wuyue King Qian Yu to send an envoy to Japan to ask for the Tiantai doctrine through Tiantai Deshao National Teacher, so that there was the second revival of Taizong; At the end of the Qing Dynasty, with the assistance of Nanjo Fumio, Yang Renshan purchased and reprinted a large number of lost Sui and Tang Gude works and Buddhist works at the Jinling Engraving Office, which contributed to the prosperity of Buddhism in the late Qing Dynasty. Xu Weiru, who founded the Beijing Scripture Engraving Office and the Tianjin Scripture Engraving Office, was the first to proofread and engrave the "Four Divisions of the Law, Deletion and Supplementation of Random Karma Shu" and other Vinaya classics, which were also invited back by Japan, which directly influenced Master Hongyi's path of practicing Nanshan Vinaya......

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Xuyun monk "Buddha Daoying" Ming Dynasty Zhang Qi painted "Yuanxin Zen Master Statue" Bo Chunyu painted "Buddha Daoying Yuanxin Zen Master Statue"
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Tang Dynasty stone carving Zhaozhou Zen master statue

Bo Chunyu painted the statue of Zhaozhou Zen Master in "The Shadow of the Buddha".

After the reform and opening up, the country was opened, and many monks and Buddhist paintings were recognizable and valued with the spread of books and the Internet, exhibitions and film and television publicity...... In recent years, the mainland has published "Portraits of the Ming and Qing Dynasties", "Complete Works of Chinese Buddhist Prints", as well as complete works of Song, Yuan and Ming paintings, as well as the images of the top image of the patriarch and the "Shadow of the Buddha" in books such as auction books at home and abroad over the years. The retelling of ancient classics in the new era and new context is also in line with the concept of Chinese painting.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Statues of the patriarchs of temples lost overseas and in Japan
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Japan's Tiantai Patriarch Exhibition
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Left: Tiantai Patriarch of the Heian period Right: Nagarjuna Bodhisattva of the Tiantai sect repainted by Bo Chunyu in "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Left: Tiantai Patriarch of the Heian Period Right: Venerable Huisi of Tiantai Sect of Bo Chunyu's repainting of "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Left: Tiantai master of the Song Dynasty

Right: Bo Chunyu repainted the "Shadow of the Buddha's Dao" as the wise master of the Tiantai sect

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Left: The patriarch of the Tiantai period in the Heian period

Right: Bo Chunyu repaints "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao" as the empowerment master of the Tiantai sect

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repainted the ancestors of the Tiantai sect in "The Shadow of the Buddha".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repaints the Tiantai Dixian Master of "The Shadow of the Buddha".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu repainted the Tiantai Sect Master of "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao".

"Xuanhe Painting Spectrum" Taoist interpretation and painting narrative: "Painting the Taoist interpretation image and the demeanor of the Confucian crown, so that people look up to it, and it has a shape and enlightenment, how can it be said to be a small supplement!" ”

Painting Buddha statues can not be hastily painted, must have no distractions, feel through dreams, get it in the heart, should be in the hand, increase the interest of painting, paint characters, sit in the painting dojo, turn to paint the Falun, pave a bridge for the public, see the picture like a face, turn to hear as if you are here, look at the heart, that is, like the Tao, and prove the enlightenment.

Zibai is really ke: "Circling with the ancestors in the Great Light Collection, how can the micro "Dao Shadow" go so far?" ”

Painting a good portrait of the patriarch should have the following qualities:

First, it is necessary to have a solid modeling ability to depict the painting skills of God;

second, it is necessary to master the painting skills of portrait painting in the Ming and Qing dynasties, especially the Bochen school;

Third, it is necessary to skillfully use the method of painting the statues of Buddha and Bodhisattva to make the ancestors of the past generations prestigious, ancient, solemn and compassionate under the premise of realism;

Fourth, they must study the enlightened experience and life stories of the monks they depict, have a devout belief in Buddhism, and have a strong interest in traditional portraiture.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu repainted the statues of Yang Qi Fanghui, Gao Feng Yuan Miao, Baizhang Huaihai, and Xiaoyan Debao Zen Master in "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao".

If you can consider the portraits of the Tang people, blend the portraits of Long Mian and Wang Yi, integrate the portrayal of Bochen, the realism of the Lang family and the Western sketches, and use the portrait method of painting Taoist characters to make a good pen, so as to become edification, knowledge of the heart, propagation of teachings, and solemn land. Hanshan Deqing: "If you want to see the subtle body, you borrow the painting hand." The six patriarchs of Zen Buddhism instructed the Dharma Debater: "You only understand plasticity, not Buddha nature." This requires us not only to understand the plastic (painting) nature, but also to understand the Buddha nature, "Nirvana Sutra": "The middle way is called Buddha nature", from the technique into the Tao, "the technique can enter the Tao, the art can pass through the God". "Don't use the entertainment of dazzling skills and eyes" as a thing, but "go up and down, and go down".

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu repainted the statue of the Zen master of the Buddha Dao Shadow

Lawyer Daoxuan: "Today's people are created with feelings, do not pursue the truth, have to be faithful and respectful, and lose in the French style...... Statue of Sanskrit, Song and Qi have thick lips, nose, long eyes, Yifeng, and the appearance of a husband. Since the Tang Dynasty, the pen work is strict and weak, like the appearance of a prostitute, so today's people praise the palace baby like a Bodhisattva. ”

Yu'an Zhiji: "Those who see the world love its strange shapes and exquisite spirits, and why does the Tao exist as yes!" …… Look at its traces, study its way, consciously perceive him, do not fall into the sound, and go straight to the place where consciousness and wisdom are realized. ”

Zibai is really good: "Tang Wu Daoxuan, Song Li Boshi, all with paintings in the world, although the style is wonderful, but from the light of the heart, there is nothing to do with its ingenuity." Those who know the two sons are also those who use the Tao to entertain the skills. ”

In line with the principle of "taking the law from the top", the painting method followed by the repainting of "Buddha Daoying" is Wu Daozi, Li Gonglin's white drawing technique, Wu Daozi's painting has not seen the real work this morning, but its "Baozhi Gong Statue Praise Tablet" is stored in Linggu Temple, and its "Sending the Child to the Heavenly King" Song copy also fully reflects Wu Daozi's painting style, Li Gonglin's "Five Horses" character modeling is rigorous, the charm is natural, the realism is strong, the lines are introverted, the law is rigorous, the literary atmosphere is full, and it is also a vein of Wu Daozi's painting method, so the repainting of "Daoying" is completely in accordance with this "Wu Li" Painted in white, the faces of the characters are only slightly stained.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repainted the wooden statue of Zen Master Chen Daotao in "The Shadow of the Buddha".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
The original Xuyun monk "Buddha Dao Shadow" of Xuanzang and Master Peeping Ji
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Xuanzang of Tang and Song Dynasty picture books, and Master Peeping Ji
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu painted the statue of Master Xuanzang of the Dharma Xiangzong of "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu painted the statue of Master Xiangzong of the Dharma Sect in "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu painted the portrait of the master of Zizhou of the Buddha Xiangzong in "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu painted the statue of Master Puyang of the Dharma Xiangzong in "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao".

The newly painted "Shadow of the Buddha's Dao" is based on the original prints, and some of them are repainted, such as the 27 ancestors of the Western Heavens; Some are adapted from Tang and Song dynasty paintings, such as Tiantai Buddhism, Faxiang Buddhism, Huayan Buddhism, Three Treatise Sects, Tantric Buddhism, etc.; The rest of the statues of ancient ancestors who do not have reliable and conclusive references are copied according to the "Dao Ying". Only in this way can we approach and restore the true form of the ancestors to the greatest extent.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
The original Xuyun monk "Buddha Dao Shadow" Daoxuan lawyer and Yuan Zhao lawyer statue
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Song painting Daoxuan lawyer and Yuan Zhao lawyer portraits
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu painted the portrait of the lawyer of the law sect and Taoism in "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu painted the portrait of the lawyer of the law Zongyuan Zhao in "The Shadow of the Buddha".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu painted the portrait of Master Hongyi of the Buddha Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu repaints the three treatises of "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao" on the six ancestors of the Eastern Soil:

Kumarosh, Sangha, Sanglang, Sangsan, Farang, Jizang

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

The Capital Museum has a collection of portraits of the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty

The patriarchs of Tantric Buddhism in the past dynasties have the picture book of Li Zhen, a Tang dynasty brought to Japan by Master Kobo;

Song paintings have exact portraits such as Vinaya: Daoxuan, Yuanzhao, Jianzhen, etc.;

The Pure Land has the Song Dynasty painting of the Five Ancestors of the Pure Land, and the statue of the high monk of the Capital Museum;

There are five portraits of the early Tang and Song Dynasty patriarchs on the Tiantai that are the most clear in Japan to propagate the Dharma in Japan, and there are five portraits of the wise masters of the Tang and Song dynasties;

In the Faxiang Sect, the statues of Xuanzang and Peeji were changed, and the two masters of Zizhou and Puyang were added, and there were reliable Song Dynasty picture books in this sect;

Zen Buddhism refers to a wider range of paintings, the complete works of Song paintings, Yuan paintings, Kyoto Wanfukuji "Five Leaves from the West" ancient patriarch atlas, "Zen monk Yan", "Ancestors map", "Chinese Buddhist prints complete" and so on......

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Tang Dynasty Li Zhen painted the ancestors of Tantric Sect "Not Empty Image"
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repainted the Tang Mi non-empty image of "The Shadow of the Buddha".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repainted the ancestors of the Tang Dynasty in "The Shadow of the Buddha".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu repainted the ancestors of the Tang Dynasty in "The Shadow of the Buddha".

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the introduction of photographic technology, all the monks have a camera remaining, and many monks have emerged in the contemporary era, so a number of modern monks have been added, such as Zizhou, Xuyun, Yinguang, Hongyi, Taixu, Yuanying, Laiguo, Fazun, Yuexia, Dixian, Qixu, Shoupei, Nenghai, Cihang, Changren, Guangqin, Chenyun, Xuanhua, Foyuan, Yinshun, Benhuan, Mengshen, Yicheng, Shengyan, Xingyun, etc.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repaints the virtual cloud monk of "The Shadow of the Buddha".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu repainted Master Yuan Ying of "The Shadow of the Buddha".

On the basis of the original book of four volumes and 330 statues, the newly painted "Buddha Daoying" is based on the original Tang and Song Dynasty texts and the remains of modern monks, and re-alters 100 statues, and then adds 270 statues, a whole 600 statues, divided into two major parts, each with four volumes, a total of two books and eight volumes. Titled "Redrawing the Shadow of the Buddha's Dao", the genealogy and chapters of the past dynasties after the changes are introduced as follows:

(1 volume) The Twenty-Eight Patriarchs of the Western Heavens and the Early Patriarchs of the Eastern Soil Zen Buddhism;

(2 volumes) Zen Nanyue Dharma System;

(3 volumes), (4 volumes) Zen Qingyuan Dharma System;

(5 volumes) Tiantai Sect, Huayan Sect, Dharma Xiang Sect, Three Treatise Sect, Pure Land Sect, Vinaya Sect, Esoteric Dharma Patriarchs;

(6 volumes) the ten disciples of Shakya, the holy monks of the two lands, and the ancestors who went to Japan and came to China;

(7 volumes) Tibetan, Mongolian and Yunnan ancestors, bhikshunis of all dynasties, and great masters of lay people of all dynasties;

(8 volumes) the past dynasties of the French lord, the poetry and calligraphy of the past dynasties, the art of the monks, the past dynasties of the Taoist preface collection.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Song people painted "Pure Land Five Ancestors Statue" part
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Left: Statue of the Song Dynasty Master of Good Guidance Right: Bo Chunyu repainted the statue of the Master of Good Guidance in "The Shadow of the Buddha".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repainted the Master of Lushan Huiyuan of the Pure Land Sect in "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repainted "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao" as the master of the Pure Land Sect of the Bright Sect
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repainted the Pure Land Sect Oolong Shaokang Master of "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repainted "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao" as the master of the Pure Land Sect Yongming Life Extension
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Bo Chunyu repainted the Pure Land Sect's Yunqi Lotus Pond Master in "The Shadow of the Buddha's Dao".
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu repainted the Pure Land Sect Yinguang Master of "The Shadow of the Buddha".

Since ancient times, the Buddha has only passed on the body, and the teacher has paid the heart. The law is passed down from generation to generation, and the heart is imprinted with the heart. There is no gradual law, and people are obtuse. Those who are rooted hear the Dharma and understand their hearts, go straight to the sea of nature, and have wisdom and accessibility; The foolish ones have heavy karmic obstacles, long-standing habits, and deep-rooted afflictions. In this era of the end of the Dharma, where the heart is inferior, but there is a statue of the Buddha, long faith, diligent practice of Sanskrit, to achieve the harmony of reason, can also gradually enter the better state, and realize the Buddha's heart. If you can hear the Fa-rectification, gradually get along, be knowledgeable and diligent, have a clear mind, and get rid of life and death, cross him and widen the crowd, until the merit is completed and the Buddha fruit is reached, then you will live up to this life.

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Chengtiankaku Art Museum Zen Buddha Taoist Film Exhibition
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow
Japan's top phase exhibition and ancestral hall ancestor commemoration
Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Bo Chunyu Repainting "The Shadow of the Buddha" Special Exhibition (Hangzhou)

Ancient classics, revise the line, correct the error, it is not easy, Helu is busy painting, the energy is limited, and there are 270 new patriarchs, lay people to praise, there is a weak heart, rough into the order, deficiencies and omissions are inevitable, willing to ask all teachers and friends, the sages and sages do not hesitate to teach, point out for the hope. In this era of the end of the Dharma, the same extended release vein, together with the wheel of Dharma.

——Gengchen burns incense in the spring rain in Helu

Bo Chunyu: Redraw the Buddha's Dao Shadow

Introduction to the painter Bo Chunyu

Bo Chunyu: No. Helu, don't sign the owner of Tie Ruyi. Born in 1983 in Lijin County, Dongying City, Shandong. In 2007, he graduated from China Academy of Art with a bachelor's degree. In 2018, he graduated from the China Academy of Art with a master's degree. He lives in Hangzhou and is a painter and collector.

Participated in the exhibition and won the silver medal of Chinese painting in the "National Art Academy Students Nomination Exhibition" of Today Art Museum. "Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Guo Weihui's Birth" National Flower and Bird Painting Masters Academic Invitational Exhibition. He won the Outstanding Works Award of the first National "Xu Beihong Award" Chinese Painting Exhibition. Won the Elite Award of "Contemporary Chinese Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition" of the China Artists Association. He won the Outstanding Works Award of the "Harmonious Home" National Gongbi Painting Exhibition of the China Artists Association. 2008 National Chinese Painting Exhibition of China Artists Association. China Artists Association "The First National Modern Gongbi Painting Exhibition". China Artists Association "Chinese Line Drawing Art Exhibition" Outstanding Works Award. The 8th National Gongbi Painting Exhibition of the China Artists Association. China Artists Association "Chinese Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition". "Wealth and Wildness" Bo Chunyu Gongbi Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition. "Middle" - Gongbi Pioneer Three-person Boutique Exhibition. "Wonderful Opportunities" Modern and Contemporary Chinese Gongbi Painting Exhibition. "Micro and Delicate" - The First Academic Research Exhibition of Chinese Gongbi Heavy Color Works. "Teaching and Learning Together" - Exhibition of Contemporary Academy Gongbi and Ink Paintings. "Fairy Bird Sue Rui" Helu Bo Chunyu Works and Collection Exhibition. Helu Bo Chunyu Repainting "Buddha Dao Shadow" special exhibition. "Merlin Returns to the Crane", Helu Bo Chunyu's Works and Collection Exhibition, etc

Published papers "Crane Talk", "Wenxin Iron Bone Gentleman's Vessel: Iron Ruyi Examination", "The Integration and Application of Chinese Painting White Painting and Western Painting Sketch", "Painting Saint Wu Daozi's White Drawing of Ink Guanyin and Its Transmission Origin", "Crane Lu Collection of Hundred Guanyin Statues", "Xu Xixue Bamboo Diagram and Its Technique Examination", "World Sculpture Art Source Examination", "Crane Friends Association Preface", "Crane Lu Painting Wenyuan Hundred Families Preface", "Buddha Dao Shadow Examination", "Repainting Buddha Dao Shadow Shu", etc