
Is it also wrong to have healthy competition with domestic cars? Do you support Jia Ke's "anti-roll" view?

author:Xiao Xu's car life

Eating melons is happening from time to time, and this time there are more ingredients. Recently, the melon about Principal Jia Kejia is a bit hot, and it turns out that there is so much material behind Jia Ke.

Not long ago, the 16th China Automobile Blue Book Forum was held in Beijing, which was a good thing, as we all know that the current Chinese automobile market, and even the global automobile industry, are in the midst of great changes, even if you look at the current market, to guide the healthy development of the industry is expected.

Is it also wrong to have healthy competition with domestic cars? Do you support Jia Ke's "anti-roll" view?

However, at the 16th China Automobile Blue Book Forum, Jia Ke, the principal of Xuanyuan School and chairman of the China Automobile Blue Book Forum, made a speech that caused a commotion in the industry.

Why? Let's take a look at what Chairman Jia said.

At the event, Chairman Jia Kejia mainly expounded his "anti-volume speech" viewpoint, talked in detail about the 6 manifestations and 3 hazards of the current domestic market involution, and listed cases with comments. The core point of view is to hope that the industry will not "roll", but "strong", "volume" is mutual harm, low-level excessive competition, and "strong" is fair competition that breaks through the law of the jungle. Among them, there seems to be no insinuation of the leading brand of domestic new energy.

Although Chairman Jia has a series of seemingly professional titles, Xiao Xu does not agree with his "anti-roll" theory, and even opposes it.

Why? Below Xiao Xu gives my opinion.

1. First of all, is it right to "reverse roll"?

When it comes to "volume", the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is "996", which are all hard-working workers, and the rolls are full of blood and tears of cattle and horses. The first reaction was to say "no". This kind of "anti-rolling" Xiao Xu also supports it, and it is right to oppose the boss's oppression.

However, President Jia's so-called "anti-roll" is not to fight for the rights and interests of workers, he seems to be emphasizing that car companies do not roll up, do not engage in low-price competition, and let cars maintain the high prices that everyone was afraid of in the past. Xiao Xu believes that if President Jia really has this original intention, he can indeed strive for more benefits for the automobile industry he represents, but it will hurt consumers. Even if the production efficiency of the mainland automobile industry improves, will mainland consumers not be able to enjoy more affordable car prices? Didn't you eat hard? What is the difference between this and the behavior of making ordinary people bear the suffering during the feudal dynasty? Is Principal Jia on the opposite side of the people? Can't you see that ordinary people buy cars cheaply and realize the convenience of life? I am against this.

2. Are the six major involutions right?

President Jia put forward the six major involutions currently underway in China, each of which flattened the car companies out of the industry ethics. As a practitioner in the car rim, Xiao Xu has been in contact with the first-line automobile market for a long time, but he does not recognize these six major involutions.

The first is the cost of volume, cutting corners, counterfeiting and selling fakes. Principal Jia did not provide specific evidence for this, which I think is too subjective. You don't need to look to know that there are only one or two big brands that can vigorously reduce prices in the market and affect the market situation. Among them, BYD is the leader. Why? Because BYD has a comprehensive industrial layout, its current price reduction is completely using its industrial advantages and supply chain advantages to reduce costs. If, according to President Jia, the cost involution is to cut corners, counterfeit and sell fakes, then it is estimated that there will be different quality problems in the vehicles sold in the market in the past two years, and more than 30 million units were sold last year alone. But in fact, we have not seen a large-scale crackdown on counterfeit car consumers.

The second is volume technology: coaxing partners and plagiarizing technology.

Principal Jia also did not give evidence, and I don't know who Principal Jia is talking about, but it is certain that if any car company is copied from the technology, it will definitely defend its rights, and the brands that are defended will definitely be punished. This plagiarized brand must be more anxious than Principal Jia, right? At present, the field of new technology concentration is new energy, in this field, BYD independent research and development, leading the world is the consensus, in the Japanese auto show, European auto show have received local recognition. In particular, plug-in mixing technology can be said to be the first and no one can copy it.

Is it also wrong to have healthy competition with domestic cars? Do you support Jia Ke's "anti-roll" view?
Is it also wrong to have healthy competition with domestic cars? Do you support Jia Ke's "anti-roll" view?

The third is the volume of funds: arrears, tokens waiting.

This article involves the internal operation of the car company, I am afraid that only the senior management of the car company can know for sure, President Jia has no clear evidence, I don't know whether President Jia is a senior executive in a car company, and he blew up the owner. I will not comment on that. But if this is the case, the supplier will not agree, right?

The fourth is the volume of users: calm down the incident, and even coax.

As long as each car company finds after-sales service when there is a problem with the product, the manufacturer will definitely give a solution to solve the problem as soon as possible, which is the responsible performance of after-sales. As for Lian Meng's coaxing, Principal Jia did not provide evidence, and I don't know if it was encountered by Principal Jia when he defended his rights, but as long as the consumer recognizes the after-sales plan, then there is no Menghe.

Fifth, the relationship between volumes: up and down, left and right.

This article is the same as the third article, only insiders can understand that President Jia has a high position and power, and he may have experienced this kind of thing that moves up and down, so he understands. However, no evidence was provided, and I am not good at commenting.

Sixth, public opinion: confusing the public, and the water army is prevalent.

Speaking of which, I am reminded of President Jia's previous fabrication that "the taxi driver was electrocuted to death by the car", which had a serious adverse impact on BYD. At that time, BYD deliberately issued a relevant legal statement to pursue legal responsibility from Jia Ke, a "car business review". Afterwards, President Jia hurriedly apologized publicly. While surprised by the rapid change in President Jia's attitude, Xiao Xu also believes that Principal Jia should learn from the previous lessons, not just try to be cool for a while, and be able to have arguments and evidence when expressing his views, so as to lead by example and not confuse the public.

Is it also wrong to have healthy competition with domestic cars? Do you support Jia Ke's "anti-roll" view?

3. What is Principal Jia's identity?

The above are some of Xiao Xu's own views on President Jia's views, and I think you can examine President Jia's views from the perspective of independent thinking and draw your own conclusions. Let's see if this is really the case, or if it's just a matter of taking things for granted.

Speaking of which, I also have some questions about Principal Jia's identity.

President Jia, who holds a number of titles, is the chairman of the China Automotive Blue Book Forum, the president of Xuanyuan, and the chairman of the World New Automotive Technology Cooperation Ecological Association. But I searched, and the China Automobile Blue Book Forum was run by President Jia himself, and there was no endorsement from an authoritative department. Xuanyuan University is the same, and has also been named and strictly investigated by eight ministries and commissions, and the registration fee is nearly 100,000 / year, which is obviously not for the general public, but more like for the upstream and downstream executives of the automotive industry chain, so the question is, President Jia, who graduated from the Chinese Department of Nanjing Normal University, with what kind of professional endorsement to host the professional training of Xuanyuan University? Under the labels of "University" and "Association", where is the professionalism of "media person" and "Kochi"? Or is it just a few titles, breaking into the automotive circle, creating an "ecological closed loop" to make money?

Is it also wrong to have healthy competition with domestic cars? Do you support Jia Ke's "anti-roll" view?

The above content is my question and personal point of view, for the melon of this car circle, in fact, I am not too cold, but Xiao Xu believes that the current "involution" of the car circle is due to the development of the market, and the savage growth of car companies is bound to usher in a round of survival of the fittest, which is normal. At present, this is the process, for car companies to definitely suffer, what car companies need to do is to continue technological innovation, industrial upgrading, and strive for more possibilities to reduce costs, to survive the survival of the fittest in the market. Just like the domestic mobile phone industry back then, it will be a new beginning after the pain. However, at this stage, it is definitely a good time for consumers to buy cars, which is a great benefit for the people, not forever, just to let the market develop naturally, and do not appear to call on car companies to raise prices back.

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