
Gree Electric 801 Days: It's Strange! The market rose, and Gree fell

author:Enlighten life

Written before the opening:

Mess up and bake you to sing and I'll appear,

Recognize other places as hometowns.


In the end, it's all about making wedding garments for others!


Inadvertently, Gree Electric started from the previous intraday high of 43.83 yuan on May 13, and fell all the way to yesterday's closing price of 39.48 yuan, a decline of 9.92%.

Gree Electric 801 Days: It's Strange! The market rose, and Gree fell

The corresponding Shanghai Composite Index fell from the previous high of 3174.22 points all the way to 2945.85 points, a decline of only 7.19%.

Gree Electric 801 Days: It's Strange! The market rose, and Gree fell

Of course, the start time of the two statistics is different, and Gree Electric Appliances fell first than the market, six trading days earlier.

If you compare them according to the decline period of the Shanghai Composite Index, the decline of Gree Electric and the broader market is comparable.

If you fall, you will fall, and I will appear when you sing.

As long as it dares to fall, I dare to take it!


Gree Electric Appliances opened at a low of 39.23 yuan and rushed up directly, and after 9:31 to 39.70 yuan, it fell back.

At 9:36, the stock price fell back to $39.31 and rebounded, and five minutes later, it stopped at $39.60 and continued to fluctuate.

At 10:54, the stock price suddenly dived at the price of 39.51 yuan, and 16 minutes later, the price of 39.19 yuan no longer fell, but continued to consolidate until the close stayed at 39.25 yuan.

At that time, the handicap showed that the outer market was smaller than the inner market, the Shanghai Composite Index rose 28.79 points, or 0.98%, the super brand rose 5.3 points, or 0.42%, and the Midea Group rose 0.62%.

Gree Electric 801 Days: It's Strange! The market rose, and Gree fell
Gree Electric 801 Days: It's Strange! The market rose, and Gree fell


After the afternoon open, Gree Electric continued to consolidate until 1:34, when it tried to return at the price of 39.26 yuan, but ten minutes later, it immediately turned downward at the price of 39.43 yuan.

During the period, between 39.29 yuan and 39.14 yuan, 6 consecutive purchases were made, accumulating 1,600 shares.

Gree Electric 801 Days: It's Strange! The market rose, and Gree fell

At 2:36, when the stock price fell to a new intraday low of 39.05 yuan, it finally stopped falling and returned until it finally closed at 39.22 yuan, down 0.66% throughout the day.

Gree Electric 801 Days: It's Strange! The market rose, and Gree fell
Gree Electric 801 Days: It's Strange! The market rose, and Gree fell

At that time, the handicap showed that the gap between the inner and outer disks had narrowed, but the outer disks were still smaller than the internal disks. The Shanghai Composite Index rose by 0.62%.

Gree Electric 801 Days: It's Strange! The market rose, and Gree fell
Gree Electric 801 Days: It's Strange! The market rose, and Gree fell

After-hours insights:

It's strange that the market is rising, Gree is falling, and it is still the day of the shareholders' meeting.


I couldn't manage so much, so I increased my position again.

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