
Gree Electric Appliances 802 days: the market is good, the toad and mouse become fine, stabilize God, don't fall at dawn!

author:Enlighten life

Written before the opening:

Last Friday, a lot of positions were added, and the market is still fluctuating at the bottom, and it is still unknown whether Gree can stop falling.

But there is no longer so much to manage, the shareholders' meeting has been held, and there is nothing to worry about in the future of Gree Electric - it will not be like those who once had unlimited scenery and said that thunder will explode.

is still the same sentence, everything that should be experienced has been experienced, and the future of Gree Electric Appliances depends on the face of the market.

Even if the market is bad, Gree Electric is not as bad as those who change their faces at every turn - take it, now is the time to pick up cheap.


As soon as the market opened, Gree Electric was able to quickly drop the price of 39.02 yuan, and eight minutes later to 38.76 yuan.

At 10:02, the stock price rebounded to the price of 39.45 yuan and immediately fell back, and 27 minutes later, it stopped falling at the price of 38.81 yuan, and then continued to consolidate in a narrow range until it closed at 38.85 yuan.

At that time, the handicap showed that the outer market was smaller than the internal market, the Shanghai Composite Index rose 9.24, or 0.31%, the super brand fell 6.12 points, or 0.48%, and the Midea Group fell 0.45%.

Gree Electric Appliances 802 days: the market is good, the toad and mouse become fine, stabilize God, don't fall at dawn!
Gree Electric Appliances 802 days: the market is good, the toad and mouse become fine, stabilize God, don't fall at dawn!


After the afternoon open, Gree Electric continued to consolidate at a low level until it finally closed at 38.90 yuan, down 0.82% throughout the day.

Gree Electric Appliances 802 days: the market is good, the toad and mouse become fine, stabilize God, don't fall at dawn!
Gree Electric Appliances 802 days: the market is good, the toad and mouse become fine, stabilize God, don't fall at dawn!

At that time, the handicap showed that the outer disk was still smaller than the inner disk, and the gap was not small. The Shanghai Composite Index rose 27.33 points, or 0.92%, Superbrands rose 4.97 points, or 0.39%, and Midea Group fell 0.64%.

Gree Electric Appliances 802 days: the market is good, the toad and mouse become fine, stabilize God, don't fall at dawn!
Gree Electric Appliances 802 days: the market is good, the toad and mouse become fine, stabilize God, don't fall at dawn!

After-hours insights:

The market is generally rising, rarely falling, but the two heroes of household appliances are going down, presumably the two companies are in a difficult mood for investors.

Don't worry, as long as the market is warm, it is a matter of time before it rises, where are there stocks that only go up and not down?

As soon as the market is good, toads and rats will become fine, do you believe that Gree Electric, which has a huge amount of real money, will lie still?

Hold your god and don't fall at dawn!

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