
No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

author:Big Iron Cat Entertainment


With the popularity of "Ink Rain and Clouds", the heroine Wu Jinyan became popular again.

This is following "Yanxi Raiders" six years ago, she once again attracted the attention of the whole network, and she is also a Shuang sister character, her appearance is still there, and her acting skills have improved significantly.

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

In the interview, Wu Jinyan said that his eye play was still almost meaningless. She said that the scene cut out for the audience may only be a few seconds, but when filming, it took three or four hours, crying for several hours, and by the time the face scene was filmed, the bags under her eyes could no longer go down, and her eyes began to wander.

She took the initiative to mention topics that others avoided, this is the attitude that an actor should have, not avoiding shortcomings, and daring to face his own problems. This is probably the key to the improvement of her acting skills.

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

From her words and deeds, we can see that she really wants to be a good actor.

In the hottest years, she kept making film appointments, and she was the "first sister" of the entertainment film and television company. After filming "Shangshi" in 2021, she suddenly realized that her state was not right after her 31st birthday, and she was retrieving that the evaluation of her on the Internet was more negative than positive, so she retreated bravely, pushed a lot of script invitations, and spent a lot of time learning to act, acting in dramas, and precipitating herself.

She dared to make such a choice, on the one hand, because she had a clear goal, and on the other hand, because her boss Yu Zheng liked her enough, and seeing that her commercial value was weakening, he could still send Wang Zhan's script when she wanted to return.

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

Yu Zheng's attention to Wu Jinyan is visible to everyone, he once said on Weibo that Bailu, Xu Kai, and Wu Jinyan are his driving forces in the entertainment industry, not only for them to have a monetary return for him to the company, but also emotionally. Wu Jinyan has also thanked Yu Zheng for his kindness in public many times.

Looking back now, Yu Zheng's vision is superb, and he can discover Wu Jinyan with his eyes in a huge entertainment circle.

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

It was 2016, and Yu Zheng found Wu Jinyan through an assistant director, who was filming Guan Hu's "Bells on the Bund" in Shanghai.

Yu Zheng didn't feel anxious after calling her to explain her intentions, and waited until she finished work, but unfortunately it was filmed in the middle of the night that day. After meeting, Yu Zheng said that he was preparing "Song of the Dynasty", saying that Wu Jinyan was exactly what he wanted Daji to look like, and the two talked very happily, and then Wu Jinyan became an entertaining artist, and Daji was the first stepping stone.

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

For a long time, Wu Jinyan's beauty has actually been underestimated, and many people called her "Chihuahua" after losing weight, but they didn't know that she was a "doll" back then.

The first time it broke into the audience's field of vision was outside the examination room of the 2009 Nortel preliminary examination, and the Beijing Morning Post published a report that among the crowded candidates, Wu Jinyan, who was wearing a white down jacket, was delicate and exquisite.

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

This photographer is like a talent scout, and he immediately photographed the most outstanding candidates in the C position.

At that time, no one knew who she was, but the first time I saw her, she was amazing, her skin was fair, her facial features were large, her eyes took up half of her face, and she was quite photogenic without makeup.

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

That year, there were more than 4,000 candidates, and only 75 were recruited, and she stood out from them and successfully became a student of Nortel's performance department.

Before taking the Nortel exam, she had a thirteen-year ballet career, once becoming a dancer of the National Ballet of China, but later she was injured and had to give up dancing to become a filmmaker.

Many celebrities have dancing skills and will hype up marketing, but her team rarely talks about her skipping ballet, until she participated in "Sister Lang" later, and netizens knew that she had graduated from Beijing Dance High School.

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

Life is long, and the hardships she endured when she was young were later repaid to her in another way.

Years of dance career have cultivated her beautiful demeanor, just looking at her facial features are very modern and foreign, but because of her beautiful figure and outstanding manners, she has no sense of disobedience in acting in Republic of China dramas and costume dramas.

When I first saw her, she was the twin sisters in "Beacon Beauty", one was weak and couldn't take care of herself, the other was as ruthless as a snake and scorpion, and the other was pitiful and the other was hated.

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

At the same time, she played the heroine Feng Qingqing in "Screen Beauty", and there were not only very fashionable Republic of China styles in the play, but also antique costume styles.

Under the shape of the Republic of China, a long black hair with a round and full face, full of girlishness, it is difficult to associate with the actress who shook her head and howled "Mom doesn't want you to die".

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

The ancient style shape is smart and lovely, I thought that her skeleton and face were very small, and there would be a cumbersome feeling of "illegal construction" if there were too many headdresses, but I didn't expect that the pearls were full of emerald but extraordinarily rich and atmospheric.

His face is fleshy, and his eyes are full of spirit.

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

When she played Wei Yingluo, she was criticized the most because her mouth moved too exaggerated when she said her lines, but she didn't have such a problem in "Screen Beauty".

has acting skills, is so beautiful and recognizable, like a Barbie doll, with a smile and a compelling aura, no wonder it can be seen by Yu Zheng at a glance.

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

After signing in Yu Zheng's company, Wu Jinyan played the peerless beauty Daji as promised, and the appearance was quite beautiful, but unfortunately it was not reviewed because the plot was too magical.

Later, the male protagonist overturned, and the show has not seen the light of day so far.

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

At the age of 28, Yu Zheng used a "Yanxi Raiders" to help her get to the top of the clouds. The fame is there, but the appearance is beginning to be criticized.

The reason is that she is too thin, Yu Zheng asked her to lose weight before the start, and she lost more than ten pounds in minutes, and the collagen on her face was losing as she got older, and she became a big-headed doll directly after losing it.

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

Fortunately, in the past few years, she has not been in such a hurry to film, and her weight has risen a little again. After gaining weight, the cheeks are full, and even the temperament has changed, there is always a sense of meanness when it is too thin, and it is more girlish and gentle after being plump.

Last year, a group of photos on the rafting lake amazed many people.

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

This time in "Ink Rain and Clouds", there are many actresses who are more beautiful than her, but it is difficult to say who dropped her in seconds when standing with her, because she has the temperament to support her.

The demeanor is too outstanding, standing, lying and sitting are straight and dignified, but it is relaxed and moderate, and it will not give people a feeling of deliberately "upright".

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

Even the running posture is soft, the section where Su Guogong pulled her to the county office, one is tall and straight, striding meteors, all of them are small, and they have to use a small trot to follow behind.

When running, the shoulders are thin and straight, the green skirt is fluttering, romantic and beautiful, and the sense of fate is full.

No wonder Yu waited until midnight to sign Wu Jinyan, who was born in the National Ballet of China and had a compelling aura

No wonder Yu Zheng praised Wu Jinyan, she really has something on her body.


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