
#于正迷惑行为大赏# Wu Jinyan VS Wang Xingyue, who is the "main palace" and who is the "spare tire"

author:Xiaoxin said entertainment


Netizens questioned Yu Zheng's favoritism towards Wang Xingyue

In the turbulent waves of the entertainment industry, Yu Zheng, as a well-known producer, can always set off a lot of waves with his words and deeds. Recently, he has become the focus of heated discussions among netizens because of his different attitudes towards his artists Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue. The reason for the incident was that in a certain drama, Wang Xingyue caused strong dissatisfaction among fans because of certain behaviors, but Yu Zheng excused him on social media, claiming that "he is a child, what does he know". As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately aroused questions and dissatisfaction among netizens.

#于正迷惑行为大赏# Wu Jinyan VS Wang Xingyue, who is the "main palace" and who is the "spare tire"

Netizens have said that Yu Zheng, as a producer, should treat all artists equally, rather than favoring one side or the other. What's more, Wang Xingyue's behavior has had a negative impact on the series, and as a producer, he should take the corresponding responsibility, rather than excuse it lightly. Some netizens even joked: "Teacher Yu Zheng, have you forgotten your identity, you are a producer, not a nanny!" ”

#于正迷惑行为大赏# Wu Jinyan VS Wang Xingyue, who is the "main palace" and who is the "spare tire"

Yu Zheng responded that he didn't understand Wu Jinyan's grievances

On the other hand, Wu Jinyan, as one of the artists praised by Yu Zheng, has recently fallen into the whirlpool of public opinion. Her interests in a big heroine drama were damaged, not only was the scene deleted, but also questioned and abused by the audience because of the change of the plot. However, in the face of such a predicament, Yu Zheng said, "I don't understand what grievances Wu Jinyan has suffered."

#于正迷惑行为大赏# Wu Jinyan VS Wang Xingyue, who is the "main palace" and who is the "spare tire"

This response immediately sparked strong dissatisfaction among netizens. Some netizens pointed out that Wu Jinyan, as the big heroine, her scenes have been deleted and the plot has been changed, which has seriously damaged her interests and image. And Yu Zheng, as a producer, not only did not give enough support and help, but also responded so lightly, which is incomprehensible. Some netizens bluntly said: "Teacher Yu Zheng, have you forgotten that Wu Jinyan is also one of your artists!" ”

#于正迷惑行为大赏# Wu Jinyan VS Wang Xingyue, who is the "main palace" and who is the "spare tire"

Netizens ridiculed Yu Zheng's "double standard" behavior

With the fermentation of the incident, netizens began to dig deep into Yu Zheng's words and deeds in the past, and found that he did have "double standard" behavior when dealing with different artists. For example, before the filming of the drama "Ink Rain Clouds" started, Yu Zheng once said that the heroine of the show was still entangled, not only wanting to rub the popularity of popular artists, but also wanting to give newcomers the opportunity to emerge. However, when the show became a hit, he changed his words and said that the heroine was specially tailored for Wu Jinyan.

#于正迷惑行为大赏# Wu Jinyan VS Wang Xingyue, who is the "main palace" and who is the "spare tire"

This inconsistent statement immediately aroused ridicule and questions from netizens. Some netizens said: "Teacher Yu Zheng, your face is changing too fast!" Do you think Wu Jinyan started to praise her when she became popular? Some netizens ridiculed: "Teacher Yu Zheng, shouldn't you hold a training class and teach us how to change our faces so quickly!" ”

Netizens are hotly discussing Yu Zheng's "child theory"

#于正迷惑行为大赏# Wu Jinyan VS Wang Xingyue, who is the "main palace" and who is the "spare tire"

In addition to the different attitudes towards Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue, Yu Zheng's "child theory" also sparked extensive discussions among netizens. He once said on social media: "They are all my children, and I will do everything I can to protect them." However, in practice, he tends to only protect those artists who he thinks have potential, and he is indifferent to those who are temporarily at a low point.

#于正迷惑行为大赏# Wu Jinyan VS Wang Xingyue, who is the "main palace" and who is the "spare tire"

This kind of "child-like" remarks immediately aroused questions and dissatisfaction among netizens. Some netizens said: "Teacher Yu Zheng, have you forgotten that your children can also make mistakes?" Are only the obedient children who have potential be your children? Some netizens ridiculed: "Teacher Yu Zheng, should your 'child theory' be renamed 'potential theory'?" ”

#于正迷惑行为大赏# Wu Jinyan VS Wang Xingyue, who is the "main palace" and who is the "spare tire"

Controversial Summary: Yu Zheng's "Art" and "Life"

In this discussion about Yu Zhenghe and his artists, we saw the complexity of the entertainment industry and the multifaceted nature of human nature. As a well-known producer, Yu Zheng's words and deeds will undoubtedly have a profound impact on his artists. However, when dealing with different artists, can he be equally and fair? This is a question worth pondering.

#于正迷惑行为大赏# Wu Jinyan VS Wang Xingyue, who is the "main palace" and who is the "spare tire"

At the same time, we should also see that the entertainment industry is a place full of competition and entanglement of interests. In this circle, everyone is fighting for their dreams and interests. However, should we maintain a kind and just heart in the process? Should the efforts and efforts of others be respected? This is also a question that we should think about.

#于正迷惑行为大赏# Wu Jinyan VS Wang Xingyue, who is the "main palace" and who is the "spare tire"

Finally, we hope that Yu Zheng will listen carefully to the voices and opinions of netizens and reflect on his own actions and remarks. At the same time, we also hope that all artists can maintain a kind and fair heart, and grow and progress together in the entertainment industry.

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