
The leaders of Zhao'an County led a team to carry out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

author:Minnan Net

Minnan Net, June 28 (Correspondent Zhaowen Tianxia Minnan Net Reporter Zhang Enpei Text/Picture) On the eve of the "July 1st" Party Day, on the morning of June 26, Huang Qinghua, the county magistrate of Zhao'an County, led a team to visit some party members in difficulty in Shenqiao Town, and sent them the party's care and warmth. Li Zhijie, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhao'an County Party Committee and head of the Organization Department, attended the condolences.

The leaders of Zhao'an County led a team to carry out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities
The leaders of Zhao'an County led a team to carry out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

At the homes of the representatives of the party members in difficulty, Huang Qinghua had a cordial conversation with them, inquired in detail about their physical health, living conditions, and existing difficulties, told them to take care of their health, and sent condolences to thank them for their contributions to the party and the people.

The leaders of Zhao'an County led a team to carry out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

Huang Qinghua exhorted the relevant departments to do a good job in providing services and guarantees for party members and veteran party members in difficulty, and do their best to solve problems for them, so that they can truly feel the care and warmth of the party and the government and enjoy their old age in peace. The majority of party members and cadres in the county should take the old party members as an example, inherit the glorious tradition, carry forward the fine style, inherit the spirit of loyalty to the party and dedication to the party, and strive to make contributions in the new era and new journey, and contribute to the cause of the party and the people.

Source: Minnan Net

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