
Xu Guanghan filmed the Korean drama "1-minute trailer is released"! The killer looks evil... The finale debuted handsomely fried

author:ETtoday Starlight Cloud

Reporter Liu Yiting/Comprehensive Report

Taiwanese god Hsu Guanghan starred in the Korean drama No Way Out : The Roulette; 노웨이아웃: 더룰렛) trailer was officially launched today (28th), although he did not appear many times, but his handsome appearance still became the highlight of everyone's attention, and it is the finale of the entire trailer, which is expected to be broadcast on July 31.

Xu Guanghan filmed the Korean drama "1-minute trailer is released"! The killer looks evil... The finale debuted handsomely fried
Xu Guanghan filmed the Korean drama "1-minute trailer is released"! The killer looks evil... The finale debuted handsomely fried
Xu Guanghan filmed the Korean drama "1-minute trailer is released"! The killer looks evil... The finale debuted handsomely fried

许光汉演韩剧,扮演mixed blood 杀手。 (图/翻摄自YouTube/STUDIO X+U)

Xu Guanghan plays the Taiwanese and Korean mixed-race killer "Mr. Smile" in the play, in addition to showing a handsome and evil smile in the trailer, he also holds a gun in front of the camera and prepares to shoot, focusing on the appearance of exuding the atmosphere of a male god. This is also the first South Korean drama he has participated in since his debut, which has made the outside world look forward to it.

The plot of "No Way Out: Roulette" features a murder commission with a reward of 20 billion won (about NT$470 million), targeting a felony who is about to be released from prison. In addition to Heo Kwang-han, the main actors are Cho Jin-woong, Kim Moo-yeol, Yoo Jae-myung, Sung Yu-pin, Lim Jing-ah, Lee Kwang-so, Kim Sung-cheol, and directed by directors Choi Guo-hee and Lee Hou-bin, the lineup is very gorgeous.

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