
Zhao Liying was poorly treated when filming "You Fei"? It's hard to describe the shape, and a pair of pants turns her into big thick legs

author:A good man has a safe life

Zhao Liying, this name is well-known in the entertainment industry, she has won the hearts of countless fans with her sweet appearance and superb acting skills. Since she announced her pregnancy and temporarily left the screen, fans are full of anticipation for her comeback. And when she really returned with her new work "You Fei", the entire entertainment industry was boiling.

The TV series "You Fei", adapted from the novel of the same name, tells a story of ups and downs. The heroine played by Zhao Liying in the play is a smart and brave heroine, and her image is very consistent with Zhao Liying's own temperament. As soon as the official announcement came out, fans expressed their excitement about her comeback and their expectations for the new drama on social media.

The news of her comeback is not only a new starting point for Zhao Liying's personal career, but also an important moment in her personal life. After giving birth to a baby, Zhao Liying returned with a more mature and stable attitude, and there was more maternal tenderness in her eyes, which undoubtedly added more depth and layers to her role.

Zhao Liying was poorly treated when filming "You Fei"? It's hard to describe the shape, and a pair of pants turns her into big thick legs

In "You Fei", Zhao Liying's character has undergone a transformation from a young girl to a mature woman, which coincides with her transformation in real life. The audience is curious about how Zhao Liying will integrate this transformation into the character and what kind of visual and emotional experience it will bring to the audience.

Moreover, the production team of this drama is also top-notch, with a very strong director, screenwriter, and cast. Such a team configuration, coupled with the joining of Zhao Liying, undoubtedly makes "You Fei" a highly anticipated work. Judging from the trailer that has been released, the fight scenes in the play are wonderful, the costumes and props are exquisite and exquisite, and every detail reveals the intentions and professionalism of the production team.

Zhao Liying's comeback is not only a personal milestone for her, but also a major event in the entire entertainment industry. Her influence and appeal have made "You Fei" gain a high degree of attention before it was broadcast. Both the media and ordinary viewers are eagerly following every dynamic of this show.

Zhao Liying was poorly treated when filming "You Fei"? It's hard to describe the shape, and a pair of pants turns her into big thick legs

Of course, Zhao Liying also faced many challenges after her comeback. how to bring freshness to the audience while maintaining personal characteristics; how to balance work and personal life while taking care of your family; How to make a breakthrough in character creation are all issues she needs to consider. But I believe that with Zhao Liying's strength and hard work, she will definitely be able to overcome these challenges and bring more surprises to the audience.

The broadcast of "You Fei" will undoubtedly be an important touchstone for Zhao Liying's comeback. Her performance will directly affect the word-of-mouth and ratings of this show. But no matter what, Zhao Liying's comeback has made countless fans and viewers feel excited and looking forward to it. Let's look forward to the broadcast of "You Fei" and see what kind of surprises Zhao Liying will bring us.

Zhao Liying's comeback work "You Fei" has attracted much attention since the official announcement, but then there is also controversy about her style in the play. In some early Reuters photos, Zhou Fei played by Zhao Liying is particularly eye-catching, with bright colors, which seems to be a little different from the calm and atmospheric image of the characters in the original book, which has caused many netizens to discuss and criticize.

Zhao Liying was poorly treated when filming "You Fei"? It's hard to describe the shape, and a pair of pants turns her into big thick legs

The cynicism of netizens mainly focused on the color choice of the shape, thinking that the overly bright color did not match the temperament of the character of Zhou Fei, and some netizens even joked that this shape was like "crossing over" to the modern fashion show. This voice quickly spread on social media, sparking a series of discussions and controversies.

Regarding the controversy over the modeling, some netizens think that this is the crew's innovative attempt to play the role, after all, the aesthetics and understanding of each era are different, and TV dramas, as a visual art, also need to keep pace with the times. They believe that as long as the plot and acting skills are online, some small flaws in the shape will not affect the overall perception.

But there are also some netizens who insist that the character modeling should respect the original work and maintain the original flavor of the character. They are worried that if the styling is too modern or does not conform to the character setting, it may make the audience feel like they are out of the drama when watching it, which will affect the sense of substitution in the plot.

In the face of these controversies, the crew and Zhao Liying herself did not respond immediately, but chose to remain silent, perhaps out of confidence in the work, or waiting for a suitable time to explain and respond. However, this silence only made the controversy more fermented, and the discussion among netizens became more intense.

Zhao Liying was poorly treated when filming "You Fei"? It's hard to describe the shape, and a pair of pants turns her into big thick legs

In fact, styling controversy is not uncommon in film and television works, and many times, styling controversy is also part of the publicity of the work, which can attract more audience attention. For Zhao Liying, her acting skills and popularity are obvious to all, even if there is controversy in her appearance, I believe it will not affect her status in the hearts of the audience.

Moreover, as the plot progresses and the characters deepen, the audience's controversy over the styling may gradually fade and focus on the growth of the characters and the development of the plot. After all, the charm of a character lies not only in her appearance, but also in her inner world and story experience.

In general, Zhao Liying's styling controversy in "You Fei", although it has caused some negative voices, is also part of the promotion of the work, which can attract more attention. And for Zhao Liying herself, as long as she can conquer the audience with her acting skills, these controversies will eventually become a thing of the past. Let's wait and see how Zhao Liying responds to these controversies with her performance and brings a three-dimensional and vivid image of Zhou Fei to the audience.

Zhao Liying was poorly treated when filming "You Fei"? It's hard to describe the shape, and a pair of pants turns her into big thick legs

In the drama "You Fei", the controversy over the character of Zhou Fei played by Zhao Liying does not seem to have subsided with the passage of time. On the contrary, as the plot deepens, the audience's discussion of styling becomes more enthusiastic. The stylist may have really heard the feedback from the masses, and we can see from the follow-up Reuters photos that Zhou Fei's style has been significantly adjusted.

For this adjustment, the stylist chose a neutral "men's wear" style, trying to make the character closer to Zhou Fei's image of a chivalrous woman in the original book. This attempt at style is undoubtedly a response to the previous styling controversy, and it is also a bold innovation in the character image. However, even so, there are still some problems with the new styling.

First of all, the pants in the new look appear to have a thicker leg line, which is in stark contrast to Zhao Liying's slender figure. This kind of design mistake confused some viewers, and some even bluntly pointed out that such pants make the character look unneat and lack the chivalrous demeanor it should have.

Zhao Liying was poorly treated when filming "You Fei"? It's hard to describe the shape, and a pair of pants turns her into big thick legs

Secondly, the overall shape is not refined enough in the details. For example, the cut of the costume and the choice of fabric do not seem to meet the audience's expectations. In some close-ups, the wrinkles and unevenness of the costume can be clearly seen by the viewer, which undoubtedly affects the perfect presentation of the character's image.

Still, we can't ignore the efforts made by the stylists in this adjustment. They tried to break the traditional gender boundaries through a neutral "men's wear" style, showing the independence and strength of Zhou Fei's character. This kind of attempt, to a certain extent, is worthy of recognition and encouragement.

At the same time, we must also see that modeling design in film and television works is a complex process, involving costumes, makeup, props and other aspects. In this process, it is inevitable that there will be some shortcomings and regrets. However, as long as the crew can humbly accept the audience's feedback and constantly adjust and improve, I believe that they will finally be able to present an image of Zhou Fei that satisfies the audience.

Zhao Liying was poorly treated when filming "You Fei"? It's hard to describe the shape, and a pair of pants turns her into big thick legs

For Zhao Liying herself, no matter how her appearance changes, her acting skills and interpretation of the role are the focus of the audience's attention. The charm of an actor lies not only in her appearance, but also in her understanding and performance of the role. As long as Zhao Liying can conquer the audience with her acting skills, these styling controversies will eventually become a small episode in her acting career.

Overall, styling is a process of constant experimentation and improvement. Although there are still some problems with Zhou Fei's style in "You Fei", this is also an inevitable challenge for the crew and actors in the process of pursuing perfection. Let's expect the crew to listen to the voice of the audience, constantly optimize the modeling design, and finally present a more perfect image of Zhou Fei.

In "You Fei", the costume style of Zhou Fei played by Zhao Liying has become the focus of heated discussions among the audience. Many fans began to compare Zhou Fei's outfits with the looks in other TV series, such as Chu Qiao in "The Legend of Chu Qiao", and Yu Wuxin in "The Battle of Shushan". The costumes of these characters have left a deep impression on the audience, while the looks in "You Fei" seem to be not prominent enough in some aspects.

Zhao Liying was poorly treated when filming "You Fei"? It's hard to describe the shape, and a pair of pants turns her into big thick legs

The criticism from fans is mainly focused on a few aspects. First of all, they believe that the costume styling in "You Fei" lacks characteristics and does not form a unique visual style. Compared with Chu Qiao's clothing in "The Legend of Chu Qiao", the latter's clothing design is more elaborate and the color matching is more harmonious, giving people a feeling that is both classical and modern. And Yu Wuxin in "The War of Shushan", his clothes are full of mystery and immortality, which can be remembered at a glance.

Secondly, fans pointed out that the costume styling in "You Fei" seems to be limited by funding and is not refined enough. They noticed that some of the costumes in the play looked rough and the details were not fine enough, which was a bit simple compared with the costumes in "The Legend of Chu Qiao" and "The War of Shushan".

In addition, fans also mentioned that the lack of elaborate clothing may affect the shaping of the character's image. They worry that if the costume doesn't bring out the character's personality and temperament well, the character's charm will be greatly reduced. After all, clothing is an important part of a character's image, which not only reflects the character's identity and status, but also conveys the character's inner world.

Zhao Liying was poorly treated when filming "You Fei"? It's hard to describe the shape, and a pair of pants turns her into big thick legs

In the face of these criticisms, the crew and stylists may need to do some reflection. They need to think about how to improve the quality and design of their garments as much as possible within a limited budget. At the same time, you also need to consider how to better show the characteristics of the characters and the background of the story through clothing.

Of course, we can't completely deny the styling design in "You Fei". After all, each crew has a limited budget and resources, and stylists face various challenges and constraints during the design process. Moreover, costume modeling is only a part of the character image, and the shaping of the character also depends on the acting skills of the actors, the development of the plot and the control of the director.

In general, the comparison and criticism of costume styling reflect the audience's higher expectations and requirements for film and television works. They want to see not only a story, but also a complete, three-dimensional, and in-depth character image. For the crew of "You Fei", this is a challenge and an opportunity. If they can absorb the audience's feedback and continuously improve and optimize, I believe that they will eventually be able to present a work that satisfies the audience.

Zhao Liying was poorly treated when filming "You Fei"? It's hard to describe the shape, and a pair of pants turns her into big thick legs

In the drama "You Fei", in addition to Zhou Fei played by Zhao Liying, the looks of other actresses also attracted the attention of the audience. Especially "Duan Jiuniang" played by Dong Xuan, her style is in stark contrast to Zhao Liying, allowing the audience to have a deeper understanding of the level of stylists.

Dong Xuan's "Duan Jiuniang" style, whether it is clothing or hairstyle, looks very outstanding. In terms of costumes, she chose some colorful and uniquely patterned costumes, which not only set off the noble temperament of the character, but also showed the complex character of the character. In terms of hairstyle, the bun of "Duan Jiuniang" is pulled up high, with exquisite hair accessories, which not only looks dignified and atmospheric, but also does not lose the feminine softness.

In contrast, Zhao Liying's Zhou Fei style is relatively simple. Although her outfits are also carefully chosen, there are not many changes in colors and patterns, giving it a sense of simplicity. In terms of hairstyle, Zhou Fei's hairstyle is also relatively simple, without too many complicated decorations, which is in stark contrast to the gorgeous style of "Duan Jiuniang".

Zhao Liying was poorly treated when filming "You Fei"? It's hard to describe the shape, and a pair of pants turns her into big thick legs

This contrast made some viewers begin to question the level of the stylist. They think that since the stylist can design such a brilliant shape for "Duan Jiuniang", why is it a little powerless in Zhou Fei's style? Is it because of the uneven distribution of the crew's budget, which has affected Zhou Fei's style?

However, there are also viewers who believe that this contrast is precisely the difference between the characters. Zhou Fei is a chivalrous woman, her image should be simple and capable, not too gorgeous. As a female character with a complex identity, "Duan Jiuniang" naturally needs to be more gorgeous and changeable to show her inner world.

In addition, this contrast also reflects the stylist's care in shaping the image of the character. They designed different looks according to the personalities and story backgrounds of different characters, so that each character has a unique charm. This kind of dedication is worthy of recognition and respect.

Of course, modeling is only part of character building, and the success of a character also depends on the acting skills of the actors, the development of the plot and the control of the director. Even if there are some controversies in the styling, as long as the characters can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, then these controversies will gradually fade.

In general, the styling of other actresses in the same crew is in stark contrast to Zhao Liying, which is not only a reflection of the level of stylists, but also a reflection of the differences in roles. We should understand and appreciate these looks from multiple perspectives, and at the same time, we also expect the crew to continue to optimize and improve, so that each character can be presented to the audience with the best image.

In the discussion of the drama "You Fei", we heard all kinds of voices, including praise and criticism, expectations and disappointments. But no matter what, it's all because the audience has their own expectations and standards for this show. Here, we would like to appeal to everyone to give "You Fei" some time and give it a chance to show itself.

First of all, we must understand that the production of film and television works is a complex process, from script creation to shooting, to post-production, every link needs time to polish and improve. In this process, it is inevitable that there will be some unsatisfactory points. Just as we can't do everything perfectly in life, film and television works also need the audience's understanding and tolerance.

Secondly, we must also see that the production team and actors of "You Fei" are working hard, hoping to present a work that satisfies the audience. The hard work and sweat they put in behind the scenes is something we can't see. We can't just dismiss their efforts just because of a few Reuters photos or trailers.

In addition, we must also be aware that the image quality and angle of Reuters photos often affect our judgment of the shape and scene. Sometimes, some photos may not show the real appearance of the work due to lighting, angle or resolution. Just like when we take pictures, if the angle is not right, the effect may be greatly reduced. Therefore, we can't just rely on some Reuters photos to evaluate the shape and scene of "You Fei".

In addition, we must also believe that as the plot deepens, the image of the character will gradually plump up, and the audience's understanding and feelings for the character will gradually deepen. It's like when we read a novel, we may not like certain characters very much at first, but as the story progresses, we like them more and more, and even worry about their fate.

Finally, we also have to look forward to the fact that "You Fei" can bring us some surprises. After all, each work has its own unique charm and value. Maybe in the beginning, we were a little disappointed with it, but over time we will find its shining point and even be moved by it.

In short, we hope that the audience can give "You Fei" some time and space to give it the opportunity to show its style. At the same time, we also hope that "You Fei" can continue to improve itself and finally meet the expectations of the audience. Let's look forward to it together, this drama can bring us an unforgettable journey to the rivers and lakes.

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