
Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused

author:Interesting talk

On June 28, Taiwanese netizens once again photographed Tang Zhiping's current situation, and it can be determined that Tang Zhiping's condition has worsened again.

Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused

On the morning of the 28th, netizens photographed Tang Zhiping traveling naked in Tamsui, and the whole person had reached a skinny state, leaving only skinny appearance.

Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused

He was emaciated and felt worse than he had looked in the interview two days before. Some people stepped forward to help Tang Zhiping, but they were all run away from him.

Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused
Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused

Many netizens stepped forward to help him, but they were all rejected by Tang Zhiping. There were even enthusiastic citizens who shouted for him to seek medical treatment and could help him move and find a job, but Tang Zhiping ran away like frustration and did not listen to persuasion.

Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused

According to Taiwan media, Tang Zhiping's condition is in urgent need of treatment, and he may not have realized it at all. He was contacted by the agency, but he was also refused.

Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused

In Tang Zhiping's eyes, he has always insisted that his mother did not pass away, and the female corpse was called a nameless corpse by him. In addition, he is also facing problems such as work and moving, and the pressure is indeed so great that it is beyond the table, coupled with the current mental state of Tang Zhiping wandering aimlessly on the street, it can already be determined that he has a mental illness, which belongs to dissociative amnesia.

Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused

This disease is actually a type of mental illness that causes a reaction to excessive stress or short-term mental stimulation.

Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused

Based on Tang Zhiping's current symptoms, professional doctors claimed that although he had not sought medical attention for the time being, the condition he was exhibiting was consistent with dissociative amnesia. He roamed the streets but did not show any signs of assault.

Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused

Even some of the things he has done, he has no way to recall some important information, and the main manifestation is that he tends to forget some of the things he has done, and even makes some strange actions.

Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused

Previously, Tang Zhiping's various performances were in line with this situation, and he even sometimes walked and walked, just bowing his head and bending over to support the street lamp and shake. Even standing in place and shaking his head constantly, it feels like he is in a state of mental disorder.

Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused

This behavior can be clinically referred to as vagalism, sudden short distance running, or wandering outside without a purpose, and not being able to tell what you are doing.

From the current point of view, Tang Zhiping is really in urgent need of medical treatment, and he urgently needs his good friends or caring people to take him to the hospital for a good physical examination.

Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused

Even if Tang Zhiping does not cooperate at present, he needs the Artist Association to assist him in taking care of his body together.

Some netizens photographed Tang Zhiping's condition from good to bad in the past few days, and he is now in a state of almost continuous madness, and the situation is already very bad.

Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused

In addition, he was already relatively thin, and the whole person looked more haggard than before.

Although he himself refused to seek medical treatment and denied that he was mentally ill, judging from his various performances, Tang Zhiping really needed to be treated well, and he also needed someone to accompany and comfort him.

Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused

From the death of his mother who refused to recognize the body, to drinking and yelling in a residential building on his birthday, to kneeling in front of the TV station and begging for work, taking off his shirt and running on the street, wandering aimlessly on the street.

Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused

Combined with his mental state, it can be determined that Tang Zhiping really needs help, and hopes that the Artist Association and some of his friends will organize to help him get through the difficulties together.

Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused
Tang Zhiping was skinny and running on the streets, and many people wanted to come forward to help him but were refused

In addition, Tang Zhiping is still too young, only 46 years old, he has a good future, he is not a bad person, he is only temporarily at a low point in his life, I hope that caring people can help him and accompany him through difficulties.

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