
It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

author:Seiten Goshi

Text/Editor丨Qingtian Imperial History

In the Taiwanese entertainment industry, the once beautiful actor Tang Zhiping has now fallen into a trough in his life.

Tang Zhiping's image on the screen has always been handsome and charming, and now the focus of attention is no longer his works, but his real life state.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

On June 19, Tang Zhiping, who was only 46 years old, was emaciated, full of fatigue, kneeling at the door of the TV station regardless of his image, crying and begging for a job in the face of many reporters, this scene made everyone present very moved, it can be seen that Tang Zhiping's current situation is very bad, and his mental state is also very bad.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

However, when others came forward to care for him, he always insisted that he had no problems, was not sick, and refused help from others.

The Taiwanese media also reported on this incident for the first time, letting the people know Tang Zhiping's current predicament, but later the media quickly deleted this news, and the specific reason is unknown.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

A few days later, Tang Zhiping reappeared on the street, and according to the photos and videos sent by netizens, Tang Zhiping's mental condition was even worse.

Wearing a blue sleeveless shirt, which looked dirty, and with a bottle of beer in his hand, he walked down the street unkempt, and then suddenly stopped and muttered something, and began to shake his head, his eyes were blank, and he wandered aimlessly through the streets.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

After this day, Tang Zhiping suddenly disappeared from the public eye, and his disappearance once again attracted widespread attention from the society.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

It wasn't until June 28 that a crowd suddenly posted a photo on the Internet of encountering Tang Zhiping on the street.

He was found shirtless, his shirt was casually placed on a telephone pole, he looked even more emaciated, his ribs and sternum were clearly visible, his eyes wandered, deposited in his own world, and seeing this scene made netizens who recognized him very touched.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

So, a man got out of the car, picked up his phone and walked over to him, trying to talk to him to see if he needed help.

But when he saw someone trying to approach and hold up his mobile phone, Tang Zhiping picked up his clothes in fear and began to flee, as if he was uneasy and afraid of everything in the outside world.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

Tang Zhiping showed extreme resistance and kept dodging, the man did not give up, tried to explain his intentions, and kept following Tang Zhiping, but after a while, Tang Zhiping still ran away and escaped from the other party's sight.

This reaction is not only heart-wrenching, but also worrying about his psychological condition.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

After this video was released, it attracted attention again, and the masses were very concerned about Tang Zhiping.

The media also contacted the man who accosted Tang Zhiping as soon as possible, trying to understand the man's intentions.

It turned out that the man was the person in charge of a local company, and after recognizing Tang Zhiping, he wanted to provide Tang Zhiping with a place to live and work for him, but he did not expect him to resist so much.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

In desperation, the man found the community and left a red envelope and mobile phone, hoping to help Tang Zhiping regain his footing.

The man also said that he planned to wait for Tang Zhiping's mood to stabilize before he planned to send him to the hospital for treatment first.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

Although his act of kindness is heartwarming, it also highlights the urgency of Tang Zhiping's need for professional help now. His mental health problems are not only related to his personal fate, but also touch on the care and protection of vulnerable groups in society.

After that, the reporter went to Tang Zhiping's community to understand the situation, and then was told by the security guard at the door that what happened on the morning of the 28th.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

Tang Zhiping suddenly ran to the management committee to complain that day, and asked the security guard, "Have I identified the body?" Have you read the newspaper", the security guard was also aware of his mental condition, and was worried that talking too much would irritate him, so he only responded briefly "no".

Immediately afterwards, Tang Zhiping asked the security guard: "Can I not talk to the neighbors", the security guard replied, "Of course", the security guard was also confused, I don't know why he asked like this.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

The only thing that can be thought of is that after he was cared for by passers-by on the street, he probably thought that he was being harassed, so he ran to complain, and the staff could only answer according to his will in order to appease him, not wanting to stimulate his unstable emotions.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

Previously, when Tang Zhiping was exposed to abnormal behavior on the street, some psychologists made a preliminary assessment of Tang Zhiping's mental state and expressed deep concern, suspecting that he may have suffered from a serious psychological disorder.

Combined with his recent behavior, including erratic movements and inappropriate interactions, suggests a disturbing decline in his mental health.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

However, Tang Zhiping's agency issued a statement as early as June 26 in response to public concerns about Tang Zhiping's current situation.

They said Mr. Tang refused to seek treatment, and Mr. Tang himself believed that there was nothing wrong with his spirit.

The agency also made efforts to help Tang, but they could not force him to undergo a psychiatric evaluation or treatment.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

Therefore, in view of the development of the situation, the brokerage company pleaded with the public not to harass Tang Zhiping, hoping to maintain the need for privacy and understanding during this difficult time, and when Tang Zhiping took the initiative to express his need for help, it would definitely provide the best rescue.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

The reason why Tang Zhiping is so depressed should have a lot to do with the death of his father and the suicide of his mother in early June.

Tang Zhiping is a Chinese born in Thailand, with a wealthy family, with a height of 185, he entered the Taiwanese entertainment circle as a model, and starred in many classic Taiwanese dramas, "White Tower", "Oriental Juliet", "Boys and Girls Over Flowers", etc., and his career has developed very smoothly.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

However, his father died suddenly, leaving him with a huge debt, his career also declined, and his life began to gradually strain.

As early as 2021, Tang Zhiping was revealed to have some mental problems, but the rumors were refuted to play the role of movie addiction.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

The second occurrence was that in early June, it was revealed that Tang Zhiping's mother, who was in her 70s, was found in a rental house and committed suicide.

However, Tang Zhiping did not claim his mother's body as soon as possible, but firmly denied in front of the media that "it was not his mother", he only thought that his mother was missing, and also said the reason why it was not his mother.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

In the end, the police could only confirm the identity of his mother's niece, who was Tang Zhiping's mother.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

After the news came out, an insider broke out that Tang Zhiping's life was very bad in recent years and he often drank heavily.

I often hear him quarreling with his mother, and it is rumored that he is in arrears for half a year's rent and often eats bully meals.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

Moreover, on June 6, Tang Zhiping appeared on the news again, this time because he shouted "I didn't scold my mother" on the balcony, it seems that the death of his mother had a very huge impact on Tang Zhiping, so he has never been able to face it.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

In the face of his predicament, many stars in Taiwan's entertainment industry expressed their willingness to lend a hand, despite the continuous calls from the outside world, Tang Zhiping was always unwilling to face his own problems and unwilling to accept assistance.

Netizens expressed concern about his current situation, believing that he needs forced intervention from the outside world, otherwise the situation will only worsen.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

Tang's journey from being a famous actor to grappling with deeply personal issues is a poignant reminder of the importance of mental health awareness and compassionate support for those in need.

Tang Zhiping's experience reminds us that the ups and downs of life are unpredictable, and sometimes, a person's success and failure may only be a thought.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

Despite the worrying condition of his current situation, we still hope that he will soon be able to find his way and live a peaceful and happy life again.

Every low point in life is an opportunity to start anew, and I hope Tang Zhiping can seize this opportunity to get out of the haze and meet new hopes.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

Today, his life seems to be a mess, his mother's suicide, economic embarrassment, and mental state are all pushing him into the abyss step by step.

Tang Zhiping's story is like a mirror, reflecting the impermanence and cruelty of life. All this not only makes people feel distressed, but also makes people reflect on the fragility and changes of life.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

I hope that Tang Zhiping can get out of the predicament as soon as possible, find the direction of his life again, and usher in new hope.


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It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate
It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

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