
Selling fake and shoddy pesticides, he was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment + a fine of 80,000

author:Kunming Jinning release

Agriculture is prosperous, the countryside is prosperous, farmers are rich, and making the agricultural economy bigger and stronger is related to the vital interests of the masses and rural revitalization! The good development of agriculture is inseparable from the important means of production of "pesticides". However, some unscrupulous merchants have smelled "business opportunities" and manufactured and sold inferior pesticides for profit, seriously infringing on the interests of the masses.

Recently, the Jinning District People's Court held an open court to hear a case of selling counterfeit and shoddy products, and a defendant who sold substandard pesticide products sat in the defendant's seat.

Selling fake and shoddy pesticides, he was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment + a fine of 80,000

Brief facts of the case

Defendant Li operated an agricultural materials business in Jinning District, and engaged in the sales of pesticides and seeds through a combination of offline physical stores and online stores.

In September 2019, Li met two "pesticide salesmen" through WeChat, and still purchased and sold them from the two "pesticide salesmen" when he knew that the two pesticide products provided by the two "pesticide salesmen" were unqualified.

Selling fake and shoddy pesticides, he was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment + a fine of 80,000

During the cooperation period, the total amount of two pesticide products purchased by Li from the "pesticide salesman", "carbendazim" and "enoylmorpholine", reached RMB 157,415.13 through online channels alone.

After the inspection of the Yunnan Provincial Chemical Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Station, it was found that the quality of "a carbendazim" and "a certain enoylmorpholine" sold by Li was unqualified, and the masses also reported in the investigation that the two pesticides purchased from Li were not effective. On suspicion of the crime of selling fake and shoddy products, the defendant Li was prosecuted to the Jinning District People's Court.

Status of the trial

Selling fake and shoddy pesticides, he was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment + a fine of 80,000

The defendant Li clearly knew that it was a substandard product and sold it, and the relatively large amount violated the provisions of Article 140 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Jinning Court recently made a judgment:

Li was sentenced to one year and six months in prison, suspended for two years, and fined 80,000 yuan (the paid administrative fine of 20,000 yuan was deducted from the fine).

Defendant Li X has no objection to the facts of the crime and the charges charged, and pleaded guilty and accepted punishment.

Pesticide quality affects the growth and health of crops, directly affects the economic interests of farmers, and is inseparable from national food security and rural revitalization.

In recent years, Jinning District has vigorously developed the agricultural economy by relying on its unique location advantages and resource advantages: 61,000 acres of flowers are planted, with an annual output of 5.566 billion fresh cut flowers, and the flower planting area and output rank first in the counties and districts of the country; The vegetable planting area is 250,000 mu, and it is actively integrated into the construction of the "vegetable basket" product distribution center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and millions of tons of vegetables are processed and sold all over the country in Jinning all year round! It can be said that ensuring the safety of agricultural materials plays a vital role in the planting industry and agricultural development of Jinning District.

Selling fake and shoddy pesticides, he was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment + a fine of 80,000

The Jinning District People's Court will actively perform its duties, severely sentence crimes related to agricultural materials in accordance with the law, further promote agricultural production, farmers' income, and rural stability, and integrate into the new pattern of rural revitalization and co-construction, co-governance and shared social governance with more active actions, so as to provide a strong judicial guarantee for the development of agriculture and planting in Jinning District.

Selling fake and shoddy pesticides, he was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment + a fine of 80,000

Source: Jinning District People's Court of Kunming City

Editor: Mao Ming

Editor: Fang Weilin

Review: Feng Jing

Final review: Zhao Ming

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