
The work "Little South Wind" was found to be infringing, and the author, Jiu Yuexi: Very disappointed and angry, will appeal

The work "Little South Wind" was found to be infringing, and the author, Jiu Yuexi: Very disappointed and angry, will appeal

New Yellow River

2024-06-28 17:44The official account of the New Yellow River News client

On June 28, online novel writer Zu Zhan posted on his personal Weibo that he had received a favorable judgment from the court, regarding the case of his lawsuit against Jiu Yuexi's work "Little South Wind" for infringing the copyright of "Embracing You Over Time", in the first-instance result, the Beijing Chaoyang District Court found that "Little South Wind" and "Crossing" "constitute substantial similarity".

The work "Little South Wind" was found to be infringing, and the author, Jiu Yuexi: Very disappointed and angry, will appeal

In response, Jiu Yuexi posted a response saying that she was "very disappointed and angry", and said that she would resolutely appeal in accordance with the law, "There are a large number of errors in the determination of facts and unfair and just rulings in the judgment, and I firmly disagree with it."

The work "Little South Wind" was found to be infringing, and the author, Jiu Yuexi: Very disappointed and angry, will appeal

According to Zu Zhan, at the end of 2014, he completed the novel "Embracing You Over Time", which was serialized on Jinjiang Literature Network in early 2015. In October 2015, the physical book "Embracing You Across Time" was published.

In February 2016, Zu Zhan received a reminder from netizens, saying that there were some similarities between "Little South Wind" and "Embracing You Across Time" serialized by Jiu Yuexi on Jinjiang Literature Network.

In 2021, the anti-plagiarism fund initiated by writer Zhuang Yu was established. Subsequently, Zu Zhan contacted the fund and received funds and legal assistance from the fund.

On May 13, 2022, the first trial of the copyright infringement case of Zu Zhan v. Jiu Yuexi was held, and the Beijing Chaoyang Court held a trial through the Internet. This is the first case of assistance since the establishment of the anti-plagiarism fund initiated by writer Zhuang Yu, and it has taken the lead in the litigation stage, and many readers and creators are looking forward to this case to determine the frequent "collision meme" phenomenon in the field of online literature.

Jiu Yuexi is a well-known writer in China, and many of her works have sold film and television adaptation rights, but she has also been involved in controversies related to copyright infringement more than once: the original work behind the movie "Young You", "Young You, So Beautiful", was questioned by netizens for "melting stalks", "White Night Walking", "The Dedication of Suspect X" and other works; The original work "A City, Waiting for You" behind the hit drama "Fireworks in My World" was pointed out by online writer Shen Nanqiao that it has many similarities with "I'm Only Afraid, I Love You" published in 2013......

Jiu Yuexi once said: "I don't agree with what netizens said about the accusation of 'melting stalks', there may be common thinking in my works, but there is no plagiarism of 'melting stalks'. Since there is no unified standard for 'melting stalks', it has gradually evolved into a 'mental evidence'. I think that at this time, more professional people are needed to discuss and solve this problem. ”

Source: The party's social account, Red Star News, Southern Metropolis Daily, Beijing Business Daily

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  • The work "Little South Wind" was found to be infringing, and the author, Jiu Yuexi: Very disappointed and angry, will appeal
  • The work "Little South Wind" was found to be infringing, and the author, Jiu Yuexi: Very disappointed and angry, will appeal

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