
Women gather together to promote development Jinchuang Science and Technology Industrial Park Building Women's Federation was established

author:Goro Village Street

In order to further implement the requirements of full coverage of women's federation organizations in the "three new" fields, strengthen the exchanges and cooperation of female employees in various enterprises in the park, and enhance the positive role of women in the high-quality development of enterprises, on June 26, the first women's congress was held in the building of Jinchuang Science and Technology Industrial Park. Wei Qun, second-level inspector of the Municipal Women's Federation, Cheng Zhiyan, director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Women's Federation, Tang Hao, director of the Working Committee of the People's Congress of Wulao Village, Gao Zhu, vice chairman of the Women's Federation of Qinhuai District, Cheng Lishan, member of the Propaganda Committee of Wulao Village Street and chairman of the Women's Federation, Li Yizhong, secretary of the general branch of the Jinchuang Party and other leaders attended the conference, and outstanding female representatives from many enterprises in Jinchuang Science and Technology Industrial Park participated in the event.

Women gather together to promote development Jinchuang Science and Technology Industrial Park Building Women's Federation was established

▲Li Yizhong, secretary of the general branch of the Jinchuang Party, delivered a speech for the conference

In his speech, Secretary Li Yizhong congratulated the convening of the conference, and said that women's work has always been a work that our party attaches great importance to, and the development of the enterprise is inseparable from the hard work of female employees.

Women gather together to promote development Jinchuang Science and Technology Industrial Park Building Women's Federation was established
Women gather together to promote development Jinchuang Science and Technology Industrial Park Building Women's Federation was established

The conference elected 11 members of the first executive committee of Jinchuang Science and Technology Industrial Park Building Women, including 1 chairman and 2 vice chairmen. The newly established Women's Federation held its first executive committee meeting and elected Cheng Susu as the chairman of the Women's Federation, and Li Binru and Yin Jianlin as the vice chairmen of the Women's Federation.

Women gather together to promote development Jinchuang Science and Technology Industrial Park Building Women's Federation was established

▲Cheng Susu, the newly elected chairman of the Women's Federation, made a statement

Chairman Cheng Susu expressed his deep honor and also felt a great responsibility, and would take this conference as a new starting point to lead the members of the Executive Committee of the Women's Federation to actively perform their duties, and give full play to the service, guidance and contact role of the Women's Federation, so that the Women's Federation will become a "good assistant" for the party to connect with the masses and a "good mother's home" for the women to trust and rest assured. Lead the majority of women and sisters in the park to actively participate in the reform and development of enterprises, help the high-quality development of enterprises in the park, and show the "women's style" with practical actions.

Women gather together to promote development Jinchuang Science and Technology Industrial Park Building Women's Federation was established

Wei Qun, the second-level inspector of the Municipal Women's Federation, and Li Yizhong, secretary of the general party branch of Jinchuang Science and Technology, jointly unveiled the building women's federation of Jinchuang Science and Technology Industrial Park, marking the official establishment of the building women's federation of Jinchuang Science and Technology Industrial Park.

Women gather together to promote development Jinchuang Science and Technology Industrial Park Building Women's Federation was established

Gao Zhu, vice chairman of the District Women's Federation, expressed warm congratulations on the establishment of the Building Women's Federation and put forward the following requirements:

The first is to find the correct positioning, be a good assistant, and do a good job in leading the service contact work at a new starting point, hoping that the Jinchuang Building Women's Federation can quickly enter the role, to serve the development and serve women as the starting point, and build a women's federation under the leadership of the party, close contact with the women's masses, representatives and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of women, full of vitality, cohesion and influence.

The second is to advance with the times and innovate according to the situation, build a bigger stage for the sisters to make contributions, closely follow the core essence of service development, explain new concepts and theories such as "new quality productivity" clearly and vividly, and lead the sisters to devote themselves to the development and construction of enterprises with a more high-spirited outlook; Actively give play to the exemplary role of women, and encourage the majority of women to base themselves on their posts and strive to make contributions.

The third is to live up to the time, strive to move forward, and write a brilliant chapter of "half the sky" on the new journey, hoping that everyone will grasp the development opportunities, start a business and innovate based on their posts, and strive to cultivate themselves into wise women who meet the needs of the times, have a sense of innovation and development ability, make contributions in promoting high-quality development, and win a brilliant life in tenacious struggle.

Women gather together to promote development Jinchuang Science and Technology Industrial Park Building Women's Federation was established

In the next step, the Building Women's Federation of Jinchuang Science and Technology Industrial Park will continue to adhere to the guidance of party building, give full play to the role of a bridge between enterprises in the park, and further realize the organizational coverage, work coverage and service coverage of the Women's Federation in the "three new" organizations, and contribute to the development of women and children in the region.

Source: Jinchuang Science and Technology Industrial Park Building Women's Federation

Editor: Gui Yuesheng

Review: Cheng Lishan Release: Zhou Yiwen

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