
Weekly home appliance news: policy promotion and technological innovation to shape the future market

author:Shanghai Home Grid

First, the trade-in policy promotes the restructuring of the stock market

Recently, many provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country have launched the "old for new" policy to provide substantial subsidies for household appliances, forming a strong momentum to promote consumption from the central to the local level. This kind of policy not only activates the stock users of the home appliance market, but also brings new market vitality to home appliance manufacturers. In particular, well-known brands such as Haier and Midea have also cooperated with e-commerce platforms by providing high subsidies to further drive the stock market.

The institutionalization and normalization of the trade-in policy shows that the government's long-term support for the home appliance industry has a clear intention, which has a positive impact on promoting domestic demand and consumption upgrading.

Second, the market heat of intelligent sweeping robots and mobile smart screens has not decreased

The market popularity of smart home appliances continues to rise, especially smart sweeping robots and mobile smart screens. According to IDC's report, the global market shipments of intelligent sweeping robots have increased significantly, with Chinese brands accounting for more than 60% of the market share. At the same time,The sales growth of mobile smart screens is even more amazing,Its market performance far exceeds that of traditional TVs and monitors,It can be seen that consumers have a strong demand for new smart home products。 These trends not only reflect the changes in consumer preferences, but also indicate the future development direction of home appliance companies.

Weekly home appliance news: policy promotion and technological innovation to shape the future market

3. TCL Li Dongsheng: If you don't go to sea, you will be out

In the face of the general trend of globalization, Chinese enterprises also need to adjust their strategies in a timely manner. TCL founder Li Dongsheng delivered a speech at the summer Davos Forum, emphasizing that Chinese enterprises must "go global" in the global competition, and scientific and technological innovation is the confidence to support Chinese enterprises to participate in global competition, which is not only an intuitive response to the current international trade situation, but also a deep insight into the future development direction of China's manufacturing industry.

Weekly home appliance news: policy promotion and technological innovation to shape the future market

Fourth, the listing of Hisense's video spin-off subsidiary was temporarily terminated

A few days ago, it was reported that Hisense Video temporarily terminated the spin-off subsidiary Xinxin Micro and listed it on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. Hisense Video's decision to terminate the spin-off of its chip business and go public may reflect the direct impact of external market changes on the company's strategic adjustment. In an uncertain market environment, enterprises need to flexibly adjust their capital operations and business development strategies.

5. FotileStyle, a high-end custom brand of Fotile whole house, was released

Fotile Group's newly launched Fotile Style brand marks the transformation of the home appliance industry to high-end and personalization. By integrating smart technology and emotional value, the brand aims to provide home solutions that are more relevant to the needs of modern consumers. This kind of innovation not only enhances the added value of products, but also brings a new life experience to consumers, and further promotes the transfer of the competitive pattern of the home appliance industry to brand depth and technological innovation.

Weekly home appliance news: policy promotion and technological innovation to shape the future market

6. Huawei VS Xiaomi, large-scale model technology competition

In the context of the rapid development of AI technology, the latest developments of Huawei and Xiaomi show the vitality of Chinese companies in the global high-tech competition. Huawei's Pangu model and Xiaomi's large language model MiLM, which has been filed for the record, are both exploring the deep integration of AI technology in their respective ecosystems. The popularization and use of this technology can not only optimize product performance and improve user experience, but also open up new market opportunities and competitive advantages for enterprises. In addition, it also indicates the development potential of future home appliances in terms of intelligence and personalization.

Weekly home appliance news: policy promotion and technological innovation to shape the future market

The home appliance industry is undergoing a profound change driven by policy and technological innovation. From the comprehensive promotion of trade-in, to the launch of high-end customized brands of smart whole houses, to the heating up of competition in smart home equipment, we can see that an increasingly diversified, intelligent and personalized market is forming. At the same time, with the acceleration of globalization, the performance of Chinese enterprises in the international market will also become an important force to promote the development of the industry.